"That Ken doll probably thinks traversing a binary search tree runs in the order of n instead of log(n). Idiot."

"That Ken doll probably thinks traversing a binary search tree runs in the order of n instead of log(n). Idiot."

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw can't understand math past the fifth grade

That the show has dropped in quality and they are now relying in Big Bang Theory level of humor.

nailed it.

>tfw still have trouble with division


i thought nerds were supposed to be smart

>tfw can't even count past 100

Why would it run in the order of n when the whole point of binary trees and custom data structures is minimizing time? This is like first semester CS tier

No. The joke was that Richard is lame.

Mike Judge watched a couple of Indian Youtube tutorials before writing this shit

Challenge for brainlets

what is theta?


that line was fucking terrible

That's almost always the joke with him, the problem is that there's a lot more of those now than before and it's not really funny most of the time

The comparison to BBT isn't really valid but the show's humor is essentially that, just done really fucking badly

That's the joke with bazingabro too.

It means that the show jumped the shark. They've been spinning their wheels for two seasons now but they're officially out of ideas. When are they going to NOT be a new start up working out of a hostel? How many times can they almost make it and go back to square one?

Honestly as soon as he said that line I immediateIy thought BBT. It's the same type of humor.

If you don't believe me read that line in Sheldon's voice, then pause and add a Bazinga! at the end. Same joke structure.

In an incredibly roundabout, smartass and not particularly articulate way he's saying he probably thinks inefficiently.

Nah. Bbt would make richard an edgelord woth clever quips, not someone who pukes all over his pants and has to borrow someone elses to save himself the humiliation

They're not nerds, they're dorks. Big difference.

>mfw that line could've come out straight out of pic related's mouth

This show is shit now. Only the first two seasons were entertaining.

Thoughts on the latest ep?

I really liked it, it was probably my favorite of the season so far

Most of the dialog the characters commonly use does not refer to that level of complexity. This quip would be more appropriate making fun of a quip Dinesh made which was slightly too complicated and far reaching.

Richard's character is not always lost in genius mode like Peter Gregory, who may have made such a joke work if the math to which he was referencing was in fact over everybody's heads as well.

Referring to the guy as a Ken doll is more of an issue because all of the actors engage in identity politics outside of the show yet this comment is problematic by their own standards without even getting into the whole Jian-Yang caricature. Also, the reasoning of the public role-out is better so Richard is made to look like a control freak bound on making the wrong decisions which is just frustrating.

If tonight's episode ended with a bearded Richard in flannel having moved to Canada to be a lumberjack I would be content.

>using binary search trees when KD trees exist




Come on now

Ken doll trees are stupid dude

>"That Ken doll probably thinks traversing a binary search tree runs in the order of n instead of using the hammer to kill Donkey Kong. Remember Donkey Kong guys, l o l."


It means that the cost of traversing the binary tree is equal to log of N where N is the number of elements in the tree.

Order of N would it mean the cost of traversing the tree is directly proportional to the number of elements in the tree.

>tfw I recently insulted some collegues behind their back by laughing about how they didn't know what an integer was

>tfw I also have sunk to the lower of the low

Dude we know what it means. It's what makes merge sort work in nlogn

I like using the little knowledge I have from my computer science degree.

Tan theta = 1/2
tan^-1 (tan theta) = tan^-1(1/2)
theta= Tan^-1(1/2)