What are some fun shows with villain protagonists?

What are some fun shows with villain protagonists?

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Do villain protagonists only work if they're ineffectual?

In kids' cartoons perhaps.

Adult cartoons I could see getting away with it.

Bojack Horseman.

Rick and Morty

King of the Hill: any Peggy episode
Futurama: any Bender episode
South Park: any Cartman episode

There is that webcomic with a RPG villain MC that some people seems to like

Doomageddon was pretty shit sometimes though


Fucking hated this show
Especially the theme song

What comic is this?

Not Sup Forums related, but we're all adults here. Overlord.

The main character is an evil lich and the series is about him managing his empire of undead, demons, and other monsters. It was originally a light novel, and that's the full experience. Watch the anime if you want a taste, it's smartly abridged save for one episode.

>The main character is an evil lich and the series is about him managing his empire of undead, demons, and other monsters.

You had me at "evil lich".


Except it's actually about a generic japanese dude living out a fantasy life in a fantasy world where he is a fantasy, invincible villain.

Like SAO but sans the girls.

He said fun, and that's a comic not a show.

Fuckin' dumb stupid idiot.

Overlord could be good. The ingredients are all there. There's potential.

But the execution is so fucking boring goddamn. It just about puts you to sleep half the time. Sure it has its good moments but they're often lost in an overall tarpit of blandness.

It also has the problem of being a non-game using a game and its mechanics as a central of its story and action scenes. This is a problem because the audience has very little understanding of any sort of rules or boundaries that apply to whatever the characters do.

Say what you will about Yugioh being cringey dumb shit but at least the game it revolves around is an actual game. So when game shit crops up you can actually get briefly invested in it.

Overlord just stumbles.

You're forgetting the part where he's transported to a completely different world that is very real and he is an actual lich in that setting, his game avatar being made his real body. It's not the game at all, it just has the same magic system and some of the creatures (which there is an explanation for later). The MMO stuff is just to organize the magic and humanize the MC.

You mean like SAO but actually good? Also, some really fun characters.

What webcomic? You can't just be vague about this, dude.

>It also has the problem of being a non-game using a game and its mechanics as a central of its story and action scenes. This is a problem because the audience has very little understanding of any sort of rules or boundaries that apply to whatever the characters do.
I'll give you that one, but...
If you can't find me a better work with an evil skeleton main character, I'm really happy with this one.

>Say what you will about Yugioh being cringey dumb shit but at least the game it revolves around is an actual game. So when game shit crops up you can actually get briefly invested in it.
Most of the cringy dumb shit came up when the game wasn't actually a game yet and they just made up whatever fucking rules they wanted. Other than just general anime weirdness, most of the cringe dialed down once Kaiba invented a rulebook.

Looking for group. The guy is the kind of chaotic edgy murderous you sometimes find as PC when you are playing tabletop RPG.

You only watched the anime, didn't you? The novels explain all the game shit.

Oh, I remember this one. Is it still going? It feels like it's trapped in 2004.

Technically, Lord Hater is a protagonist so WoY.

It's a video game, but the Plague of Shadows free expansion for Shovel Knight is one of the best villain stories I've ever seen. Not that there's a lot of good ones to begin with.

Golgo 13, also. But that depends on who hires him.

Deuteragonist more like.

>villain protagonists
Lmao, I think you mean antagonist.

The author killed the main plot and it got directionless and weird for a while. I haven't checked it recently though.

No, but like said, it has to be the case when it's for kids.

Shows where the protagonist is "bad":
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
House of Cards
Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire was an A+ series for the first three seasons. And then season 4 rolls along, where they get it in their heads that they have to try and emulate Game of Thrones to survive against it and it gets needlessly dark and sloppy. They cruelly kill off their absolute best original character, whicb remains one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.

The highlight of the show is Michael Stuhlbarg as Arnold Rothstein.

Does Superjail count?

Venture Brothers certainly does, both because The Monarch ends up becoming just as much of a protag as Rusty, and because Rusty is a huge dick.

No that's not how that works try again.

Evil con carne

Pretty great stuff.

In that case, he meant villain main character.

Frisky Dingo

I could never get into Archer because it's just the same show without Killface, who was the best part of it.