Why is Trump such an idiot? I mean, he literally speaks like a 3rd grader

Why is Trump such an idiot? I mean, he literally speaks like a 3rd grader.

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Wait... what did Trump say about this?

Why didn't his wife speak?

Trump insinuated that the husband kept his wife from talking (because he's muslim).

lmao what a mad max


Hey man, you know it's true if you watched the interview.
He's already roped in all the bigots. Why does he keep putting his foot in his mouth?

That is pandering. Trump doesn't pander

idk I think he likes to get attention and ratings and get people to think for themselves

he seems genuinely bored answering so many stupid questions every single day for hours knowing that if he says something smart it will just get cut out or misinterpreted anyway

Trump just doesn't do fillers.

>1 post by this ID

Thank you for Correcting The Record!

Because he's retarded and his team is retarded.

Mudslimes don't give two shits about their children dying. Their son probably killed himself so they could weasel their way into politics. Their end game is bringing more Mudslimes into the USA. They should both be shot for breathing the same air as us.

It's just a coincidence user. Give OP a few more hours

>1 post by this I'D

This is the PC way to handle the situation. Every single time you shills say Trump spoke way too off-the-cuff, he does better in the polls.

Notice the abismal convention bump Hill got compared to Trump's? I bet she's capping her old lady pants right now.

And one last thing, Hillary only picked KandyKaine in an attempt to win over Virginia, because she knows how close it's gonna be

>1/10 made me reply

not an argument


Neither is this.

You're right, because it's a question.

And it's an undeniable fact that Trump speaks like a third grader


don't be a silly, credulous retard.

>I mean, he literally speaks like a 3rd grader.
Speaking extra smart in speeches doesn't help you appeal to the average individual.

EVERY TIME someone talks shit about Trump he hits back, he doesn't care who you are, and EVERY TIME people are surprised


He really doesn't know much about the topic, which is why he immediately talks about the speaker's appearance or reiterates his talking point.

The only good thing he has done in terms of the Islam topic is recommend and consult with Michael Flynn. His book 'Field of fight' is actually grounded in reality and isn't just 'ban all muzzie' thinking.

he did! ya big dummy donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/setting-the-record-straight


ty 4 CTR! ! ;D ;D

He's just using language regular Americans can understand.

>Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe. The real problem here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm. Given the state of the world today, we have to know everything about those looking to enter our country, and given the state of chaos in some of these countries, that is impossible. While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things. If I become President, I will make America safe again.

>Further, Hillary Clinton should be held accountable for her central role in destabilizing the Middle East. She voted to send the United States to war against Iraq, helped lead the disastrous withdrawal of American troops years later that created the vacuum allowing the rise of ISIS, and has never met a regime change she didn’t like (which have all been disasters) – not to mention her invasion of Libya and her abandonment of American personnel in Benghazi. The loss of these lives in Libya is directly traceable to Clinton, but their families' testimonials were rejected by the media.

He does because he is smart enough to realize the average person doesn't care about how many big words you can throw in a sentence. A bad lawyer knows a lot of big words and doesn't know to stop using them. A good lawyer knows that trying to show off in front of the jury (usually laysmen) just makes you look like a pretentious jack ass. Sure, you can say "well he could at least speak at a high school level", but would that be the smart thing to do?

Just by speaking at this level, he is more understandable and relateable to the uneducated, and creates free press for himself. That is a winning strategy.

>this is what trumpkins actually believe

His son wrote that, it doesn't count.

Go away CTR your only wasting your time

He shouted this out to his secretary in like five minutes. How Josh Jordan could not give a response like this is beyond me.


Your mom wrote that, it didn't count.


Fuck those parents for using their kid as a prop for their agenda.

This is it. The final straw. I'm riding Gary Johnson's now.

Then why don't more blacks and Mexicans support him?

And he got it from Reddit! Suck on that Sup Forums!

Because he isn't smart. I know his positions better than he does.
Did you see he confused Tim Kaine for the Gov of New Jersey? He did because TRUMP IS A RETARD. And this is coming from someone who was totally on board as soon as two weeks ago.

Face it- Hillary will win because fucking trump is too stupid to TAKE SIMPLE FUCKING ADVICE.

the majority of humanity is born with mental defects that disallow them critical thought

please rethink for yourself and realize he is running for president. you're clearly a part of the defects btw if you have to ask a question like that without mentioning his charisma

Most don't make it to 3rd grade

He panders to his supporters.

>those child-like responses

Don't make it so obvious that you are triggered trumpette.

>Face it- Hillary will win because fucking trump is too stupid to TAKE SIMPLE FUCKING ADVICE.

Just like Cruz, Jeb, and 14 others won

Friendly reminder, that this
"professional" shill group is targeting this board to shill for crooked hillary.

>the majority of people in the US are barely literate
>speak at their level
>gain national support
I'm missing how THIS idiot is confused by this.

Oh, we know.

Sorry that we don't want to make herstory. It fits with reality that dudeweeds are #mentallyhill though.

His mom probably wrote it.


Because Trump plays to manipulate the media, there's no "spark" if he says something as flat as what that guy said, nobody pays it any mind.

>this is coming from someone who was totally on board as soon as two weeks ago
I don't know.
I kind of think you've been here at least a month.

lmao these people have to be trolling elaborately to name it that


oh shit. trump didn't use the predictable political playbook answer??? damn. I guess his polls are going to go up again.

who the fuck os going to read all that?

>Another fake controversy where Trump did absolutely nothing wrong but liberals pretend he did for a few days until they see nobody cares about their made-up bullshit and then move on to the next fake controversy.


He's going to blow it. Hard. And he'll have no one to blame but himself.

No he's right. Something is bullshit here because when a Muslim dies, fellow Muslims treat him like he never existed. That was the rationale behind the swift "disappearence" of Bin Laden.

>captain kumbaya
You can't make this shit up.

You forgot your CTR_animegirl.png to go with your shilling.


>being politically correct about it
What do libfags not understand about Trump not being a politician

i didn't hear him speak spanish or ebonics, he doesn't doesn't sound like a 3rd grader

At least #TrumpSacrifices isn't trending anymore.

>and isn't just 'ban all muzzie' thinking.
It really should be. We gain literally nothing by allowing Islam inside our country and allowing it to spread (it always does) and infect our own culture. All we get is higher crime (especially rapes), more risk of terrorism, and a savage culture that seeks to destroy and replace all others.

I couldn't give a fuck if he spoke like a baby. Goo goo ga ga. Fucking with the establishment, immigration and SJW scum is cool and my number 1 priority out of any politician.

That writing is clearly college level. Most people are not college educated. Trump understands this so he speaks simply. This allows the less educated to still be involved. Why else do you think Trump pulled in record numbers for the primary seemingly out of nowhere. He was appealing specifically to the poorly educated, an untapped market in American politics.

no one is going to remember such a groveling pissant response as that. that's some weak beta shit I'd expect from Cruz or Yeb.

It took that faggot 3 minutes to write that shit? Weak.

>obfuscating your words in a race where not sounding like a politician is free points. Some people just can't uncuck themselves.

First rule of politics:
>keep it simple, stupid!

Tell me, who said the following?
>America is great, because America is good!

I'm sure that isn't college level speech either friendo. Your thread is garbage and your opinion less so.