Do Britcucks really live like this?

Do Britcucks really live like this?

Yes. England is a 3rd world shithole. This wouldn't happen in any other 1st world country

Not enough explosions/stabbings. Very unrealistic 3/10.

Homeless Londoner here. Can confirm.

>works his entire life from age 16
>a skilled labourer so earning more than minimum wage
>no children/dependants
>owns his own home outright

Yet we are supposed to feel sorry for this man, who obviously hasnt bothered saving a penny in his life? We are supposed to pay this man as he cannot be bothered to learn a new skill? Or even get a casual job in a shop for example until he reaches retirement age?

Fuck off.

>Trusting Ken Loach

>gibs me dats: the movie

phone posters please go

Yeah I don't understand. Was he literally burning the money he wasn't using on food and housing?

I'm British and I couldn't understand a word they were saying

Also this
and this

>Ken "Gas the Tories" Loach

No explanation given at all, he was living in Newcastle as well which isnt exactly the most expensive part of the UK. I could understand if they at least made some excuse like he was a gambling addict or lost his money on some shit investment but nah just made no mention on it at all.

wtf I hate the state now #anarchy

He used it taking care of his sick wife you autists

Dont recall that being mentioned in the film? Besides NHS and social care is free anyway so that means fuck all.

literally nothing wrong with gassing the tories.

well congratulations, you got yourself caught by mummy may's internet police

now what's the next step in your master plan?

tories aren't the main party in my country, i'm fine.

>Officer, I saw a black man in my mirror and I am very scared. Please send help immediately. Gosh, well thank you, we all support you heroes more than you know! Blue Lives Matter.

UKFag here and yes, I can confirm this.

England is a big place, but unless you live in central London you're fucked.

Thatcher gutted the north and the midlands with pit closures and moved manufacturing abroad so all we're good for is financial services. Which are all dealt with from london, making the rest of england pointless.

Yeah it's grim in most places. Cities like Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool were truly MASSIVELY rich at one point. But once Thatcher got rid of manufacturing those cities became no-go ghettos overnight.

Margaret Thatcher. The original one percenter.

Fuck you, i live in Manchester, the bits that aren't full of pakis are actually quite nice

>full of pakis

You mean the bits that haven't been blown up yet?

It was mentioned

lol, what is the NHS, what is adult social care.

Star Wars is more based in reality than this shit

Fuck off Labour cuck

Fuck the pair of you wankers. Manchester, Brum, Liverpool etc are fine, yeah Thatcher did a number on them but things have got better over the past 20+ years. Any British person calling people 'cuck' and trying to fit in with the Trump pricks online needs to neck themselves.