
What the fuck was the point of the trolls if even the tiny group of supposedly main ones that survived got to do jack shit in the ending?

Other urls found in this thread:


what was the point of any of homestuck, op? there was none. there is no point to anything. this is the one and only moral of this comic, and the faster you accept it the happier you'll be.

What was the point of Homestuck?

Who's making the next thread?

Smug Davekat and Butthurt Davejade shitposting.

It's weird how someone starts a new thread instantly after the old one dies every time even though this supposedly isn't a general

>I don't know how to write roxy: the comic

To sell t-shirts.

same deal as last time

classpect, personality wonks and interests and i'll give you a land and quest.

I think the joke is that she sounds as out of character and obnoxious as Dave did during his toxic masculinity rant Hussy's girlfriend wrote.

Last thread died over 3 hours ago.

Because this is the type of people who read the comic.

also, if anyone hasn't taken the straw poll on your class and aspect, here it is.

Wait, IPGD is Hussie's girlfirend?


Is Hussie... Is Hussie straight now?

Homestuck characters who should never be invited in multiplayer lan parties:

what does "personality wonks" mean?

To troll you.

Karkat trolled losers and manlets who think they are important and want their power fantasy.

Terezi trolled waifufags and "muh independent character" feminist fucks by having her become Vriska's eternal cocksucker.

Kanaya became a token lesbian and background prop.

Vriska is a fucking meme and only exists to be controversial and to piss you off.

weird issues

for example, i compulsively apologize to people because of an anxiety disorder and i have OCPD, so everything in my room needs to be neat and flush


this literally gave me cancer

I have an anxiety disorder and I almost never apologize, are you sure you have that?

>Heir of Rage.
>Getting angry bout things on the internet.
>Video Games

anxiety disorders can manifest differently in different people, my friend.
Land of Rime and Magma
Your land is a snow-covered hellscape of mountains and glaciers, with deep flows of bright red lava crisscrossing the landscape, carving out deep under-ice caverns. Your consorts are the Penguins, who are trying to escape their solitary existence and spread out over the land, but don't know how to cross the magma floes.

>Everyone is a Mage of Void
Good to know.

Ok, that actually sounds rad as fuck. I'm game.

oh okay
>Heir of Light
>pretend to not care at all while in reality i really care about it, starts playing wiht my hand when i'm nervous and get really angry when people ignore me
>working out and videogames

>playing wiht my hand
with your other hand? nani?

He's referring to Rachel, but yes. Hussie is forever doomed to be the straight, cis leader of a group of fans that think "genderqueer" is a nice appetizer in the feast of gender politics.



Page of Rage
Hates a thing but has to pretend to fit in with friends
Rap and amateur magician stuff



Nice slut!

Land of Iron and Whispers
Your land is a mountainous one, with great monoliths of iron bars stretching upward into the sky from the rocky outcropping below. The great iron structures were created millennia ago in order to channel the wind into sound and whispers, but the Denizen's influence has begun to rust and corrode them. You must work with your Consorts, the Komodos, in order to restore the metal spires to their proper working conditions.

Land of Visions and Curses
Your land is a tall deciduous forest inhabited by the Grizzlies, impressively ornery and lazy beasts. The trees of this forest are all grey, with black and white leaves constantly drifting down like television static. The Grizzlies have been mostly put to permanent hibernation by your Denizen, and need to be roused from their slumber in order to free the land.

My god title is Man of Bow.

Heir of Heart
Supportive and amiable, with sometimes fluid morals, but with a weak sense of responsibility.
Vidya, writing, cooking, sportin, running, and drinking.

>Land of Visions and Curses
Oh neat, I originally had the Land of Echoes and Vertigo, but your idea sounds much better.

What was the point of John taking one of the lemonsnout dolls from Terezi during the retconining?

did you draw this whore?

Hussie forgot so he legit retconned it to be Terezi just fucking with John.

is it so difficult to accept that it was for no reason? anyway it functioned well as a red herring hiding the purpose of the password pages when i read through the first time.

Land of Tinsel and Strife
A constant, brutal war zone between three tribes of Beetles, with tissue paper and tinsel beaches surrounded by seas of super cold brine. The war was, of course, instigated by your Denizen, so you'll have to stop it somehow.

I'd let her hang me tbqh

I thought it was going to be some message to her that the alternian justice system is fucked, but nothing came of that.

Why is Karkat turning into Pearl


prepare it for what

What the most unique or strangest class / aspect combo in your opinion?

Rogue of rage is definitely the most hardcore. Outside of that, they're most all pretty unique in their own way.


Rogue of Rage? How that work? Stealing rage and making everyone pissed. So they fight the black king all roided out and berserking?

There is an imp. Now it is calm and pacified and basically stoned. Now all your allies dogpile them in a berserk rage and rip them apart.


You're thinking of Thief. Rogue would steal rage from enemies and roid out the team.

Wait, you said everyone, never mind.

Why didn't Vriska and Roxy fight?

Rogue of Void vs Thief of Light seems like a match set for Paper View

Well it should've been Vriska vs Horuss since Thief of Light inverts to Page of Void ;)

I didn't get the point of inversion theory.

Ultimately what does it even try to prove?

>Vriska steal's Roxy's light
>Now she's even more voidy.

Heir of Blood
Page of Doom
Prince of Life
Knight of Void

Yeah, it's a bad match up for Vriska

Especially since Roxy doesn't give a shit about being the hero

pick one, shithead
good question, i don't know.

I don't need a wealth of background, I just wanted to know what they even do.

sounds cool as fuck

german shepard policedog jade

i assumed you were making a land request

anyway, in order, one sentence

you are the person friend groups revolve around
useless for 99% of the game, then you can instakill people

level 5 thorn coddle: apeshit bramblefuck

sh-sha, pocket sand

According to this randomizer thungy, my land is

Land of Webs and Chaos

Guess it's a word full of interwined threads over a post-apocalyptic architeture covering it, with the houses and building the consorts use being above them, tangling in the webs of fate.

Also, Im a Seer of Space

Selling merchandise, creating more ships for fans to obsess over, attracting the tumblr crowd

>Webs and Chaos
Sup Vriska

tfw someone saves your picture

I realised looking at it again in daylight it's a bit too dark, so I did some adjustments. Also now with 1000% more cult.

Aint Vriska a pirate world tho?

Are you up for requests?

Someone mentioned a Land of Architecture and Morality a while back.


Nah, you are just IRL Vriska

A slob who doesn't clean her room

Sorry but no, it took me fucking forever to draw that one, and it's the land Classpectanon described for me. I'm part way through writing a program to generate images like that from input text though, which I'd rather spend time on right now.



Someone offered to draw my Land around 10 hours ago and if that wasn't you then I suspect I was just being messed with by an user pretending to be you. I do appreciate the revelation. Good luck with that program!

Yeah, that wasn't me, and thanks. I hope it'll be good enough to be worth the effort.

Look, while I admit I fapped to Vriska X Karkat BDSM adn that I find Vriska hot, and that I ship John(vris) and that I love Aranea, Webs and Chaos is a waaaay better land than their

Isn't Void the opposite to Space? And aren't Pages the passive of Knights?

And Breath is freedom

If I learn how to properly use my shit tablet, I'll give it a shot sometime.

I want to hoist Terezi up by a noose and have her bare feet dance and clasp against my cock in a desperate attempt to find solid ground until she stops moving and I have cum.

Dude. I was just joking. No need to tell me your favorite memeships.

no, time is opposite to space (this is canon)

also, in inversion theory you have four pairs that play off each other

witch x seer, heir x mage
prince x sylph, bard x maid
thief x page, rogue x knight

it has to do with how their powers work and stuff, don't overthink it too much. BKEW is silly.

EB: so my dad brought home a cat today.
EB: she's kinda weird.
TG: weird like how
EB: wait a sec, i'll put her on.
TG: what
EB: :33 < hiii!

It's appreciated. I don't think there are many people left who are willing to draw Lands. That guy who made a Tumblr about it and took around 120 requests gave up and ditched the blog, which I completely understand because he took around 120 requests.

Page of Void
Im quiet most of the time, but im wide open with my friends. I prefer to avoid confrontations most of the time. Spearkind as my weapon.

dont talk as if u didnt fap to spiderbitch too

>witch with heir
>sylph with maid
It's clearly witch-sylph and maid-heir, why else would kanaya have said a sylph was a witch but more magical? plus maid and heir both imply some kind of service

Also, Seer X Mage was strongly implied

What would be a big help is if I could get a link to a bunch of lands, or someone post pics so I can get a feel for them.

And we'll see what happens. I'm using a shit bamboo tablet, like my mouse is probably better type of thing.

His blog would actually be really good for that, then.

is celebratingwith/co/ guy still around?

no no, I'm talking about inversion, not what classes are active and passive pairs

whoops, I'm sticking to my theories because they work out
Land of Cubes and Monoliths
Your entire land is constructed out of rectangular prisms and cubes made out of various kinds of stone, inhabited by the stone-chewing Goats. Your land is slowly collapsing inward, as the delicate balance of frictional forces keeping your planet held up is being degraded by your Denizen: you have a very stringent time limit to finish your quest before your land is rendered uninhabitable.



Last post was May 28th. He's still kicking, I'd say.

So I gotta speedrun? Oh welp. Still, graviational mechanics are the fucking best, I dig it.