What went wrong?

What went wrong?

CGI sucks

Yeah but just check out how badly the first pic is animated, and modern CGI doesn't seem too bad.

Love the first 2 movies. Just saying they didn't age as well as they could have.

now show them in motion

There's just something subtly wrong about the bottom one... I can't figure out what it is exactly... maybe if I analyzed the pictures long enough I'd be able to figure out exactly what it is about the color, shadow, etc, that makes the bottom one look like something from a video game.
Ain't nothin like the real thing, baby.

It looks too damn clean, is what it is.

All the clear angular lines and perfect posturing lack the vaguely organic, grimy feel of the original. It's a machine, sure, but giving it a vague element of humanity really hits home how fucking terrifying it is.

The bottom one looks like something you'd find standing around in an arcade. The eyes aren't subtly red, they are like red flashlights. The lighting is totally wrong as well. Why is its surface reflecting what I can only assume to be an overhead flood light? Plus it looks way too shiny and it just stands there like a statue. There is no dynamic.

It's too perfect, it flat out looks like a toy, or test render. This shit also happens with cgi monsters and animals too. There's no real blemishes, the body looks too clean, no real evidence of scarring or wear, if it's a mammal, it still won't have genitals, etc.

bad CGI sucks

The one on the bottom based the body off of a fidget spinner.

You're a moron.

Top was way too effin blue like what is this frickin Waterworld am I right fellas?

No it doesn't.

>being a fucking idiot




That's from a fucking videogame... right?


somebody post the robocop/cyborg one

Real Terminator looks good in close ups, but as soon as it starts walking it turns into a jerky stop motion toy.

The huge difference you perceive comes from the lighting. You're not supposed to put a CGI metal skeleton in focus without covering it with subtle but effective dark shadows and low key lighting.