Ancient knowledge thread, pyramids, pre-flood etc

Really makes you contemplate

Other urls found in this thread:öbekli_Tepe

This is 11000 years old.

really makes you think huh

Are Those lunchboxes?

>everyone but niggers are from the same bloodline as Gilgamesh
Makes you think.


What is the basket for? and why is it important to carve in stone

that really fired up my neurons, thanks

how can it be 11000 years old when the world is only 6000 years old

It's a metaphor for some entity transferring some knowledge to someone else.

The splitting of the races at Babylon might explain why there are so many similarities despite being so far away from each other. That's my theory of it.

>a bunch of squares are stacked upon even bigger squares

whoa I bet the ancient aliums did this

are those depicting reptoids or bird people?

Ants build anthills.

Maybe humans build pyramids.

>modern human exists for 160 - 200 k years
>people act surprised that ancients might have had buckets

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real

And why cant information spread a cross the globe like we now have jesus on a cross all over the globe

Just coincidence

Ha holy shitNo evidence of pyramids by niggers eh?

Niggers BTFO , makes sense why the Jews are pushing race mixing with niggers so much now

>people portrayed carrying water vessels in different, ancient cultures
There must be a global conspiracy at work, here. It is not possible that it a common image. Even though carrying water is something that every single human being had to do, multiple times per day, every single day of their life, before main lines existed.

>wow it's a human-bird hybrid! only one person in the whole world could imagine such a complex creature!

It was build by preadamites.

How are Ayy Lmaos real when they are Demons

Molemen confirmed


What? Where? That completely fucks up the time table of human achievement

I find it very interesting that almost all peoples in the world have legends about gods and/or deities giving them/teaching them civilization.

Except for Europeans. Instead must European culture have stories about great fathers who rescued their families from death and destruction from their enemies and taught their children how to rebuild what they lost. These great fathers have many names but the most common reconstructable name is Deus Pater.

For a while there I thought ancient aliens was a real thing. This was before they ruined it with the history channel show

Graham Hancock is da bomb

>water vessels

they are carrying a pinecone and bucket, symbols of purification.

Ancient aliens carried purses? Were gay? What's the score here?

>ancient knowledge

fuck off troll

yes its really about 11000 years old

Its not supposed to be so old but it is


The tell includes two phases of ritual use dating back to the 10th – 8th millennium BCE.

I know what this is, Fulcanelli is very specific about what it looks like.

Score another point for us old-earth creationists.

That's Gobekli Tepe in Turkey
10th millennium BC allegedly built by hunter-gatherers

You are retarded.

mah nigga, carl munck is da bomb

The splitting of the races was the jews introducing multiculturalism into aryian white societies.This is all

Gobekli Tepe in Turkey.
Interesting fact, it is astronomically aligned just like Stonehenge.
It is HUUUUGE, there are various sections, pictured there is only 1.
It is the first known work of such building and agriculture - arising somehow simulteanously.
And the coolest fact of all : they buried it as they were building it - thus preserving material for carbon dating.


>Hurr how do they know about Orion's Belt
Gee, I don't know, maybe they have eyes.

There wasn't Turks in Turkey in before 1071 a.d.

>american education

What is this showing? Different people's all had buckets? Wow

Good job, now rotate that 180 degrees

can you see it in usa? its really easy to see in europe most of the times.

Fucking jews

this confirms the existence of baskets.

Turkey used to be white aryian clay until the hordes of brown shitskins took over.

The same applies to all great civilization. In their ruins we have squatting brown people who cant get shit done.
Because the aryians intermixed with niggers and shitskins and their societies failed catastrophically.

>aliens are demons
>implying demons aren't aliens


Writing developed independently at least 5 times. Once in China, once in Egypt, once in Europe (now extinct, except for Colchean and Basque), once in Mesoamerica, and finally we have the independent language of the Harappan civilization.

What's so special about other things developing in the world independently?

Holy shit could a high-technology device such as the bucket have been invented in several cultures at the same time?
I don't think this is a coincidence guys.

Physical objects obey the laws of physics. Things in seperate locations will look and function the same, if they use the same physical rules.

If you want a flat-topped door instead of an arch, you gotta use something that won't fucking collapse when weight is put on it.

It's a common construction element, because it's effective at *not fucking falling apart*

[Ayy Intensifies]

The map of Pyramids looks kind of like the Pyramids themselves.

>implying subsaharian africans invented buckets until the last century

and zero light pollution


That looks like the flag of Canada but the leaf replaced with Trump


a pinecone as symbol of purification

whoaa how did they know about the stars

mind = blown

Are you stupid or something they set it in stone because it is important , you dont see them nose picking on those stones

Top bantz

>Built by hunter gatherers
People who didn't know about agriculture carved stones and placed them in celestial parody? Jesus

>you dont see them nose picking on those stones

Yeah baskets were pretty popular back than

anime vs cartoon.jpg


why cant whites into pyramids? they were in caves while brown people were forging civilizations

On mirror universe Sup Forums, this is a "we wuz kangs" thread.

You're welcome Canada, I fixed your mid-tier flag

King Tut was a white european and lots of other pharaos had red and blond hair

or the pineal gland by which the ancient sages could communicate to the extra dimensional beings they perceived as gods


Yeah but Turkey has nothing of significance.

>inbred sand nigger thinks he's clever by saying meme.

turkey and iraq and real close to each other. its not much to show shit from them side by side

as for the purse im not impressed. woven vines or animal skins to make a bag with a handle ...

eh the iron age starts in china hundreds of years before the west or the middle east. they never gave the secret of steel to any who did business in the west gate and thats the most access the west ever had.

a good idea tends to be thought up given enough time even if nobody told them how to do it. many have reinvented the wheel

I'm sick of seeing this damn picture

The bucket was separately invented all over the world by different civilizations

so fukin w0t, it's hardly ground breaking technology. It's a fucking bucket.


Dont forget that "we" left Eurasia 20000 years ago

Its at minimum 11000 years old.

Whites do their best work when fighting people darker than them. Ex. Romans v. Gauls, Europe v. Islam, Europe "v." African, Britain v. Everyone etc

How do you know that? Bucket seems just as, if not more, likely.

its not a simple "bucket"
you take it too literate
it's a metaphor for purification and transmitting knowledge because of the pinecone inside the "bucket"

do you REALLY think they are worshiping a bucket?? hasn't ocurred to you that maybe is something else? like, a symbol maybe...???

>based Ayy-Lmao/Greek demigod, hobby-archaeologist, hair and tan model and writer Giorgio Tsoukalos was right all along!
Fuck, the early episodes were pretty well made.

why ayys and not ancient humans

Its more about the same stance everywhere and that handbag in everyone of them

look ma imma bird

if you wanted to freak people out about pyramids, you could have posted this

>we wuz kangs calculated the speed of light
>the width of the pyramid is the space earth travells through space in 1 sec

>wow, they're all in the exact same position!
>holding the exact same bucket!

save thyself

>Humans dream of flying for millennia
>Finally able to fly
>It's kinda boring
Has technology taken the fun out of life?

Exactly you turd. I'm Armenian so I'm well aware of how your steppenigger ancestors contributed nothing of value to the area.

>Turkroach reading comprehension

pretty sure europeans had their own badass monuments. pyramids are cool and all but things like circles are cooler.

It fits perfectly.

But where is your prooooooooooooof

I see now.
This is truly one of the most important events in human history, as it had to be carved in stone.

The reality is however that every few thousand years they align on the horizon. I used to be very well versed in this subject but have forgotten all the technical aspects. Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods explains it very well. Also he doesn't say its AYY's he thinks its just an ancient lost civilization.