Amerigoys will defend this

>Amerigoys will defend this

I won't. All that money is staying home next year. Feels fucking good.

You really think Johnson will win?

That's is a miniscule amount of money you dunce.
Besides why are you so a against finding a nation that kills Muslims.

>greatest ally

in saying that, fuck foreign aid

>your tax money goes towards niggers not only in the US but every where around the world

literally meme worthy

>tfw amerigoys have paid over $20,000 in foreign aid for each Israeli citizen

>and thats without counting the "loans" the US gives to Israel without Israel ever having to pay them back

I wish we would glass the middle east

Muslims are like dogs. They can be docile, harmless and cooperative if you treat them right. But if you kike them repeatedly, they'll come and bite you. Guess who kikes them.

again the etrnal anti israel irish

Holy moly $100 million+, thanks USA. But why did USA giving away money just like that?

stop funding muslims around us and stop funding us too. deal?
>these dumb goyim don't realize usa sponsors perpetual conflict in order to feed its weapon industry

The liberals will say it's for humanitarian aid.

The realists will say it's to keep you dependent on foreign aid, because that stops you from actually developing. Just look at Africa. An entire welfare continent who can't even be fucked to work, because they can get everything they need in life for free.

Look at Israel. Now pay attention to the shape and location of it. Notice how it hugs the sea? How its location places it at a perfect position to do bombing runs at any point in the Middle East? How its size makes it easy to transport troops from the Atlantic to Indian Ocean? How it's been demonstrated that in an emergency it could take the Suez Canal within hours? How it just so happens to be given so much aid despite its development? How the US invests so much in military infrastructure and deals?

Now do you understand why the US gives Israel so much aid? It's because Israel isn't a traditional nation at all.

It's a fucking beachhead.

>id is WTC Boyz
shut it down

Sure, after we've already sent 200 billion to them. What a savings.

Shut up idiot it's the fucking niggers and muslims taking all their money and ruining their way of life.

We don't "fund" Muslims, we pay them off to be nice to you.

Why would we need to invade the middle east

no, you literally built their armies and without you there would be absolutely 0 military threat against us. you are giving the muslim countries way more. cuck money.

>being the few countries that gave """"economic aid"""" to the US

also, answer me this. why do you give aid money at all? why do you give russia aid money? why do you give almost any country in the world aid? it's literally cuck money. sorry senpai.

Yeah but most of that money turns into military equipment, which is then stolen or sold to terrorist organizations, which then kill other Muslims.

We can't rely on you to do ALL the work, so we're letting them do most of it for you. Sure, there's some backlash, but in the long run it's the most effective plan.

Its location is so perfect from a strategic position it's insane. It's not so much for any immediate plan I don't think, but it's perfect for projecting power and could be used in an emergency situation if the region becomes too unstable. The infrastructure's already there, what better way to conduct an operation than via a friendly nation (that you keep friendly with aid) that just so happens to be located at one of the most strategically important locations in the entire region?

>Jew asking how to control people with money

Will white people ever wake up and free themselves from the Jews, or are we already too far gone? Should we just let go and live it up until the end comes for us, or fight back

>being this deluded about history

The only way to pacify Muslims is force, because they respect force. Kill enough and they won't touch you again.

Let Israel actually genocide Palestine, deport all our Muslims and the Muslims will stop acting up. Leftist Jews started listening to their Muslim shit in the 60s and it coincided with us being fucked by Muslims.

This was the lesson of colonialism pre-1948. White man needs to show who's boss and the Muslims will go back to smoking hookah and saying "Yes massa white man"

Only first world countries are not on that image.
