I'm sorry but this is the best x-men movie

I'm sorry but this is the best x-men movie

X2 was better

X2 was a fun sequel. Days of Future Past managed to tie together a broken timeline of five installments across two separate series of films while retconning out the shitty ones with an in-world explanation taken from a classic comic storyline. That is an extraordinary achievement.

No arguments there, bud

What was the point of freeing Magneto again?

That's not X2.

They needed some giant retard to make everything worse.

How did they manage to make a naked blue girl unappealing after they had already gotten it right before?

she was always scaly and gross looking ever

X2 is many orders of magnitude better.

Hell, the Xmen 1 intro is better than this entire movie.

christ that cover is awful

If with "managed to tie together" you mean "bullshit their way through" then I agree

I love the movie, the time traveling is what makes it special (considering how boring the '70s storyline is on it's own), but I won't pretend it did anything special other than hiring the former cast. The movies or elements of the old stories that didn't fit were simply ignored, kinda like how Apoc ignored the scene from DoFP were Raven rescues Logan. Is there a reason why Logan has the adamantium claws again, despite losing them in The Wolverine? Is there a reason why the fixed future somehow had Scott and Jean alive again despite the fact they died in events that didn't concern the sentinels? Is there any reason why Xavier is alive in the bad future? I mean, I know there is, the stinger of X3 showed he transferred his mind into the conveniently still paraplegic twin's body, but that brings in a whole bunch of other questions, like why does he never mention this twin ever even in the new movies or how the heck could Moira be young in the '70s and then be still as young in the 2000s (she's with Charles when he wakes up in the twins' body)

I know this is nitpicking, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying ignoring inconveniences and potholes shouldn't count as "an extraordinary achievement"

>How did they manage to make a naked blue girl unappealing after they had already gotten it right before?
Casting a less hot actress who has a man voice.

X2 > X:DOFP > X:A > X1 > X:FC > X3

This. Forever this. Why should I care about Fox's movies when they can't even keep a timeline straight?
>lol is First Class a prequel? A reboot? Who knows?

It's lazy writing, and don't congratulate them on being "creative" for pulling something out of their butt to try to explain away how they backed themselves into a corner.

X2 > First Class > DoFP > Apocalypse > 3 > Deadpool > Wolverine > The Wolverine > X1

Wow the Beast relaly looks ridicolous

They're just being faithful to the comics, faggot. You should appreciate that.

Once you subtract the teen crap I feel First Class had the most potential. I felt the significance of the conclusion there much more than this which felt like a mess of character arcs getting tangled. X2 is a close second though I see some people feel it goes the other way.

I don't know, I guess I just felt that while FC is the Charles and & Erik show that tighter focus pays off. Sure X-Men shouldn't just be about these two guys but with the X-Men movies proper when it was about all these other people it never felt like it was about anyone. Well, except Wolverine.

I kinda feel the same. I haven't seen X2 in AGES, but when i think of my favourite "X-men experience" i always think of First Class. Am i just being a fag for that yellow and blue? Am i just mad Singer acts like FC never happened, so i think the movie deserves more recognition? I can't tell

I think my favorite X-Men experience has to be bits and pieces of X1 and X2.
Mostly X2 because it pretty much lays down what I find iconic about the movie series.

The theme, the intro credits sequence, and singular power-showoff scenes.

They thought Raven would be more willing to listen if Charles AND Eric both were shown to working together and telling her to stop.

Mystique was the worst thing to happen to the series.

Also, I still think old Magneto was trying to make sure the revised future was better for him.
Getting released 20 years early is a good start.

I'm still confused. Is this movie set before or after the newest one?

FC > DoFP > A > X2 > X1 > LS

you shouldn't be. it was really good.
albeit I liked Apoc better

All x films have been mediocre. There is no such thing as a best x men film.

Why did Magneto control the prototype sentinels? I thought the idea was a false flag operation, but then Magneto reveals himself making the whole thing pointless. If the people knew he was controlling them, why would they change their minds about the sentinel program?

How can you be confused? Its set both before and after, but the after part gets rewritten because history gets changed.

>If with "managed to tie together" you mean "bullshit their way through" then I agree

Just like every Xmen comic

You're right

agreed. this and X2 are my favs,

It wasn't about PR. It was proving that the sentinels would not work. "If you try to do this, you will lose."

Agree. Only one which can decide which characters matter and which ones are supporting.

>He hasn't seen Apocalypse yet


Whatever, none of them is great. Some are good/ok but that's it. And if you think one of them is great, then you should maybe watch more movies of any type.