"They (ISIS) are drowning people in steel cages by the thousands"

>"They (ISIS) are drowning people in steel cages by the thousands"

What did Drumpf mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are Americans so stupid? Serious question.

Hard mode: answer me without accusing me of being a Muslim

Link: youtube.com/watch?v=WB6einfNK2A

He says it at 1:06:12

>I'm making a claim and instead of opening a debate about the validity of the claim I'm just gonna skip that step and ask why the claim is true

kill yourself achmed

>caring about trump
>flag getting poo'd on by immigrants while they simultaneously rape your women

>it's a sandniggers are mad at trump thread

>implying he is German
10 bucks on him being a fucking shitskin

I see your ad hominem and raise you a straw man

Eh there isen't really a hidden message there, if you can't understand that statement you should really work on your english

if its true or not is a whole other matter

>American get super mad about the Drumpster
>deflects the question of the OP
>uses insults and false accusations

Classic Americans. Maybe man up and answer OPs question, Jamal.

Another Islamophobic tirade.

can i be blamed for being a Islamophobic, the people are unware of the checks being put in place :/ thanks top the internet and mobiles n such, no one can keep a secret

I don't see how you could be confused by that statement. It's very simple and straightforward.


we call our politicians clowns but trump is on another level

can someone link the search history of Drumpf, I want to save so I can btfo cucks like OP.

>he doesn't like a rich liar with the orating skills of a preschooler so he must be a shitskin

Drumpfkins everyone

You write this while being raped by shitskins

Actually I don't.

yes you do
>not being Syria

>he spends his time shiposting about a rich liar with the orating skills of a preschooler while the fatherland is being raped so he must be a shitskin.
You're either a shitskin or a cuck, we we're giving you the benefit of the doubt.

>le drumpf

>origin of cuck porn
>60% """white"""
>nigger president

Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house.

>not attending gore threads
>isis one of the best gore
>source zerocensorship.com/uncensored/isis/drowns-prisoners-alive-blows-hostages-up-with-rpg-kills-others-with-explosives-graphic-video-132382

wow they literally drowned THOUSANDS. literally THOUSANDS


>starts shit
>people call him out for being a retard
>"60% white. Nigger. Murica."
And the German user smiled at his computer confident in his victory, his inevitable suicide drawing ever nearer.

It's almost like it's overblown like the holocaust


I believe refugees in Germany are too overblown the past few weeks

Not enough

Why do you deliberately out yourself as a shill with the first word of your post?