Is America a nation of immigrants?

Can America survive without constant immigration like we have always had?

Daily reminder that only northern Europeans were allowed to immigrate en masse to the US from the 20's until 1965.


and that stupid fucking plaque was put at the base of the statue after the fact, by (((emma lazarus)))

Laughing right now at how intellectually dishonest that cartoon is. There were TONS of stipulations to immigration at the time. Ellis Island was basically a screening ground, and the white immigrants who got through either worked or died in the street. Welfare was not an option.

Do you think it's fair to call all of us immigrants?

Is someone whose family has been here for 300 years really the same as someone whose been here for 10, or is an anchor baby?

>French Statue
>Statue quote written by kike

wew lad

Fucking yes, it can. Immigration should be strictly controlled.

The Statue of Liberty was built in a time when you had to buy a boat ticket to immigrate to the USA, and it was fairly expensive and dangerous. If we had an open border policy today, we would get genocided.

We are a nation of citizens, not a nation of immigrants. There is a difference.

Also, in the 1900 Ellis Island era, many of the immigrants were skilled workers of some sort. By some evaluations, they were actually more educated than the native population.

Also, they assimilated properly. Not like now.

Lol I forgot this board is shilled to death.

>But israel is a jewish state and not a nation of immigrants. Please disregard the fact that we all speak european languages as our first language!

Fucking looks like someone I know...

>Lazarus was born into a large Sephardic-Ashkenazi Jewish family, the fourth of seven children of Moses Lazarus and Esther Nathan,[3] The Lazarus family was from Germany,[4] and the Nathan family was originally from Portugal

Legal immigration is fine, we import a lot of intelligent and driven immigrants from all over the world to go to school and build a life here.

Low education immigrants overstaying a visa or hopping the border don't do the country much good, though.

>Umm guys, this statue from hundreds of years ago says that we should import immigrants by the millions... like, HELLO?!



They cost north of $1200 per taxpayer, while adding about $120 per taxpayer to the economy, and

Why would a country of people have to obey words on a gifted statue given decades ago? By this logic, I can pull any quote from a historical figure, stick it on a statue and point to it as a guide for the country. "It's written in stone therefore it must be right!"

Yes it can, we are being abused now. Syrian refugees are an invasion force, we keep finding weapons caches at mosques. At least 3 major incidents now where we found hundreds or thousands of guns. Greece intercepted supply crates full of guns, some were found i. the Jungle camp in paris during the fire.

Seriously, we have a Mudslime shooting in the US and no one can stop talking about taking away white people's guns, but it happens in Paris and libcucks don't even think to ask how they got several assault rifles.

This is an invasion force and we have a duty to stop it. Legal immigration will be available for hispanics and Africans and Arabs. Just the ideology of Islam is incompatible and Syrian refugees do not get a free pass on what it takes to enter.

Illegals are keeping the drug cartels alive. If we end them then we destroy the drug trade. Nearly 1/3 is a criminal way higher rate than in our natural society. They use ancorbabies for the right to stay. That all needs to end.

If the fair immigration of the past was so good then I say we go to pre 1965 laws, liberals seem to admit that it worked well. Lets do it then faggot.

But what's the point? Why do we NEED them?

How do they benefit the average American at all? It seems to me they just create more completion for already existing citizens

nobody is talking about stopping all immigration. the issue is ILLEGAL immigration. also newcomers that WANT to be americans are different than angry foreigners that have been displaced by the 'greater israel' that have no desire to be here or assimilate.

Mass immigration was halted from the 1920s to 1965 until a Jew named Cellar passed a bill to allow mass immigration from Asia, Africa, and South America.

That poem beneath the statue of liberty was written by a Jew btw


the only reason we have crime now is because we started letting in niggers who are genetically prone to violent behavior

No, I would like the US to start taking in more refugees


WTF? I hate Republicans now!


I don't get it. Liberals say we shouldn't be tied to the Constitution because it's an old document. But they will appeal to an old quote written in 18th century when it fits their agenda. Why do they flip-flop so often?

Even better, the REASON we practically eliminated eastern european immigration during this time was to prevent jews from getting in.

Anyone else think they look similar? Like maybe if he became a tranny
You mean spics?

But the best part is they didn't even read the document. They just assume it says something about equality in immigration, when this has _NEVER_ been the case. Hell, one of the first laws enacted was the naturalization act of 1790, which limited immigration to free whites of good character.

So the ONE TIME they try to argue from a constitutional standpoint, they can't even get it right.

>we import a lot of intelligent and driven immigrants
Not in any country of the world.
The few clever guys we get were banned from their countries for pedophilia or worse.

I think America should take in the best people from all the world, especially from the White nations to make it strong enough for the Whites' endgame - leaving this planet.


Idk but I don't trust this jewish faggot

The immigration act of 1965 was truly atrocious.

We were built on massive immigration while the country was still constantly developing and expanding. This is no longer the case really. We have nothing to benefit and everything to lose if we keep letting in uneducated and unskilled workers.

If you have a skill or expertise that will benefit the country, come on in. That's how every other modern western country does it. An American citizen can't just immigrate to the UK, or Australia without a job lined up in writing. I think that's a sound policy

>open borders to the needy
>when there is a sufficient amount, close the borders
>wait for the next few generations to become assimilated
>open borders again to the demographics that assimilated

This is the intended method of immigration, not just opening flood gates for "muh human rights!" Its not a right to live anywhere you want, anyway you want.

>If you have a skill or expertise that will benefit the country, come on in

>the country
What exactly does that mean? Doesn't all immigration hurt pre existing citizens

Look guys I got the same number 3 times!

Fuckin' LBJ and JFK.

Technically it started out as a nation of colonists and slaves. Immigration came after the fact and was strictly controlled for quite a while too.

A plaque on a French statue does not make immigration policy

The immigrants for the most part were whites from various European countries.

The moment white becomes a minority in America, NO ONE is going to migrate here. In fact, they'll likely just leave, because whites have a dark fear of being a minority.

>immigration of swathes of displaced people without any filtering or else America is not realy American

Tell me. Per 100,000 refugees, how many of the country's people are required to die, being that we know terrorists are embedded within them?

What is the blood price we must pay to take care of ingratful public rapists? How many per 100,000? The people that want them here should be the first to line up and pay if yhey want them here so badly.

What is the blood cost?

The America Is A Nation Of Immigrants Meme is ancient propaganda to protect the Elite Classes cheap labor scheme.

Want to get revenge? Expose their Money Printing System to all workers of all colors. Once the working man realizes how unfair that scam is, they will begin to take steps to resist it.

the country of immigrant meme makes me rage so hard, literally every country by that standard are country of immigrants. No one fucking spawned in Canada, no one spawned in Germoney or Britain. We spawned in some fucking mud swamp in africa

>a poem on a statue is federal law

They were also pre-screened before they got on the boats because they would have to be taken back if they failed to get in.

That is what I love about the overt double standards and obvious anti-white narrative.

White are just immigrants, but brown people are citizens.

>like we have always had

Citation needed.

The nation of immigrants meme is harmful. I'm so tired of wops and micks jumping down everyone's throat to spread that dangerous meme. They're the reason foreign shitskins think they have the right to stand at the DNC podium and lecture us about our country. "This is a country of immigrants. I am an immigrant. Ergo I am more American than the average redneck!"

Most white Americans have colonial ancestry. Get over it cucks.

Guess who came up with the "melting pot" meme? It was a guy called "Israel Zangwill".

Oy vey!