Fucking hates Sheev and wants to kill him one day

>Fucking hates Sheev and wants to kill him one day
>Has no faith in the Death Stars
>Kills Imperial officers when they fuck up for things they can't control
>Not even paid

Was Vader insane or just really stupid?

sheev made the interior of the suit completely out of sand

it's no wonder vader was so angry all the time

was sheev stronger than him?

no vader was the chosen cunt

Going by the prequels, Anakin was dumb as shit.

more like the chosen bitch

Vader kills officers who completely fuck up. And btw the emperor is not as forgiving as him.
You must be mistaken with that joke of a movie called for awakens

>Fucking hates Sheev and wants to kill him one day
>Has no faith in the Death Stars
negative "Tarkin had vision, you have graphs"
>Kills Imperial officers when they fuck up for things they can't control
failing at their duties is controllable
>Not even paid
dope castle, Shadow-hand of the Galactic Empire, dope cybernetics suit, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy/Army, Secrets of the Dark Side

He had knowledge of abilities Vader didn't, in a political and realpolitik sense yes, which is why it was so difficult for Vader to overthrow him.

As a duelist and warrior and possibly (?) in force abilities they both knew more potent (except force lightning being an obvious one)

>Fucking hates Sheev and wants to kill him one day

Then why did he ask Luke in Empire to join him in defeating the Emperor. Vader only continued working for him because of the power he had over him. Sheev being dead would release Vader from his clutches and allow him to do things his way.

also in episode three when he told padme he could overthrow palpatine

>Then why did he ask Luke in Empire to join him in defeating the Emperor.
Not the same as hating him, he wants power, overthrow and betrayal is the nature of the Sith.
Notably, he only begins to crave control when he learns Luke is alive.

>dope cybernetics suit
Sure it kept him alive, but it was deliberately built to be a chunk of shit when Palpatine had practically infinite resources at his disposal

Why didn't Luke say yes?
>get to hang with dad
>he can teach you force choke & saber throw
>armistice with rebellion
>galaxy runs peacefully under vigilant Empire
>bang twi'lek bitches two at a time
>hook friends up with high-paying do-nothing jobs
>even become a TIE pilot in your spare time, just like you always dreamed you would as a redneck farm boy

But no, hiding in derelict ruins, crapping in the woods and fleeing every time you're found is sooooo much better.


luke already knows force choke

>not even paid

Is there proof of this?
Was Vader just an intern working for "experience" Is that why he was so angry?

Now I'm upset I'll never be able to force choke a chick while I'm fucking her

When you think about it there really is no reason why Vader would serve Sheev after what happened in ep III.

>Wife and children dead
>Force potential down the drain because of missing limbs
>Dependant on suit that can be shut down by Sheev in a second with force lightning

Vader's story is even more tragic than the movies if you think about it. In his mind he was the next ruler of the galaxy, unrivaled in power. Then because of Obi-Wan he is just a servant to Sheev in a mobile coffin.

not canon
shit canon when it was too

wtf I love vader now

not because of obi-wan
because of himself

obi wan was a mong not to execute him on mustafar

>Dependant on suit that can be shut down by Sheev in a second with force lightning

you should watch RotJ

>obi wan was a mong not to execute him on mustafar
If Obi-wan had finished Anakin then, would Palpatine been able to pull it off alone?

>Kills Imperial officers when they fuck up for things they can't control

Vader kills two Imperials onscreen in Empire. Admiral Ozzel made a huge tactical blunder. The Executor and Death Squadron itself showed up at the Rebel Alliance's main military headquarters, which should have been a gigantic strategic victory. Leia, Solo, and Skywalker were all THERE, as were many fighters and ships. If Ozzel had followed standard doctrine, they could have destroyed the shield generator and all grounded ships before the Rebels were any the wiser, and collect Solo, Organa, and Skywalker at their leisure.

Instead, *every single person of interest on Hoth * escaped, and Vader knew that could very well happen once the shield was up. So it was entirely Ozzel's fault. Technically he probably should've been court martialed or something but hey, Sith Lords.

Captain Needa was a bit of a lesser case, but the Millennium Falcon was in *visual range* with a busted Hyperdrive, and he managed to fucking lose it. It buzzed the bridge of all things, but he managed to let it slip away. Granted, we know that Han knew a blind spot, but still, from Vader's point of view, Needa basically let the Falcon slip away for fucking nothing.

In the book Shadows of the Empire , i faintly remember it saying that Vader is extremely wealthy, he has access to the Empires funds

people would have realised that palpatine is a total dick and his imperial plans would have failed

