Alright, let's settle this once and for all

Alright, let's settle this once and for all.

It used to say "Cheed's Cheed & Cheed", but nobody knew what a cheed was and they quickly went out of business.

worst meme in existence

kys already you unfunny faggots

>My sign lists feed and seed, but only one of you. First one to talk gets to stay on my patio

The humour is that the rhyme is lost with the previous owner.

chuck would feed himself the stores seeds so sneed fired him.
thats his fat ass sitting on the porch

ok but who the fuck names their kid "Sneed?"

It seems so out of place and forcibly written into the content. If that is indeed the case, couldn't they have come up with a better store name in general?

Chuck changed his name to Sneed in the hopes that the catchy rhyme would bring in more customers

the joke is that chuck was his dads name and the dad died
its pretty morbid

these can't be it, it's not even close to funny that way.

The real question: Who are the two guys in front of the store? Are they Sneed and Chuck?

They're Smee and Maimen.

This has gone on so long I can no longer tell if you're joking.

It's a fucking cartoon

The skinny guy is Sneed, the fat guy is Seed.

the fat guy is feed

A man had 3 teenage daughters. On a Saturday night, the doorbell rang. The man answered the door. There was a teenage boy standing there. He said
>"Hello, I'm Bo. I'm here for Mary Jo. We're going to the show. Is she ready to go?"
The doorbell rang again in a few minutes. It was another teenage boy, who said:
>"Hi, my name is Eddie. I'm here for Betty. We're going out for spaghetti. Is she ready?"
A few minutes later, the doorbell rang again. It was another teenage boy, who said:
>"Hi, I'm Chuck..."

>"Hi, I'm Chuck, I work down at the Feed and Seed Store"

Your joke doesn't make any sense

>post-season 9 Simpsons
Off yourself op

Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

Take out the "eed" from Feed and Seed and replace it with "uck."


formerly chuck's fuck & suck
you can stop making these threads

What female name rhymes with Chuck? Also, what words rhymes in the final rhyming slot?

>take the words and make them different words

that's not how comedy works pal

'Chuck' is a cheap cut of meat, and also a word for how it's processed and prepared. Basically, it's really tough, so you have to hammer at it with a special mallet to break up the fibers in it to make it soft enough to be edible. The original joke is about a farmer, where the association would be clearer, but you can see the implication, right? The previous characters wanted to do things based on their names, but this man is named Chuck, so he might want to treat his daughter like chuck steak, and beat her. He slams the door to protect her.

snEED's fEED & sEED
chUCK's fUCK & sUCK

That's the answer, faggots.

Where does the fuck and suck come from?

This is MatPat levels of straw grasping here.

ah ok. thanks for the explanation. does that mean in the original OP they were referencing the store used to actually be a place that sold cheap, poor quality goods (in this case meat i suppose?). i can see how that would transfer across, it would be like a white goods store advertising that they used to be a mens shelter or something


Changing your name to something bizarre just so your business can have a rhyming name is actually pretty funny.

Chuck's sneed and feed

Like a lot of Simpsons stuff, it's multilayered. The Chuck to Sneed part is a reference to the joke, obviously. But at the same time the situation is trying to suggest a gentrifying small town in that odd period where they need to really play up how connected they still are to the older ways, while making clear to the new customers they're trying to attract that they're actually upmarket now. They need to be folksy or authentic, or whatever. They can't just change all at once. So the sign changes, but it keeps a big reference to what it used to be as a kind of ironic nod.

>I'm here to fuck your son buck

>dude BORT lmao
Can you stop now?

What kind of store is that? Makes no sense you idiot.

What the fuck kind of name is Sneed anyways?

Nah that can't be it. The joke is that it used to be called Chuck's feed and seed not really funny, but what do you expect from the Simpsons now a days.

>he's a cityfag


The episode writer literally confirmed it to be so. It's retarded

a last name

I'm gonna regret this...
The name of the place is Sneed's Feed and Seed. (formerly Chuck's) The joke id, the audience thibks that because Sneed rhymes with feed and seed, that if the original name Chuck, would make it fuck and suck.
But it wouldn't. It would be Chuck's Feed and Seed.
It's a joke that the audience would make the misinterpretaion of what the writers were doing.The smart people would get the fact that it was playing to the lowest common denominator, the less intelligent in the audience.


The audience doesn't immediately think that, you know why? Because it makes no fucking sense for a God damn store name and not everybody is trying to form ryhmes like you autists . Fuck you and your illiteration writer bullshit.

Hearthstone or WoW enthusiasts

This guy here is clearly right. I got it after thinking about it for a second. It's not that clever and it's really poorly executed but you have to be retarded to not see that's what they're going for.

I giggled the first time and moved on.

When will you do that, OP?


I actually called this card "Sneed's Feed and Seed" before I knew it was a meme. Imagine my surprise.

Makes sense


But i just figured that when Chuck was in charge, it was just "Chuck's Fuck & Suck"

Bond Burger's feed & seed.

Charles "Chuck" Walter retired as a sound technician. Jim Sneed replaced him. It's in the credits idiots.

I have lost track of how many layers of irony these threads are under.

The joke is actually an inside joke about the market crash of that year. Small town business would go under and have to change owners, and occasionally names. The sad part was older generations would not be to kind to the new name, stating that it just wasn't the same, so they would have 'formerly known' signs to draw in the old customers from the previous owner. Mainly because older people wanted the same quality and service they would get from the previous store, and not be fooled to think that it was entirely different. So, in the case of this joke Sneed's Seed and Feed was to ensure that people knew they would still get the good ol' quality Suck and Fuck that ol' Chuck would shuck. Ya get it now for fuck sakes.