Friendly reminder that PORTUGAL is SUEBI and therefore GERMANIC as fuck

friendly reminder that PORTUGAL is SUEBI and therefore GERMANIC as fuck


>GERMANIC as fuck






muito bom



According to Commentarii de Bello Gallico, Suebi tribe was
>>stubborn and refractory
>>shunning communication with others
Hence I had presumed them to be ancestors of Swedes until I reached this board.

You thought wrong you stupid animale.

The Portuguese only think of 3 things: Allah, Ummah and Expanding the Moorish Caliphate

portugal is christian you numale

t. Alberto Barbossa

lol you either created that or youre being goofed hard,our muslim population is about 60k of them,about 0.6% of the population

t. Alberto Barbossa

It's not you dumb negro.It's not even 30k

Thanks, so this was a Muslim cuisine.
Today our cities are teeming with kebab shops and it’s another benefit from Portuguese.
Thanks Maruta-san.




Stop being retarded, his name is Alberto bin Barbossa Al meida Al saif-ul-islam and he wont accept thanks until you pay the Jizya


Nice Taqiyya, Alberto.

Portugal is like 15%/20% Germanic at best, and that's like in the North.

Al-Andalus soon

We are not germans of course, we are old indo european people, celtic and proto celtic, but your quote is a genetic fact.

Portugal and Spain are actually pretty white given our geographical position. Same as Italy. By all accounts really. Plus the sun we get.

I mean I look more like people from blue that people from red in pic related. By all logic, it should be the other way around.

Ignore the dots please, no idea why they are there.


t. Alberto Barbossa

Portugal is Portuguese and therefore Portuguese.

G*rms wish they were us.


Why Portugal is so cool?

wtf i love portugal now

The fact that we're poor but western Europe gives us the cool high school throb vibe of "doesn't care" bad boy, accompanied with the times when we actually cared we managed to do a great deal.

We're basically Fonzie, which is why the Arabs named our first king "Al-phons", meaning "The fonz".

You guys managed to get tons of land besides being a (rather) little country
So I say you have ti be proud that your country started the Age of Discoveries
There are littery whos country out there...
Portugal is NOT between them

Based coffee-bro roman grandpa.

Our chieftain has just scattered shit tons of money over the whole Islamic countries (once again and it’s namely nothing but our tax but we won’t complain it’s just for the sake of Allah), but he might dropped Portugal. We will voluntarily prepare another bag of gold for the sacred contributions to refurbish whole Islamic facilities there . Thank you for notifying!

>one of the 20 richeest countries in the world

MashALLAH, the caliph of portugal and his 4 phones will be pleased.

Europe standards poor.

Nor even there, t's eastern europe. Why can´t you look to any stat map on the issue?

I'd rather be associated with civilized ROMANS than barbaric GERMANIC tribes

Fuck off filipino

Portugal is Hispanic and celtic.
Me being the later.

This doesn't mean "from Hispania" anymore.

The term you're looking for is "celt-iberian"