
How do you feel about Dave's character arc?

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someone explain to Jade you need over seventy breeding pairs to stave off extinction, preferably closer to 700

Someone write a fic for this where Dave cries for Karkat the entire time Jade is raping him, and Jade makes fun of him for being a fag which makes him cry even more.
Tears turn me on.

she probably plans on using exobiology equipment to make things viable

It has has nothing to do with repopulation really, jade just wants kids

Oh yeah let's explain genetics to the half dog child who can control space. The same one who used frog genetics to create a whole new universe.

>dave giving up the chance to have a milf to himself

Have OOC

i didn't know i wanted this
make her put something in his butt too.

i wrote a fic similar except it only barely brings up karkat because dave's mouth is both gagged and taped over

I'm already writing Dave raising his dog children (though apparently I'm not allowed to post a link to it), maybe later.

That's no fun though. I want him to be bawling for Karkat and begging Jade to stop.

I'm not opposed to this as long as she shames him for liking it because he's a faggot.

all tears or just tears of distress?
how do you feel about tears of eustress, or ocular irritation?

Are you gonna drop a link here or no?

Jade: Receive Gift

and then if you need to recover from the sadness, here's cute JohnRoxy

No thanks
Only 100% rape that leaves Dave emotionally broken.

no Jade sucking Dave off while he cuts onions for you

Did this really happen? Is Homestuck really worth getting into?

why would dave be the one cooking?

Karkat is truly the most demanding chef.

>Slowly, she sneaked his hood into her hand

Jade's shown to garden, but not cook.

it's his turn tonight and the only thing he knows how to actually make is chili

But is it GOOD chili?

Fuck you.
I need my tearful gay shaming rape fic where Dave feels used, the OP was like a tickle and now I'm going insane trying to scratch at it.

no and sorta

i don't see the issue with this, did i misspell something? english isn't my first language so i mgith've typo'd

the past tense of sneak is snuck

Checking several dictionaries, it says both are valid.

it's actually "snought"

Do we have any actual plans for our stream? I've seen a lot of people implying we do but I can't actually find the plans anywhere

it's clearly snook

why do you all hate davekat so much

Its actually snek


on that thought terezi probably hates spicy food

spite, mostly

also its stupid

nah, if anything I reckon she's a huge masochist for the stuff
straight up 'please stop making this weird' with all her panting and moaning and drooling

Most texas chili I had was pretty shitty.

Well I can't speak for everyone but a few of my personal reasons for disliking it include:
>It came out of nowhere in the story, with no meaningful development to support it.
>It was a result of one of the worst narrative events in the comic.
>It required both of the characters involved to act jarringly different from their prior selves to function. Which had an impact of their standalone character development and actions in a negative sense going forward.
>It replaced an already functioning and enjoyable dynamic between the two which made sense and didn't need altering.

I think more people would be relatively accepting of it had some of those issues been addressed, primarily the lack of any actual development for it. But it's way too late for it now, so it's always going to cause controversy.

I wouldn't have minded it if they'd gone from bros to lovers in the GO timeline, but the way Vriskagram made it look is like they had no options and hooked up out of desperation. Both of them seemed pretty lame and emotionally vulnerable post-retcon (Dave's rant on masculinity, Karkat literally telling Kanaya that he was useless and all he wanted was a chance to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the people who actually mattered) so it doesn't seem like they helped each other get over any major issues either. It feels like they got together because nobody else would touch them and spent three years hating themselves more every day.

This is coming from a fujoshit, even. I really don't like Davekat.

These reasons, but also because the fans are the most insufferable fuckers I've EVER seen

I don't
But I like making fun of it
I kinda like JohnDave better

have you considered that they seemed more emotionally vulnerable because they dropped the masks they were holding up
sometimes growing up means that a character will move away from a immature mindset that's more entertaining to the viewer. doesn't mean the characters aren't happier and more mature.

>i dont like something because of its fans

literally how have you managed to read the whole of honestuck

in one sitting, without interacting with the fanbase until I was caught up

Oh I dislike it because of the normal reasons too. The fact that the fans of it are fucking awful people just helps it along.

So I downloaded a fuckload of Homestuck music, some of which never got released
Including something named "Desperado" made by Bill Bolin, Robert "Kali" Blaker and Joseph Aylsworth
And I just wonder what its supposed to be

lmao shut the fuck up, tipsy

Davekat is fucking shit, it will forever be associated with Vriskagram and Hussie is a shit cuck who can't kill off the pairing in the epilogue

how was the experience? i did basically the same thing apart from reading acts 1-4 as they were released in ye olde days and then catching up just before collide

They dropped the masks, yeah, but they didn't seem to achieve much genuine peace or healing on the meteor. Dave started to get that when he talked to Dirk, not when he did anything involving Karkat. Karkat was venting to Kanaya, not to Dave. There weren't really any signs that they were doing anything for each other and they were never shown having any boyfriendly conversations, so I don't think it's surprising that their relationship felt hollow to a lot of people.

to this day I have a shaking feeling being so sleep deprived made the comic seem significantly better than it is, but that first impression was so strong I may never see through it

>Karkat literally telling Kanaya that he was useless and all he wanted was a chance to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the people who actually mattered
i don't remember this

no one had any conversations post getting together in this comic so thats unfair to apply just to them

>no one had any conversations post getting together in this comic
But... most of them did?

what do you mean by shaking feeling

its not my fault you somehow managed to ignore every single time it was pointed out that Karkat's anger was bullshit, or that Dave really wasnt cool at all. or that they acted that way because they were insecure and self loathing. them putting a stop to those acts shows that theyre actually more secure, emotionally open and comfortable with themselves.

you just got attached to the mask, and are crying that its gone and attributing that to negative development when its really just your shitty reading comprehension.


KANAYA: Thats Why Youre Our Leader Karkat
KANAYA: Statements Like That Are Also Why Youre Our Leader


But neither of them was actually happier with themselves and in Karkat's case he regressed rather considerably. Dave still had his mask on as well in all his conversations post-retcon, only really dropping in his heart to heart with Dirk.

Having something uncover emotional vulnerability is only one part of the process, you've still got to deal with the cause of said emotional issues and that was never lead up to or dealt with well in either of them. For example, Dave's issues with Bro which were initially presented as comedic to the viewer and Karkat's whole deal of aspiring to be a leader despite his mutant blood. All these emotional issues were brought up and dealt with in the presence of other characters, not with each other. The only thing gained by either of them together was Karkat's personal regression, along side some positive attempts at trying to be calmer.

To add on to this, the positive effects could have been done just as well with their pre-existing relationship the two characters had which had both chemistry, development and history. Antagonistic friends, why couldn't they just stay like that? By forcing them together it eliminates a big part of a functioning dynamic for no gain.

like when your glasses still seem smudged, even after you clean them
or a faint aftertaste of dishsoap even though you rinsed the cup five times before using it
or how you always have less booze left in the bottle when you wake up than you remember being there when you fell asleep

>admitting to be tipsy
>implying I got attached by their masks and not at the dumb forced romance that should have happened pre-retcon
>literally korrasami 2.0 lol so meta

Hussie Zahhak

>All these emotional issues were brought up and dealt with in the presence of other characters, not with each other.
this is unfair because it was needed narratively when you introduce several new characters or need varied interactions

also attributing karkats incomplete arc to dave is like saying rosemary sucks because kanaya didnt contribute anything to rose wanting to play the rain. im not the biggest fan of rosemary but no one has ever shat on rosemary for that or even made the link like with davekat.

Jesus Christ, corridor.
feel free to stop fucking the corpse anytime soon

Why do people care so much about relationships between kids in a dead webcomic?

If any of you 'shipping' faggots think you're any better than the whiny bitches on tumblr, you're dead wrong.

You know, Korrasami at least had the benefit of being at least lightly implied over the last season and the two characters having a good rapport with one another. Davekat came out of nowhere.
It's still shit just done at the end for progressive points, but ultimately it's miles better than Davekat. Though everything is.

People totally have made that link though; I've seen a lot of people here say that Rosemary was good in theory but that Hussie didn't know what to do with the characters once they were together and they both became uninteresting and irrelevant in Act 6.

>Karkat's anger was bullshit, or that Dave really wasnt cool at all
That's just personal interpretation taken to an extreme. You can say they were masking their insecurities with the help of over the top aggression and self-loathing in Karkat's case and the cool-guy persona in Dave's. However, that doesn't mean those behaviors are any less real or a part of them, they just take them to extremes as a self-defense method.

Karkat is just an angry guy, it's a part of his personality. To suggest he is entirely falsifying that anger as a means of covering up his personal issues is absurd. It's like denying 90% of what we know of his character. His insecurities lead to that personality trait and it is a part of him. Even when he 'calmed down' he was still over the top and easily riled, that's just his thing.

Dave's situation being different in that people have already seen through his persona but still think he's cool, Jade being the obvious example. It's as much a part of him as his other personality traits are, he's just a cool guy with some less cool guy parts to him.

There's other issues with your interpretation, such as the idea they came out of the retcon more emotionally comfortable, given Karkat's regression and lack of actually dealing with his personal issues. In addition to the actual positive development shown with either character was nowhere near each other.

Wait, which one was this, Trashconstruct or Steelcorridor?
I can't tell them apart
Does Steel make thicker, messier lines or something?

>Davekat associated with Vriskagram and Vriska fixing everything
>people wonder why they hate this ship

No Steel is thin lines

as someone who came to korra late and knew about korrasami beforehand, and was patiently waiting for it to start happening, it came out of nowhere and went nowhere. there was no korrasami. it doesnt exist in the show.

johnroxy literally does nothing for the characters except look cute and its worshipped

rose and kanaya literally do nothing and its tolerated and maybe called boring

dave and karkat actually helped each other feel more comfortable with themselves and its MUH TRIGGUR DIDNT DO NOTHIN

>Homestuck will never be silly fun again


will dammek and xefros fuck

Why'd the Trolls feel the need to re-create what their ancestors did?
Eridan trying to be scourge of the high seas, instead of the wwizard he really wanted to be.
Nepeta wanting to climb mount Nubbyshouts, just like the Disciple and Signless.
Vriska wanted to be a pirate queen like Mindfang, bone the Nitram like Mindfang, and get killed by her brownblood boyfriend like Mindfang.
For someone who was all about "i am the hero, it is me" she acted like she'd rather be walking in someone else's shoes.
At least Feferi's desire to be empress came from the endorsement of the lusus that chose to raise her.

>does nothing for the characters
Truly, this is a well thought out bait

JohnRoxy and RoseKan have the benefit of not involving characters that were heavily shipped with others before they got together

RoseKan was teased for a long time and John never showed much interest in anyone besides Rose in that one flash.

Davekat is competing with DaveJade, Daverezi, Karezi, and Jadekat, all of which were teased earlier and more often

It's Trashconstruct. Steelcorridor has largely stopped. TC is also better at being offensive.

The point is that them being together doesn't add anything for either of them development wise, given their personal development was handled with other more influential characters. Thus it sticks out as being unnecessary and thus dis-likable.

>rosemary sucks because kanaya didnt contribute anything to rose wanting to play the rain. im not the biggest fan of rosemary but no one has ever shat on rosemary for that
Well I've seen plenty of people who held such an opinion, given how both Kanaya and Rose stopped offering meaningful input with each other, other characters and the story as a whole after getting together. Is that an issue with the characters, the relationship or just Hussie's writing? We can't 100% say, but what can be observed is their relationship not adding to those previous factors outlined, which is a reasonable reason to dislike it, hence to parallel with DaveKat. If it doesn't add anything after replacing an already fully functioning dynamic and isn't shown developing then what's the point in it?

oh so the cats out of the bag

youre all just butthurt because your otps got sunk by it

johnroxy even gets semi-negated when both of them start flirting with/kissing other characters and neither show any kind of jealousy. theres nothing between them after a66i4, it just disappears, but we cling to it anyway

And Dave and Jade helped Dave at least feel more comfortable with himself WHILE death and hell shit were going on, and it did it while actually feeling natural, unlike Davekat which took a retcon to justify

>both of them start flirting with/kissing other characters
Fucking what?

i ship mom/dad


tc is definitely not better at being offensive. nothing he has done compares to not on my watch

Nah I'm saying that that's why people excuse the other two you mentioned for being boring more. They didn't have more interesting competition.

Davekat had a bunch of potentially interesting ships it had to sink to happen.

My OTP was Dersecest and it was obvious that it wasn't going to happen, so I wasn't fazed when it didn't

>youre all just butthurt because your otps got sunk

Bravo. Keep using that mindset.

> Rosemary does nothing.
Except pushing Kanaya to stand up for herself against a snarky broad, and giving her a chance to grow out of Forever Alone.
Except emphasizing each other's drinking problems.
Except giving Rose opportunity to be genuinely helpful to others as an auspitice instead of giving horseshit advice to make herself feel superiour to others.

If you ignore everything, then yeah okay then it would look like nothing's there.

Wasn't it mentioned as being a cultural thing that trolls would look to their possible ancestors in the past for direction in their lives?

they didn't know what they wanted and had no real guidance so latched onto preexisting benchmarks for success to provide their stressful lives with a sense of direction and purpose

y'know, teenager stuff. most kids have someone they want to be hen they grow up, limited by the kinds of people they've heard about.

everytime jade talked to dave she kept on encouraging the cool kid shit. she barely had any idea who dave really was.

she couldn't even deal with davesprites issues, instead going to yell at alpha dave about it because she viewed them as the same person. how can someone so insensitive to an obvious issue have any chance of dealing with daves?

I'd flat out disagree with your first two points and say that your third had no actual development in the comic which we're shown, hence people's issues with it.

Good thing John never fucked a troll

They did a thing of jade turning dave white
The OP is her literally raping him


Me too
Which is also the reason I also ship JohnRoxy

Why do you make up shit and call it facts?

She had a clear idea of who Dave was. You keep missing that point. The thing was that Jade made it clear that it didn't matter that he was a dork or not, she found him cool regardless. He dropped the facade while still feeling like he could be heroic. Under davekat he regressed to straight up hating that side of him.

john and terezi go large with their flirting while roxy grins happily at how cute it is, despite wanting a boyfriend being one of her core motivations. then she flies off with calliope and we get a cutaway hiding something that looks like a kiss. and they dont show any signs they are particularly interested in each other for the rest of the comic.