Is the Ukraine rightful Russian clay?

Is the Ukraine rightful Russian clay?

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Is the USA rightful English clay?

no such thing as rightful clay

it's all taken by force


Yes, it always has been, and even if it was not, it sure as hell is not rightful property of Goldman Sachs and the Biden family.


Entire Ukraine no. They have their own language after all.... I would prefer to stay everything intact and not get destroyed, either by globalism or imperialism

Just the East.

>Galician hillbilly slang is its own """""language""""""

>is Kievan Rus rus?

No. That the East has been slowly invaded by Russian speakers is no justification. This is like saying California should be ceded to Mexico.

> proxi shills

most of it is Polish clay

but the far eastern part of Ukraine belongs to Russia


Breaking news - Sup Forums is dead

Up to Dnepr, yes

Is Muscovy rightful Kievan clay?


Borders are drawn with bayonets in the sand. If Ukraine is incapable of holding the territory, it does not own it nor control it. If the people of Crimea oppose Russian control, then in the long run, the territory will return to Ukraine.

Ownership is derived from the will to control, the will of the people to be controlled in that region, and the means to control.

Ukraine only has the will to control Crimea, and allegedly only the tartars wish to be controlled by Ukraine.

Crimea is Russian.

Is Kievan Rus russian?

You forgot to fill in Moldova

Ukranian is really not even a language. Ukranians communicate by alternating one Polish word and one Russian word in every sentence. That's it

Ja, den första staten hette Rus, sedan blev de Kievsky Rus har jag för mig. Och de va svenska vikingar som skapa Rus så därför borde Ryssland å Sverige återförenas!

Moldova is ethnically,linguistically and culturally Romanian.

>any clay
>rightfully r*ssian

What the fuck are you?


if you knew polski and ruski, would you understand ukrainian?


watch to understand


Proxyfag. ignore.

please dont spam "lE raRE xDDDDDDDDDDD SomE 12 yeAr olD usEd a VpN!!!!! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


If they can take it.
If they can take it.

Fuck, i wanted to post literally this.

>literally this

You all fagots don't understand.
Russia isn't based, russia doesn't want to save white race, and russia mostly consist of mongol savages.
Not the intelligent type you can meet here, the type that don't know english and actually hate everything english, that hate culture, that hate everything that can't understand. You probably didn't know, but this anti american cult is still exist and it's thriving there. You know who is the source of all problems by average russian opinion? Mm, guess, usa. Most of the russians are literally white niggers by look and by intelligent, who don't want to take problem in their hands and try to shove it on others. Russians even chimp out like niggers, but they're afraid of government and chechens, so they chimp out only before each other or before their neighbors.

No. The Ukraine and Russia were not originally inhabited by Slavs. Aryans settled the lands first but were eventually overrun. Those lands truly belong to the Germanic Aryans.


>not intelligent

Also let's be honest Ukies and Russians are pretty much the same people

what's ukraine?