Did he do anything wrong? Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?

Did he do anything wrong? Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?

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No and no.

They absolutely do not. Though maybe he could have announced something so people could prepare.

Just because you have powers doesn't mean you have to do a damn thing with them and it's complete bullshit if anyone tells you it's your responsibility to do so (sorry uncle Ben)

Totally didn't do anything wrong. If he wants to chill then he's well within his right to do so.

If he had announced his retirement instead of faking his own death, would it have worked?

He did nothing wrong,megamind fucked up by creating his own hero to play with

With great privilege comes great accountability.

Allowing Megamind to conquer the city was kind of a dick move even if he did end up being a pretty chill dictator. He was absolutely right to leave him to clean up Jonah Hill on his own though.

>Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?

Unless they can just fuck off to another galaxy, then yes they kind of do. It's their planet too.

People would have thrown a lot of shit his way, because they had got to a point where they couldn't imagine their lives without Not-Superman there to always save the day

No, man, people'd go CRAZY.

no because then people lose faith in him and the next hero to come along wouldn't be trusted

Given that there's only one other major villain apart from Megamind in this setting, yes, he did do wrong.

>Did he do anything wrong?
Kinda, he left the city to MM for a while but he did know that MM would become the good guy

>Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?
not really, it would be nice to get their help every once in awhile

Don't announce it or anything. Just gradually get lazier and lazier so people start having to clean up their own messes.

And announce to every villain that their rival is retiring? Smart

Kill all the villains before you go.

I see. So the general consensus seems to be that "with great power comes great responsibility" is total nonsense.

Well, it's no big surprise that Sup Forums is filled with potential supervillains.

Thanks OP I forgot how actually good this movie is:


I think on some level he knew that Megamind was never really evil and just being a villain for personal reasons, and that he would never be able to see the error of his ways until he finally "defeated" Metro Man.

>I think on some level he knew that Megamind was never really evil and just being a villain for personal reasons, and that he would never be able to see the error of his ways until he finally "defeated" Metro Man.
Has superman tried this with Lex?

There is no moral responsability to do anything with the power.
It is morally wrong to do evil acts with them because the acts themselves are evil, but inaction is not really evil.

Sure you are a dick, but it's not morally evil.Plus the average person isn't even to be trusted handling their own lives, if they had super powers should they really necessarily try to do justice?

>not conforming to the will of others makes you bad

Dude, he fulfilled his responsibility his whole life, retired, and left his role to someone trustworthy. Metro Man really didn't do anything wrong.

Not being a public servant isn't the same as being a superhero.

No because Megamind was never really a bad guy but Lex really is evil.

You misunderstand what Uncle Ben meant. He wasnt telling people to go save the damn world, he was telling him, if he's in a situation where his powers could be used, that's when he's obliged to use them. Like for example, if he's at a cinema, and a hostage-taking suddenly happens.

It's all Peter's choice that he went several steps further and became fucking Spiderman and started patrolling the city.

>isn't the same as being a supervillain.

Toying with the emotions of your friends is super shitty.

"Duty to rescue" is also Law and a concept in many places.

now, there is no general requirement for a stranger to rescue a stranger.

But there are some issues where liability does come into play. if you cause a hazardous situation. etc..

as a formally recognized and rewarded "superhero", he is essentially an expected rescue worker. Yes, he is liable for suddenly "not" doing that job.

Imagine all the volunteer fire workers in your town or county, just decided to quit, one day, all at once. Leaving your town completely void of a fire crew. Then they sat around and watched the town burn.
yeah. They would liable.

Kinda. There have been times where everyone thought superman was gone for good but he's been chillin' as Kent.

>Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?

No. Is not saving people when you have the ability and opportunity to a douchebag move? Yes.

No and No, but at the same time, c'mon son. Like if you hear a woman being raped like a mile away and it won't even take a second of your time, then y'know help a bitch out.

>Has superman tried this with Lex?
Sorta, and surprise, surprise Lex didn't do any of the shit he talked about doing if Kal was gone.

>fucking normies don't evne knowthat in the original source Ben didn't say shit, it was a caption at the end of ASM#1


Why would you help rape her? The heck is wrong with you!?

>Did he do anything wrong? Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?
No but you do have an obligation to rule it

From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs

Kinda how things worked out in Red Son, Kal let Lex think he won.

How was Megamind so good? It had no right to be

>Allowing Megamind to conquer the city was kind of a dick move even if he did end up being a pretty chill dictator.

Music Man knew that Megamind wasn't really a bad guy. He was leaving the city in safe hands

Then people will start blaming him for the rising crime rates. You just can't win.

Superpowered individual have the same right and obligation as everyone else to strive for what they believe in, the reach of their capabilities is obviously just so much greater that that of the average human so doing nothing would be kind of a waste, they also have less excuses. But if they don't really believe in anything then it can't be helped.

I saw this thread, so its my responsibility to make sure when you guys get super powers that you save your uncle.




I think that was the premise of Kirkman's Destroyer.


You realize that it's "With great power must come great responsibility." It means that the more power you have, the greater care you must take not to abuse it. How you do that is your choice.

He doesn't hold any kind of official position though, he just sorta does it.
Plus they should really pay firefighters anyway. The fact that so many of those guys are just volunteers is a travesty.






He knew megamind wasnt bad at his core, he also knew that antagonising Megaming was the reason why the guy turned into a villian.

You say this but everyone thinks Man of Steel Superman is obliged to save the world.

Apparently he "owes" us something

Some people say that everything happens for a reason. And with that logic, when something extraordinary happens like getting super powers, it can be said its your job to use those gifts.

Huh, so Peter was well known in his community's science community despite being a high schooler. I think I remember that being brought up before, same page where he said his long absence was due to being married to a supermodel.

He tried to buy my strongest potion when it was not for him

And this is why you kill the villains/criminals even though they are still low time

Shut up, nerd. Do you want me to lock you up in your locker again?


oh shit, his head does kinda look like it?

People would mob him if they knew he wasn't going to protect them because he didn't feel like it

Hearing people get raprd must be so awkward for Supes. Can you imagine all the fucked up shit he's seen?

>Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?

It even matters? Because don't matter of they save the world or not, people will still complain so they are fucked anyway.

>Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?

With great power comes great responsibility, user.

And he still thinks the world is worth it.

I always found it kinda weird how, as far as Metrocity is aware, Megamind murdered the fuck out of their old hero of justice given how quick they are to accept his heroic turn. Obviously he's still alive, but THEY don't know that

It's like, imagine if Green Goblin snapped Spider-Man's neck on live tv and then apologized the next month and said he was a good guy now.

>Not being a vigilante means you must be a criminal
Because I mean there can't possibly be any other options right?

Then why does he still fuck around as Clark Kent every day?
Now I'm just imagining him casually making lay-outs while hearing people in the Middle East getting bombed to bits.

Thanks, Ma and Pa Kent. And of course if Snyder does it then it's bad.

That's very convenient for those without power

It was the end of Amazing Fantasy #15 you normalfag

Evil occurs when good men do nothing

that...happened. He got put in charge of SHIELD (which he renamed Hammer), was a war hero thanks to the Skrull war, and was a shoe-in for president right up until he went crazy and Loki convinced him to invade Asgard.

it was more than a month later, but still, that he used to be green goblin was public knowledge

It's one thing to not be obliged to be the savior of humanity, it's another to instill fear in your child and kill yourself to prove a point.

Because, I'M BAD!

Yes and no.
It was understandable why he wanted to quit the hero business since that's what he was expected to do ever since he was a child but leaving without a trace was a dick move.

I don't see why he couldn't just have a talk with MegaMind. It didn't have to be immediately too either, he could have waited a couple weeks and then told him what's up when MegaMind was depressed and looking for purpose in his life.

Remember that episode were spongebob learned to fly

>asm 1
It was amazing fantasy 15 you mong. You're in no position to be calling other people normies.

old cape comics had awful storytelling

> Ctrl+f
> No one mentions Ayn Rand or posts the cover of Atlas Shrugged

Step it up guys. You had an obligation here.


I mean, we're not saying that if you see a girl getting mugged just let it happen even if you have the chance to stop it. That type of apathy is horrible.

But to dedicate your whole life to other people without a second thought about what you as an individual want with your life can take an emotional toll to anyone.

He is kinda a dick for not stopping by and dick-slapping Tighten.

He's the only guy that could safely take the guy down, and if he used his "time stop" level of superspeed he could do it and be gone without anyone realizing what happened.

I'm not referring to the tornado scene, I think that was retarded. I mean "you don't owe them anything."

Because MegaMind needed to figure it out on his own, and even if someone could have helped him it sure as hell wasn't going to be the guy he spent his entire life hating. If he had found out Metro Man was alive without the threat of Titan hanging over their heads he could have easily gone back to his old ways and even expose Metro Man's plan, forever tarnishing his name and crushing Metro City's spirit.

Except he would be doing exactly the same thing he convinced himself to stop in the first place

Stop being a hero means stopping for good. Period.

>"you don't owe them anything."
I don't have any issue with that sentiment, it's how they did it that was fucked up. It's like they tried to actively scar him as much as possible so he would never do anything for anyone ever.

so I guess nobody cares that spiderman is a television star turned vigilante

Why must things be defined in absolutes?

Because people would think he's a lazy asshole if he only superhero'd some of the time.
It's like if people knew Superman had a job as reporter during the day.

People don't think Police are lazy because they are only Police some of the time
The only reason Superman has a job as a reporter is because he wants to lead a normal life without villains harassing him and the people he cares about

Well that's because people understand that police officers are human beings who need to eat and sleep just like them, and also that they're always going to be limited in the amount of good they can do. And even then, the police force as a whole is always there.
Superman can save a person's life every second. If people realize that he doesn't do that because he wants to act like some dopey reporter from 9 to 5, they'd probably get pretty pissed off.
I get why he does it, but if he was real I'd probably get atleast a little bothered by Supes as well.

>Normies don't know he didn't say that in ASM #1
Spider-man's origin story was in Amazing Fantasy you wikifag but nice try.

I think that's case he's an alien that people think that, since we allowed him to live on earth or some nonsense like that

I remember back in school, when it came out I accidentally spoiled the twist to a friend.

It's funny how Ma Kent was right.

How did he not know though.
There were commercials that literally showed OP's pic scene.

The movie spoiled itself long before it actually came out.

>Do superpowered individuals have an obligation to save the world?
Yes. Everyone does, superpowers or not.
If something bad happens that you could have stopped, but chose not to, then you are morally responsible for it.