Why aren't you a vegan yet?

Lets hear those bullshit excuses

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I enjoy eating meat.

This. Have you ever tried meat, Paco? It's pretty good.

Because I am in favor of doing the opposite of what is proposed your pic, when can we start turning leftists and vegans into hamburgers? Put some hot sauce on it and I bet it would taste delish.

because I'm not a fucking pussy, faggot

he probably only eats humans

I need a daily dose of meat.

This. + I don't really give a shit about the animals I eat.

I'm not a limp wristed left hand dominate slack Jawed faggot.

Because I'm a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus.

Because Trump is already standing up to elite corporations, faggot. Oh, but you don't like Trump because he is gonna buildo de wallo and make sure you don't get a yob.

because it's almost certain that even in primitive societies, meat eating was prevalent as a mainstay food source.
The development of livestock agriculture is arguably a compounding response to expanding populations, and expanding populations were only as result of knowledge realized thousands of years ago.
The livestock agriculture problem is inherently linked with massive expansion of humans. If we apply proper population control, then the livestock agriculture industry can appropriately decline. It's not a problem of ethics, it's a problem of economics

i am as of january, never felt better

My nigga

Because I don't fucking care. How's that?

i'm normal

Most natural diet for humans is meat (including fish) and vegetables. It's also way easier to keep myself nourished this way than being vegan.

Why aren't you boycotting high-tech products from Asia? Some of the workers have to sign contracts with a suicide clause because the conditions are so terrible that the suicide rates are through the roof.

I'll care about animals as soon as you care about humans.

because I hate animals and wish to kill and eat them

vegetarian since birth
meat is repulsive to me but i really dont care what other people eat
enjoy life your own way i say

What's with the raptor foot?

don't forget your B12 supplements you limp wristed too moral to live faggot

I like vegan stuff, but I couldn't give a single fuck about your bullshit list.
By the way, I also love salmon.

I am againt all these things

I eat meat because im not some weird fucking elliot hulse, vegan gains wannabe alpha fuckboy tier who make conspiracy theories on food and think meat is infected with shit.

sissy "im a cool trendy vegetarian since birth, im a cool neutral guy man" croatian

>falling for the global warming jew
>falling for the animals have feelings jew
>implying corporate profits are a bad thing and not the very force that makes the world go round

Don't WEW me or my wife's lad ever again

If I ever run out of animals to eat vegans are next on the list to get hacked up for barbecue.

What is all this shit
First of all, all the shit about the planet & the wildlife, once we start going into space, none of that shit matters, the planet & all the other animals & shit on it can die out, who gives a shit, there is endlessly more, and we won't be a part of "nature" or the "food-chain"

Now about feeding the hungry, thats a terrible idea. Look at Africa, you feed them & they just fucking breed more & need MORE FOOD
So instead of letting one thousand humans starve, you end up letting one million.

yep, i continue to take multivitamin each day just as i did before i went vegan

Sup Forums is currently being liberated by the trudea army of reddit
Kek has been defeated, praise Trudeau
Please stay calm if you wish to not get BTFO

>say you are vegetarian
>say you are vegetarian since birth and you dont care what other people eat
why cant i ever win with meat eaters? why do you have the need to push meat eating on everyone who doesent do it?
i never in my life said anything bad about meat other then that it repulses me

I am sure I read somewhere in the past that they were deforestating the Amazon to plant Soy.
Vegan lifestyle is expensive compared to a regular diet.
I am against killing animals for the sake of it, but if we didn't use those animals to feed ourselves they wouldn't exist. For example, Donkey, yes motherfucker! Donkeys are going extinct (at least in Mexico) because they had been replaced by vehicles.

I don't give a fuck about chickens

don't worry man, girls love effeminate pussies, it gets them wet when you say you want to kiss cows and badgers

you'll be fighting them off mate

>against deforestation

Where the fuck do you think the fields came from?

Heh, keeping it c0=0000=00lLLLL & trendyYY????


im sissified since birth, please dont push male stuff on me

Kindness is not an actual thing, that's just trash human delusion.

The meat industry insures animals are allowed to reach populations they wouldn't be able to in the wild and they have arguably better lives in captivity where they do not need to compete against others, or worry about predators.

In a world where everyone was vegan, all those farm animals which have been bred to be domesticated over millennia, would have to be cared for by charity organisations, who would have to cull them in the billions in order to keep them manageable, compared to the high quality of life domestic animals enjoy today, that's pretty regressive on the whole animal rights thing.

Ecosystems are about coexistence in a free competitive wilderness and since humanity has removed itself from said wilderness, the meat industry has accommodated for the lives of billions of animals that would not have been able to be born otherwise.

The intrinsic value in all human life is an individual's capacity for potential, to be able to spread emotions to others and change the world for better or worse, something which fleshes out the experience of all life on the planet, an animal does not have this value, it cannot even conceive of such potential, that is why it is stupid to hold it's life to the same metric as a human's.
>pic semi-related

>1 post by this ID

Reminder to sage/report and hide off-topic slide threads.

Take Sup Forums back from the SJWs

Not to defend whoever the fuck you're attacking
But when you do fucking everything in your life for "pussy"
And "pussy" is something you constantly bring up, well, you're probably a low-IQ breeder who is not fit for much

i agree all vegan arguments are true, but my trump card is that...

>male stuff
>im 2m tall and perfectly healthy with a bit of visible muscles
how is it manly?

I'm ashamed to be a countryman of this cuck, real men eat meat, cuz we are the apex predator, we disregard other lesser animmals "feelings".

>Stand up for worker's rights
>Shut down ebul corporations!


homopedo detected, enjoy your NAMBLA meetings, don;t forget "sex before 8, before it's too late!"

well to be fair, aztecs were canibals

he's rusing you

and being good at it

because its haram in my religion to be vegan

Trendy & COOL

I dont have a pussy

trying to see how far hes gonna go before i have to pull out the >Swedistan

>Be vegan
>Belives in a vegan world
>Must tell the world of veganism
>Becomes an asshole

I'm straight.

holy shit so much projection in this post unbelievable

im going to make a cool grentexT now.

>be me
>sissified & vegetarian since birth ahahahhaahhaha !!!!
>keeping it cool

>be me

Better question:
Why are you not hunting or raising your own meat?

Soy to feed livestock

veganism is not healthy

>only source of protein is somalian sperm he has to suck out of his girlfriends ass with a straw
>haha look at this white guy on the internet whos superior to me in every way
>haha lets make fun of him haha

not denying it

analysis confirmed

screw off pedo

relax lad, why are you so angry? i don't eat meat and i'm in the best shape i've ever been in, what's your issue with that?

people dont like people who dont "fall in line" or who are not like them
youll get used to it



>be croatroach
>kill itself


You must be a fucking faggot

nah m8

oh alright!

>be swedish
>only socialization with civilization is on the internet
>secretly browse Sup Forums on wifes somalian sons phone
>shitposting is the only thing keeping me alive


protip beta cuck, women come to you, you dont do shit to make appease them, they do shit to appease you
but i guess you wouldn't know anything about how that works, being british you probably look like your face got in a fight with a fucking weed wacker

angry? why would I be angry that the globalist socialists want to further feminize and homofy men by turning them into vain pathetic weakling social signalling high horse carebear faggot cucks?

we need strong men to carry our race forward, not effeminate girly "oh won't you think of da poo animals" pathetic losers

Ah, you are still in the closet. How cute.

You are probably vegetarian since birth because your parents couldn't afford to buy meat.

Eggs are healthy and delicious as well as healthy and capable of being ethically procured
Also honey

>why cant i ever win with meat eaters?
because you are a low testosterone girly faggot cuck, well one the way to serious long term incurable vitamin b12 deficiency

Vegans BTFO
Really makes you think huh?
How can OP recover?

nah for some reason i refused to eat it
got 5 pussys so far so not a fag im pretty sure of that

Google Dan Barber, faggot.

true... there is no good reason to consume meat at the rate we do today... but if you question this it's met with hostility.

i guess people don't want to have to think or to have to change the way they've been living for however many years

for what it's worth adopting a vegan diet is not difficult or expensive. it seems like a leap at first but after 1 week it's second nature. people are afraid of change though


>be croatroach
>live in a FUCKING desert
>eat flowers and trees

>I am


vegan men have higher levels of testosterone though

no i didnt mean that
imeant in an argument
they wont listen
say i eat everything they do just without meat

>you dont do shit to make appease them, they do shit to appease you
which is why you shoudn't become a vagootardian

who cares about da po po andimals cos dey has da faces

>look like your face got in a fight with a fucking weed wacker
a what? is this some kind of pervert in america?

according to a vegan website, kek

have you considered that they might be right?

Posters and magazines don't count as pussy. Just because you are saving photos of female celebrities on your PC, it doesn't equate "getting pussy".
Go eat some meat and grow up.

Fucking poorfag, never been able to afford meat so somehow you came to the conclusion that meat disgusts you.

>fucking desert
nah m8 no deserts here
>eat flowers and trees
ayy m8 at least i dont eat muhammeds cock for breakfast lunch and dinner

and according to non-vegan websites the inverse is probably the case, """kek"""

Eating animal products is illogical

1. It's completely unneccessary for your own health and survival

2. It causes a lot of harm to the animals (would you like to suffer what they go through?).

3. It uses a lot more resources than plant foods for production

4. It's unhealthy (you all fucking know it. "fast food is unhealthy"... What is unhealthy about fast food? The salads, vegetables, bread? Or the cheese and the meat?).

Knowing all of this while continuing to eat meat and animal products makes you immoral. Why are you better than niggers? Why does an immoral piece of shit like you, who contributes to completely unnecessary torture of animal just for some stupid fucking food tradition, deserve to live? Fuck the white race, fuck everyone who isn't vegan.

Yet you'll still continue to eat meat and animal products because of some stupid fucking milk commercial or magazine article about how healthy eggs are, places there by the huge food industries who keep on spouting propaganda to brainwash subhumans like you into buying their cancerous shit. Money rules the would you fucktards.

>be croatroach
>tries to imply that muhammed cock isnt tasty and good for you

I eat both meat and plants. Get on my fucking level.

>be swede

holy shit! imma try dat yo!

>animal products are bad
kill yourself

I'm all for eating vegans.

What if its homemade though? lol

You are a fucktard subuhman without logic. Into the oven it goes.

So you can still afford cheese with your croatian salary?

I fixed this image.

I am a vegan, although I don't identify as such. Animal products are unsustainable, inhumane, unChristian/Buddhist,whatever. Just like now, how people say 'hoe did people own slaves ', people will will wonder how meat was eaten

i would like to see a load of sweaty high-cholesterol, high-estrogen manboob meat eaters try tbf

>feed the hungry

all i have is meat. can i feed them that?