




Ribic is so based...


All this Thor is too modern, FOR SHAME!

So was this the whole "Hammer of Thorr" thing or what?



The general consensus from this storyline seems to be Thor does not have any fucks to give.

The guy he's fighting looks like a twat.




Marvel Adventures Thorm is cute as fuck.

god i want this ship so bad
i hope marvel makes it a priority after whor finally dies

Needs more Thor vs Herc

Best Thor coming through

I want Ribic to draw Thor vs Sentry vol.3 Rumble in the White Hot Room




I know right. Don't understand how Sup Forums won't let women be an intergral part of their hobby. It's a new age and girl should have someone to look up to, besides the new Thor provides a better messege than some hyper masculine guy going around swinging his dick around.

I know right? They're honestly on the wrong side of history. I, for one, think it's a great thing women can now use comics to talk about subject there might otherwise be left untouched.

>trying this hard to rustle people

I mean, sure he is trying to rustle, but what he is saying isn't false. Comics have major problems with representation of marginalised groups, women being one. Hell even Sup Forums is filled with pseudo-MRAs who spout hatred of feminism every single chance they get. Just look at the backlash of Jane being Thor and the new Ghostbusters, although that falls more into Sup Forums's domain.


For some reason I'm just cracking up, looking at Cap in that first panel. Just hanging there like

"Oh hey, that's Thor"

>Comics have major problems with representation of marginalised groups
Because they don't mother fucking sell.
Because women don't actually read comics, Loud idiot fucks claim they do but then Journey into Mystery, Elektra, She Hulk, Fearless Defenders getting canceled and Captain Marvel getting relaunched over and over proves they don't.

>who spout hatred of feminism every single chance they get.
No we hate on modern tumblr brand "feminism" which isn't fucking feminism or for equality.

>Just look at the backlash of Jane being Thor and the new Ghostbusters,
Jane as Thor is hated because she is flat and uninteresting and everyone around her is being written out of character to make her look better.
The female Ghostbusters is based because its unfunny garbage.


Not to defend those people, because most of the time they're just looking to validate their shitty opinions, but there actually is something to be said about your two examples and the larger trend they represent: representation for representations sake. Treating those on the periphery as glorious example of your ability to show how open minded you are is just as ignorant as pretending they don't exist. There's nothing authentic about this trend, it's just pondering garbage for the most part. There are plenty of great female writers and artists out there, but their work is actually being shoveled back because "what sells" is cheap pandering filth for the masses to consume and then move on to their next cultural tirade. It's an especially shitt my situation here because the nature of the conversation of gender is so polarizing nobody is allowed to disagree or you get labeled as "the enemy" and more polarized group think is encouraged, nothing's resolved, and the cycle continues

Yeah, it's just a bunch of man--babies crying that women are taking part of their hobby. Something they've been saying they would welcome for years. You just can't win.

They're crying but not for the right reasons, just like the "cultural critics" are whining but about the wrong thing. The placacment of the real issue at hand in vidya, film, etc about peripheral representation is abhorrent. But I guess click bait and inciteful material is easier and more profit worthy than a legitimate discussion where everyone makes concessions and grows intellectually for the better

That is the thing, we wouldn't have a problem with them being apart of the hobby, the problem is they are demanding our hobby be altered to fit them.
No not part of the hobby but it in its entirety, they don't want a single cheesecake book left, they don't female characters to face tangible violence ever again.
It would be like males demanding female romance novels stop having romance or using the pov of the female.

>They're crying but not for the right reasons
Being against Characters we love and hold dear being dragged thru the mud and turned into villains to make females or other minority characters look good isn't a right reason?
You can burn in the depths of fucking hell.

>the problem is they are demanding our hobby be altered to fit them.

Is that not the logical conclusion when they become part of your hobbies, though?


what the FUCK is this? a reaction image for ants???


Do the one where Thor punches out Odin with the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.

The master of storms using a storm the size of a dozen EARTHS as a weapons is so co

This whole argument of "representation" has never made sense. What group is by far the most frequent buyer of comics these days? The fat thirty-year-old neckbeard. How many characters like that do you see in comics? As heroic protagonists and not as joke characters? None. And somehow this doesn't slow them down at all.

Do you fucking think the average comic-buyer can see anything of himself in Batman or Thor or even Peter fucking Parker? These impossibly handsome and successful ubermenschen banging 10/10's all day errday? Do you think they have anything in common at all with the people buying their comics?

Fuck, my favorite character is a little asian girl, and I'm sure as fuck not one. Where's my representation?


Monkey's paw'd bitch. They're gonna remember but make it a lesbian biracial relationship for the progressive points

Shit is shit, and a critical fan base is a critical fan base, trying to deflect criticism with notions that the quality of the work is irrelevant or the critical nature of the audience should be put aside because a woman is involved is infantilizing towards woman at best. It is the act of a truly sexist perspective, demonstrating a distinct and gross lack of respect for other women and the consuming audience in general.


Why did you all fall for this obvious bait?

I'd like to see more Thor and Hercules. i enjoyed the new Hercules series. Yes, I read the Blood Oath comic already.

"Thor is instantly subject ot agravimetric attraction akin to that of a neutron star... "unnimaginable tonnage."

Thor has plenty of amazing feats. Old Thor is one of the few old comics I enjoy reading. Its basically all golden.

More Thor v Herc.


Probably one of the most difficult things is how fast Thor really is. I think based on his formspring, Brevoort makes a distinct between "combat speed" and "travel speed." It is hard to find a lot of speed feats from Thor. But I think its silly to consider that Wolverine would be faster than Thor in a fight.


Hard to know how fast collosus is, but I don't think he's ever been considered sluggish.

Who is he fighting?

One of Apocalypse's kids

>tfw people were upset that Absorbing Man is sexist not realizing that he's a confirmed wife beater


From the thumbnail I thought that was Doomguy for some reason.

how are fem thor and ms marvel doing?

one of apocalypse' kids. This is from uncanny avengers. I guess they are strong. Remender had apocalypse nearly one shot Thor in a previous issue so I guess we are to infer even if his kids lost some strengh they'd be vaguely Thor level.

Thor matches Hela's swordsmanship that even impressed Odin.


>Do you fucking think the average comic-buyer can see anything of himself in Batman or Thor or even Peter fucking Parker?

Yes? Like that is how that whole thing works.

Most people don't read or watch things based on how good they are, they do it because it appeals to them in some way, and the most frequent ways comics appeal to people are either indulgent fantasy (I wanna be a billionaire ubermensh with supercool gadgets and zero fucks to give) or an issue that speaks to them (God, that kid struggles with school and boring everyday life shit just like me). Obviously there are plenty of exceptions but finding characters and stories that speak to you is always the major mechanism behind fiction popularity.


I think Thor is strong. Godbutcher had incredible phsyical strength, and all the Thors got huge hits in which can explain FemThor's performance against Odin. *But* there is no reason to believe he had a power-set anywhere near Odin's (Odin is actually alive during Godbomb anyways).

FemThor wouldn't ever stand a chance against an angry Odin.


probably the best of Secret War tie-ins

No. You don't get to DEMAND anyhting.


This was always a great hit.

Hate to be contrarian but I really didn't like it. It had some good splash pages but it just felt so "low energy" like Aaron had to do it because he was company man and needed 4-5 issues.

I did really enjoy Civil War, and Werid World. And Avengers 2099 really surprised me.

I love that last panel.

Odin had died, that was Old Thor with an eyepatch.




No dude Future Thor hasn't appeared in the FemThor book at all.



Once again, your polarizing attitude is why the problem is so severe and has spiraled so far out of control it's insane.

What you are describing is an issue. It's demeans existing characters as well as the "minorities" who are now being represented (I use quotes here because white women are not a minority, even though they often like to think so). What You are describing is what I take issue with: representation for representations sake, otherwise known as pandering. There is a such a potential for female creators and artists to get showcased, but those slots get given away to pandering bullshit that continues to alienate your existing fanbase, while failing to building up another base because the audience they pander to isn't one to stick around.

There is a deconstruction of both sides. For our gender war example here, males get "marginalized", while women take their role (Thor, etc though Thor is the only extremely flagrant example of this). This is problematic because it both reduces men to a narrow and ignorant identity (that sounds familiar), as well as minimalizing any chances at real change and opportunity for authentic representation of the target demographic because you reduce them to novelty clickbait so white people can feel on the side "plus side of moral change/improvement". It's honestly hilarious when you step back and both sides use polarization and labeling to reduce naysayers opinions and basically inhibit any chance for real change.

Best Thor.

This was while he was still worthy.

God, I loved Thor Disassembled.

Oh wow. I didn't catch that and I read the arc several times.

Aaron Ribic Thor run was just so full of amazing feats for modern Thor.

That's a funny picture of Throg

Isnt Titania stronger than him?

>It seems we're stronger than this table!

Was this supposed to be as funny as I found it?

Isn't Absorbing Man a villain? Shouldn't he do bad things and shit?


No. But the old comics are often unintentionally funny. Though old thor was really good. I thought I'd be full cringe at the stan lee stuff but it was pretty epic. The Thor Epic Collection "To Wake the Mangog" just floored me. the value and the quality. wow.

I really wanna get into the Silver Age stuff, but there's just so many words. Like, it's so boring. I adore Thor though, but I just can't bring myself to read anything Silver Age, except for the Beta Ray Bill arc

Thor always struck me as more of a Nintendo guy

No. Read the old thor stuff. Not only is it a great value, it really is well thought out and a lot of fun.

The Epic Collection stuff is worth reading. And Eternals Saga 1 and 2 are probably two of the best Thor things you can buy.

No. I was told in-person that even villians in videogames that the game repeatedly asks you to outright murder can't be sexist anymore because it's 2013


He's fast, but not superhumanly so. About Olympic-level.

He'd probably love Zelda.


The wordiness is just part of the style of the era.

It comes from two things. First: A lack of confidence in their artists to be able to depict actions or emotions on a page. Which is kind of legit, considering how often printers would fuck up or how meanings could get mangled in the rush to get things printed (see Hank hitting Jan).

Second: More compressed storytelling. A one to three panel sequence could cover several pages of fighting, with the right narration. The narration could also cover emotions, sparing space that an artist would have to draw. One sequence that comes to mind is, like. At one point, Cap and Falcon are recovering from some shit, and, according to the narration, they share a long look, but say nothing because they are both men and any more would just embarrass them.

Meanwhile, the art has two panels. One of them looking at each other, one of them looking away.

These days, this would be at least a three panel sequence. And that matters, when dealing with page space.

>Saving an agent of Hydra
So Thor is also evil now?

Thor fought on the side of the Nazis in WWII. True story.