Salam aleikum habibi... the same as usual?

>salam aleikum habibi... the same as usual?

yes my brother

''Yeah... j-just the kebab, thanks, a-and some extra sauce''

yes my brother

>eating kebab instead of gyros
Turkish spy, reported to the authorities.

Why is a guy calling me habibi?
Fucking faggot I'll behead you with your döner kebab knife for the glory of all*h

That shit looks disgusting, bland and tasteless, I'll stick to my superior tacos de trompo

Salade tomate oignons chef

tres de pastor y tres de suadero con todo, por favor

F'għoxx kemm għandek ja Tork. Jien ġejt hawn għal oħtok ħa nqaxxrilha l-mustaċċi.

Yes, but add more onion, please.

How do the funny letters work

tfw no kebab in my town

One pita please, garlic sauce and onions fucking roach

>F'għoxx kemm għandek ja Tork. Jien ġejt hawn għal oħtok ħa nqaxxrilha l-mustaċċi.

heh, post of the night

What do you mean?

I like shawarma shops, they always call me friend.

>'hello my friend, welcome to my shop'
>'ahh my friend what can I get for you'
>'how are you today my friend'

there was one in another town I used to live in that I always frequented, I held the door open for the shops delivery guy when there was a bunch of ppl not bother to get the door for the guy with his arms full of onion sacks.

after that he always gave me a shit ton of that garlic sauce on the side for free.

Deheb. irridu lura.

Yep, Shawarma in lafa with humus, a little zhug, pickles and onions.

szalom aleke

yes the same

Like what's the code what does that g with a pint mwan or the double x or the c with a point....

Don't make fun of him. It was pretty clear.

>Mexicans are just Arabs who aren't as bro-
>Mexicans are just Arabs who are less vio-
>Mexicans are just Arabs only Cath-
>*considers Mexican "Catholic" rites like the Mexican Day of the Day and the Black Virgin
>nah, fuck this, Mexicans are Arabs period

I'm using Maltese keyboard. the double is are two normal x's.

Lo tak meta satak

Great story man. 10/10. Really kept me on the edge of my seat.

Keep me updated.

sure thing my friend

Tini d-deheb u ngħidlek. Onestament dawk il-kostumi huma faqa'.

>not going to a Greek guy

Napoleon was the good guy desu. Il-knisja miex nieqsa mid-deheb. Dak l'iskola it-taghliem ta' l-istorja ta' Malta, hafna godob. Il-Kavallieri, the "|good guys", hxewna. Napuljun dahhal hafna progress li rried issir, imma il-qassis ma ghogbux li ir-rahal Malti ikon ittrattat ta' bniedem. Too bad ma seraqx izjed mid-deheb taghhom.

Dażgur li l-Franċiżi daħħlu ħafna riformi, imma dak li hu ħażin xorta ħażin. U b' is-serjetà? Jieħu iżjed? Ma naqbilx għax kien x' kien, deheb f'Malta kien.

U d-deheb biex niċċajta nsemmieh, x'għala żobbi mid-deheb. Però hemm xi ħaġa li nixtieq li tingħata lura, iċ-ċippi ta' Melqart.


shlwnk a7la khaiyo, bidoun majonez ba3d iznk

Jien smajt li n-nisa Peruvjani għandhom talenti speċjali.

Are you talking about something lewd?

Yeah, shaurma, fries and a bottle of tarhun

Iva, talenti li jinvolvu ż-żobb.

is ع I'm pretty sure and

is ح

is like sh in English or ش

Mutton pita with rice.

these guys are everywhere in japan. if they made it there they pretty much took over the world.

based merchants.

I can't say for the "għ" or "ħ" since I don't understand that but you're right with "x".

If it means the same as in Nafri-speak then that's very lewd indeed

Oh, quite lewd indeed.

>Iva, talenti li jinvolvu ż-żobb.
Don't lewd me please.

>Maltese keyboard
How do these work? They seem impossible to find, and the Maltese characters aren't even part of EurKEY.

Jien għan-nisa kont qiegħed ngħid.


literally arabic

it's in the languages options of Windows.

There is no difference between Turks and Greeks. Hell, most modern Greek food is Turkish with an oc donut steel watermark.

>47 key
the horror


I meant how you find good Maltese keyboards. EurKEY is a layout that makes it possible to write a bunch of languages with a US-English keyboard, it's what I use.

Oh, no I just have a regular keyboard. I worded that horribly.



Ejja, ibagħtli mara Peruvjana.

Nah, it's too comfy here.
Why don't YOU come here instead?

Għal istess raġuni. U jien għidtlek ibgħat mara, mhux ejja int.

honestly i can read basic arabic, i understand 50% of the weird shit you wrote

Oh, I'm married anyway. So, I'll be fine.

Tista jekk jogħġbok tgħolli l-parlament Ewropew m' Alla? Grazzi.


Nope, how can you possibly expect me to develop feelings for somebody I just met?

Inti qiegħed tiġbidli sieqi hux? It-traduttur mhux daqshekk ħara f'ġieħ Alla.

Dik naħseb m'Alla mhux m' Alla.

I'm not using a translator

U mela ħaqq Alla tifhimni sew qiegħed. L-anqas jimpurtani intx Malti jew le, bħalissa s-sagħtejn u nofs nieqes ħamsa ta' filgħodu u għandi xkora nagħas. Saħħa, sliem, u l-ġurnata t-tajba.

Underrated post

Have a nice day!
