Jonathan Hickman's Marvel Run Storytime

Jonathan Hickman's Marvel Run Storytime

Storytiming Jonathan Hickman's runs on SHIELD, Secret Warriors, Fantastic Four, Ultimate Marvel, Avengers, and the entire Secret Wars event. One thread a day.

Secret Warriors
Dark Reign: Fantastic Four

Other urls found in this thread:



























One of my favorite modern Marvel runs. The best thing Hickman did for them.



I absolutely agree. It's far from my favorite F4 run, but it's definitely his best Marvel work.




Sue got man shoulders


Don't talk about my momfu like that









if there ever was a single page for reed, this is it


Gimme a second, I got a better one














Forgot all about that page, love it


Would people read if I did all of F4? I feel like they're really unappreciated on Sup Forums























This reminds me, what's Sup Forums's opinion of Mark Millar's run?





I don't think care much for this artist desu



That's my biggest problem with this run, the art ranges from okay to awful. idk why Hickman got such shit artists.



