Why do you hate me?

Why do you hate me?

He's white

because you're a crybaby faggot and you haven't made a single good movie

i do?

Sup Forums sometimes has a contrarian backlash against some of the people who were cool and edgy in the 90s:

Kevin Smith
Adam Sandler
Tarantino, even

all get kind of shit on here.

Dogma was ok I think. But I haven't watched it since it came out

A really off-putting combination of narcissism and self-loathing. He just can't shut the fuck up about himself, or stop posting pictures about himself. Yet he's built an entire life and career out of refusing to act like a man or allow himself to be taken seriously.

His work is a reflection of this. Self-conscious, juvenile "bad-on-purpose" bullshit, yet with an inexplicable need to self-reference, create a "cinematic universe" and insert himself in self-effacing cameos whenever possible. He made decent films when he was younger, or at least I thought so when I was younger, but now he's just living in decay.


cause when you grow up you realize just how cringey that stuff really is

Because you're DUDE WEED LMAO taken to its most logical (and annoying) extreme.


I don't think anyone hates this dude. I think the majority just find his shit juvenile and uneducated.

Why would someone take a picture of himself crying?

Somebody just post the tweet



i don't hate you. have you seen your daughter? she's prime slooterino material. and you raised her to be super cool with her sexuality so she's most likely out getting pounded every night. that's fucking awesome.

wish more dads were like you

Your youtube channel is dishonest overly positive dreck.

Dogma is like if one of those Sup Forums trailer threads actually got made.

Hm. This makes me approve of the guy more.

kind of cringey, but the fucker is married and is probably surprised he's the only one in his group of friends who still has an active sex life within the confines of his marriage.


You made a movie for the specific purpose of filming your daughters ass in yoga pants. I love you

oh shit, when did Kevin become JUST?

>bragging about having sex with his wife and specifically referring to how much he loves her genitals

What's wrong with this fuck?

He cries a lot on social media, it's not really a new or noteworthy thing

since he did copout, it was the kiss of death for his mainstream career

As much as Willis may have been an asshole, he proved he couldn't either handle star power on the set and wasn't cooperative with the production either, not even knowing the lenses how to pull off shots, being high as fuck during the shoot, etc.

If he wanted to, I'm sure he could get work easily as a screenwriter for the rest of his life or get involved into comics again, which he sort of did by directing a couple of episodes of the flash.


I wasn't aware, I don't pay much attention to that stuff

i feel bad for him. he had his aging nerd niche and tried to fuck around with AAA hollywood and was completely out of his element.

What a fucking creep

He's a fucking schmuck. Clerks is great though

I like his movie commentaries

fuck Kevin but I like Walt and Bry.

>oversized hockey jerseys
>over 30 years old
This inspires hate within me.

>over 30

try nearly 50.

I don't think about you at all.

>try nearly 50
Is 50 not greater than 30 in your cloud cuckoo land?

You were infinitely more tolerable when you were "silent"

that's like saying someone is over 10 when they're almost 30. c'mon.

I don't hate you bby, c'mere

It's way worse when you are almost 50 though. I liked Tusk though but Sup Forums seems to hate it.

He sounds like the type of person in fear of being cůckolded desu.

You mean factually correct?


that scene where he gets out of the chair is goat

Because Sup Forums told me to, and if I had any opinions or views of my own that were worth even contemplating I wouldn't hang out in this shit hole.

>I'm having a personal moment of real emotion..
>Let's be sure to get the right pic of this...
>Oops, bad angle, one more
>Ew, my face looks fat
>Shit, I blinked
>OK just the right amount of pathos and solemnity...Let's get this to social media
>Gosh I feel sad...Hope I get some retweets

Because you think a hockey jersey is formal wear.

>asking for approval 22+ years into his moderately successful career
>a literal nobody still
Here ya go.

watch yoga hosers. dudes got a lil chub for his daughter. every yoga scene is mostly just ass shots of his daughter.