What a rich and vibrant culture. Truly something to be proud of

What a rich and vibrant culture. Truly something to be proud of.

If your country does not saunate regularly then it is a non-country, if even that

Why dont Russians take care of their feet ?

looks a rural village somewhere in southest brazil

>post lowlifes
>implying by default that entire nation is the same
Guys. It's not even funny. There was millions of such threads.

As a Russian, I've never seen such a mess on a train trip.

ITT pidors (except me, another Russian and a finn)

Shut up Kim you can't infer that from that picture

Kim = Kimberly, right?

Saunas are very common in Alaska

>says the increasingly nervous Russians

Oh, hello, fellow 1st-worlder!

But you sure do you leg-shaving faggot

Why do I keep seeing her everywhere?

It's just this faggot spamming her all over the place.

s-sorry, master.....

If you never went out from a hot sauna, did not drink ice cold vodka and did not jump into the river or snow, and then you would go to the sauna, then you can not judge it.

Good. Now bend over and spread that boy pussy.

Is sauna popular in russia or just near finland?

Based Russian slaying Aussie

Banya is very popular

I live in western Siberia and my parents have a sauna at the dacha, almost everyone who owns a dacha has a sauna.

Both banya and sauna are very popular. You can rent a sauna practically everywhere in my city. But I bring my towel with me, haha.

60/40, I would say. And 40 is to owners.

What's wrong here? It's a banya not a house for living

looks like a good time

if the sky was clear you could be excused for thinking that was Australia

> person never experienced vodka with beer and pickles after a banya on a gloomy late summer day
> posts this
it's actually a truly glorious feeling, something milk-fed kangaroo-fucker would never understand
Muscowite gaywads ITT are not helping

I'd have great time with guys in the pic, it wouldn't be any worse than in any city bar with hookah sushi and craft beer



>hookah sushi and craft beer

i like those places, been in one last night
i know those things are going out of fashion in moscow, but who cares what you trim-bearded fucks think

>hookah sushi and craft beer

seems like a strange blend to me m8
japanese, european and middle east shit all at the one place

>I'd have great time with guys in the pic
Bcтaeт Бaтя пepвым. Пpиближaeт к ceбe Bocкa. Bcтaвляeт Bocк в бaтинy вepзoхy yд cвoй. Кpяхтит Бaтя oт yдoвoльcтвия, cкaлит в тeмнoтe зyбы бeлыe. Oбнимaeт Bocкa Шeлeт, вcтaвляeт eмy cмaзaнный poг cвoй. Ухaeт Bocк yтpoбнo. Шeлeтy Cepый зaпpaвляeт, Cepoмy — Caмocя, Caмoce — Бaлдoхaй, Бaлдoхaю — Moкpый, Moкpoмy — Heчaй, a yж Heчaю липкyю cвaю зaбить и мoй чepeд нacтaл. Oбхвaтывaю бpaтa лeвoкpылoгo лeвoю pyкoю, a пpaвoй нaпpaвляю yд cвoй eмy в вepзoхy. Шиpoкa вepзoхa y Heчaя. Bгoняю yд eмy пo caмыe ядpa бaгpoвыe. Heчaй дaжe нe кpякaeт: пpивык, oпpичник кopeннoй. Oбхвaтывaю eгo пoкpeпчe, пpижимaю к ceбe, щeкoчy бopoдoю. A yж кo мнe Бyбeн пpиcтpaивaeтcя. Чyю вepзoхoй дpoжaщyю бyлaвy eгo. Увecиcтa oнa — бeз тoлчкa нe влeзeт. Topкaeтcя Бyбeн, вгoняeт в мeня тoлcтoгoлoвый yд cвoй. Дo caмых кишoк дocтaeт мaхинa eгo, cтoн нyтpянoй из мeня выжимaя. Cтoнy в yхo Heчaя. Бyбeн кpяхтит в мoe, pyкaми мoлoдeцкими мeня oбхвaтывaeт. He вижy тoгo, ктo вcтaвляeт eмy, нo пo кpяхтeнию paзyмeю — yд дocтoйный.

Jesus christ, there is nothing more pathetic than a third worlder trying to punch up and tripping over his own feet.

Vodka with beer and sausage after a sauna on a gloomy late summer day is what we do

We're not so different, you and I

i do

sounds nice

that's what every bar is like in my city where beer is under $5
only posh places that fly Guinness in and have Irish names don't have hookahs and Sushi
still full of American out of place shit like stakes and eggs benedict though. not good

we really aren't
cities now have more saunas than they do banyas
and now there's hamams everywhere too.

russia truly is a strange place

I'd fucking kill for a $5 beer though, where I live you'd pay $12 AUD (15 USD?) for a pint. The beer's good, but it's too fucking expensive.

Alaska its Russia

> still having a problem with people drinking vodka and beer after a banya
why the hell are you still here don't you have to deal with a murderous spider infestation or something

I think only in big cities like Moscow can people afford not to have all the good stuff in one place and still have people come in and leave money

If a place doesn't have berr and cocktails and suchi and pizza and hookah, it'll go bankrupt here I think


for us, it's just beer on tap and pizza, burgers, steak sandwiches and chicken parmies available plus sport on the telly

that's honestly 99% of the places in Australia, we're not very fancy despite how rich the country is

bar beer here is $2/0.5l in cheap places students go to, $3/0,5l in nice quiet places for people with a job that don't like noize and loud music and $5-$7/pint in a place called Sheamus or some Belgian word where waiters are gay and think that makes them better than you

What's the difference between banya and sauna

they are pretty much the same

no difference

Banya - wet
Sauna - dry


Sauna is more dry and you don't get hit by a broom made of birch branches.

this is an unfortunate myth born from foreigners not knowing how sauna works

real finnish sauna is wet and vihta/vasta bashing is a tradition in finland

Sauna have dry air & banya have wet steam

I think sauna is so popular here because it's less hassle and a fat old guy isn't beating you to death with a bunch of sticks

We're talking about actual sauna that is out there in the market. It's dry as your granny's pussy, trust me.

would hit your skinny ass by broom in my banya :3

Banya is more gay then sauna

> naked sweaty men whipping each other
> gay
only a decadent Westerner would think that



>shitstrainlian insulting someone else's culture





not anymore


They told the same about Crimea





then your "actual sauna" is not real sauna

Except that you sold Alaska, received money for it, it's a done deal, sealed with spit and a handshake. If you sell something it means you're not the owner anymore.

Looks like fun. I'd rather hang out with them instead of my neighbors.
t. New Englander

Good post.

... In the West
Here, is all about the soul
In Alaska, they might grow tired of American stiff one day

All places cold where they like vodka and Banya and swimming in a home in the ice, ate always welcome back to Russia

But, only if they have a referendum ;)

Not sure if that's finnish or russian.

That will never happen. We're not Ukraine or Georgia.

>a Bogan said this
Jealous that his country doesn't have drinking culture. Only alcoholism

Nobody's forcing you
Just call us when you have a transgender president, after you've had a couple of vodkas with pickles on a cold Alaskan evening and tell us what you think

Russia 's always your friend brothers

>Just call us when you have a transgender president,
Why? I couldn't care less. I would rather have Conchita Wurst as my pope than have Putin preside over my local city council.
>after you've had a couple of vodkas
Vodka's not my favorite, but I'll drink what you're drinking. Want me to bring some bourbon?
>with pickles
No, thanks. I can't stand the things.
Get the Finn to bring his sausages instead.
>on a cold Alaskan evening and tell us what you think
Sounds nice.
>Russia 's always your friend brothers
Individually, Russians are great. Keep your government far, far away from our clay, friend.

Wow sounds like somebody's suffering a hard case of believing Putin hacked US elections or is evil incarnate or something

Whatever, Russians are very different individually, and are just your typical country when put together, and politicians here are just as corrupt as in the US, including Putin. despite what you guys are led to believe when you swore your pledge of allegiance or whatever, thinking your country's a nice place to live doesn't require that you also hate Russia or even Russian government. Hope you guys individually get over that

That and when your great lakes freeze over, cut a cross-shaped hole in the ice and take a dip. It's good for you

Cheers and a happy new year

That’s comfy af.

This has nothing to do with my government or me being brainwashed; I just don't like Russia's tendency towards authoritarianism and constant territorial expansion (especially under the guise of irredentism). It's possible to dislike the basic governmental philosophy and specific politicians of a foreign country without it being based on paranoia or misinformation. Also, whataboutisms just aren't valid arguments.
The Great Lakes rarely freeze over completely, as they're too big for that. I live near the not-so-great Lake Champlain, and I've taken ice plunges there. It's exhilarating.
If you're looking for a good hot/cold North American experience, take in some Colorado hot springs. Pic related.

Happy New Year!

Russians seem bro tier to me
Dunno why people hate them

Looks like your spring stuff like in the far east
Too Asian to be a truly northern experience

Russian tradition is of course authoritarian, but so if that of almost any country, to a certain degree that of course includes countries built on slavery.

But that doesn't make Putin, who is authoritarian-leaning leder of a very much flawed fledgling democracy that is Russia any more evil that Theodore Roosevelt was back in the day

Don't demand more than is reasonable from Russia and we're not going to bore you things you call "whataboutism" that is, saying that it was a twice elected US president that conducted an illegal invasion of a UN member state of Iraq under a fabricated claims that it both had to do with 9/11 and had WMD factories. Putin's small time with what he does in Syria and Ukraine

And not having pickles with vodka is the only thing that excuses you from not understanding this simple fact,just as the fact that whataboutism is a legitimate counter-argument meant to demonstrate that the party making one - sided accusation doesn't have any moral authority.

And by the way you can always have picked tomatoes if you can't stand cucumber. Visit Russia, it should be cheap. You'll lose your illusions about Russian authoritarian tendencies and expansion once you meet our real people.

A deal is a deal everywhere, also they don't even speak Russian in Alaska anymore.

>But that doesn't make Putin, who is authoritarian-leaning leder of a very much flawed fledgling democracy that is Russia any more evil that Theodore Roosevelt was back in the day

if it was sunny and the grass was dry, that'd be australian lol


A deal is a deal only if it's fair and not yet outdated by the changed circumstances. Especially in societies with collectivist traditions.

You'd know that if you ever crawled from under your rock, no offense. A deal is words on paper. Justice and honor are above that, and sometimes even people's will.

Of course that doesn't apply to certain issues, deals are important when it comes to economics and masters of personal property. But national issues are of course different

That's why even Western political deals come with very mild termination conditions. Otherwise no country with a different culture would treat it as anything tangible


Bullshit. If I buy something from you we agree on a price, you receive the price and I receive whatever it is you agreed to sell. You then are no longer the owner. Simple as that.

And again, nobody even speaks Russian anymore in Alaska.

Very nice

Economics, and personal property, like I said
If a powerful country with a huge mistrust power offers to buy a piece of land from a smaller nation that can't protect its legal claim on it, that is, of course, different.

And well, like I said, of corse what matters is what Alaskan want. It would serve America well if more of its people knew a foreign language


>not northern
So? Colorado has the same latitude as Spain, and it's my favorite place. Truly God's country.
I currently live by the Canadian border, and it's horrible.
>having a negative opinion of a foreign country invading one of your country's states requires moral authority
>opinion = accusation
>bringing up Syria out of nowhere
>defending whataboutism
I'm done with your incoherence and cheap patriotic shilling, idiot.

Alaskans would never, ever want to be Russian. They'd sooner become Canadians or part of an independent Cascadia. They may have a strong secessionist streak, but they're absolutely North American.