Suppose one night you are abducted by aliens and in exchange for a long night of anal probing they offer you something...

Suppose one night you are abducted by aliens and in exchange for a long night of anal probing they offer you something in return. They will use their mind control device to change the will of your nation on one specific political issue. You can't make yourself god emperor for life or anything like that, more like change something about how taxes work or pass/repeal a law or regulation.

What would you change?

Can't I have something else?
Surely turning all of Sweden into (zombies so that we have a reason to invade) would be much easier.

Send Hillary to Prison, ensure Trump victory, I am not qualified nor would I think it's right to have that much power.

I would probably ask for more anal probing desu

I would make it so that every person on Earth despises jews and muslims and will stop at nothing to completely eradicate both groups.

The point of the exercise is what would you pass if you could get one law passed?

10% tax for those in the bracket below 100,000 a year.
7.5% flat tax to those in 100,000 to 300,000 a year.
5% flat tax on those above 500,000 a year.

Crap, meant to put above 300,001 on that last one.

>regressive income tax
C'mon burger quit being fucking autistic
keep your rates proportional at the very least

I like how the thread agrees to the anal probing

>taxing the poor at a higher percentage

I'd take away your internet access.

Makes it so the rich don't complain as much. If they complain shit gets pushed back or reformed. Besides even if the ones at 300,000 paid 1% it would still be 30,000 dollars a year. Much less to con plain about but shit still gets collected.

the laws that govern minorities




>Makes it so the rich don't complain as much.
You are a cuck to your 1% masters
By any chance do you possess any jewish heritage?

Americans embrace imperialism and become unified under Christianity against non-westerners.

Blacks become self sufficient and aren't treated like animals too.

Yes, instill the globe with a visceral hatred of muslims and Jews. I second this.

Legalize all the drugs. That would have the largest net positive impact.

Um, user...
Having the tax rate change depending on how much the person is worth is literally the exact opposite of a flat tax

Anyway, to answer OP
I'd say that MP's have to be living in their constituency for the entirety of their term and have lived there for 10 years before running for the position

Ethnonationalism, race war now

USA goes full nazi and teams with Putin and China to rewrite the world based on racial boundries.

I'd make all Jewish women attracted only to me.

>one thing

I would get rid of the ingrained notion of egalitarianism (that all races, people, men, and women) are all born as blank slates and equal.

This would basically solve all other problems overnight. For example, the idea of "systemic oppression" only comes from when you have this idea of egalitarianism followed by obvious discrepancies in real life results. Because you refuse to believe the differences are innate, you think there MUST be something external keeping certain groups down. Hence, the conspiracy theory that white people all across the world are habitually oppressing blacks.

Similarly, it would also absolutely destroy feminism, multiculturalism, and all that other cultural marxist bullshit

>An Abo

>A Finn

Implying either are human.

Gun ownership and self-defense everywhere. It would filter out the nogs quickly.

I'm going to point out why I said this post. If you eliminate this one problem, women going out of their way to politically castrate men, then men can get about to fixing all the other problems.


Make being non white by blood including jews illegal. However there can be 5-10 percent East Asian population at any given time.

Just making everyone K-selected would solve everything.

1% of 300,000 would be 3,000 autist

Can I just ask them to change me into a cute girl instead?

I'm irish. I pay over 60k in taxes already and I'm in the 200k bracket. I just feel we need better tax bracketing. People can easily live off 30,000 a year. I did it easily for over a decade.

Yeah my mistake on the flat part.

Would make America violently white supremacist

Copy the US's consitution

You are correct. My mistake.


This is an economic cuck.

You are right. Finns are übermensch.

Sure thing, buddy.


america for whites only

Repeal nfa so I can have a machine gun on the cheap.


it is law now that i am their god emperor

I would copypaste the second amendment into our constitution.

Also ask for more anal probing so I can get more shit passed.

Ban+deport immigrants

I'd ban women from voting.

Make the country Christian again.

Legalize burstfire rifles and concealed carrying revolvers.

Repeal all gun laws tbqh

How about this

0-50k pays 1%
50k-100k pays 10%
100k-200k pays 20%
200k-300k pays 25%
300k+ pays 30%
No deductions, no credits, no joint filing, no separate capital gains tax. Income is income, you just declare it and pay your taxes with no bullshit.

All Romanin Ethnics that are citizens have the right to bare arms.

There are only TWO ways to become a citizen of the U.S.:

1. If you are born to LEGAL CITIZENS, i.e. they are actual citizens of the country and recognized as so.
2. You can apply for citizenship, but must undergo a strenuous screening-test.

Subsection: anybody born here to a non-citizen is not allowed any benefits that comes with citizenship until they become an actual citizen. Their parents, as well, are not allowed any benefits.

my nigga u woke as fuk

Simple, I make my countrymen highly suspicious of non-anglo Australians, especially kebabs.

Kebab removal will be imminent


t. poorfaggot
kys parasite



Ius soli is fucking retarded.

The left has been turboshilling it for the last few years here in Italy as well, but at least everyone I talked to is against it.

>calling me a poorfag
>not understanding this type of plan would result in almost everyone who is not gaming the system now paying less.

Learn how shit works.

Give NASA a straight $100 billion a year to spend on contracts for SpaceX and Blue Origin to colonize intrastellar space.

my wish was for the sheeple to know the men in black are real.
now i wish i knew back then that they was just fightin commies =\

>Pick the country with the strongest military
>Hitler did nothing wrong, complete his dream
And thats how the world got fixed.

All blacks, spics, and illegals, are to be removed.

Asians can stay.


"Aliens" = creatures that evolved off your planet. Not alien. Chimps to you = you to them. I was interrogated by night walkers twice but was only conscious for one of the happenings. Someone else witnessed the second many after the first and fled without helping me taking my vehicle and driving many hours to her family home where she needed to be sedated.

Deport everyone that is in a blue state, on welfare, obese, homosexual, or an immigrant.

Make it all vehemently opposed to the fed.

Red pill them all

Gimme money please. I'll show tits.

>im a guy tho

Lena Katina is fucking hot


Define a baker's dozen to be 14.

Redefine self defense laws to allow deadly force to be used against *any* physical aggression or threat of aggression. We'd have a bloodbath for a few weeks before social interaction completely grinds to a halt.

It would be fun.