Remembering Rhodesia

The Rhodesian Bush War turned Rhodesia from on of the most successful states, to Zimbabwe, one of, if not the worst African states.

I’m here trying to be objective. If someone knows more than me and I get things wrong, please tell me.

Other urls found in this thread:,_1978.jpg

In the early 1960s, Rhodesia was a very successful African country. However, there was political unrest in the country. It was no secret that the government was supporting apartheid. What is apartheid? Apartheid is legal segregation, like Jim Crows laws in the US, what South Africa did, and what Israel does right now. Rhodesia was also very successful in the realm of capitalism. I should let you all know, I am writing this in class while wearing my gorka with my hood on, but I am digressing. There was much political turmoil in Rhodesia from the black majority, many of these nationalist, as well as many were communist. The government was able suppress much of the early discourse. A common misconception is that blacks were subjected to extreme racism and this was the factor that led to the war; however, while some social services were segregated, voting was colorblind and the white-run government did provide health, education, and housing services to blacks. The nationalists went to war over white rule and land dispossession.

Rhodesia shall live again

Many of these groups from January to September 1962 alone, 33 bombings were carried out, in addition to 27 acts of attempted sabotage on communications. In that same period, nationalists were implicated in arson targeting 18 schools and 10 churches. The government soon implemented policies bringing the death sentence to those convicted of terrorism.

Okay, so enough politics, lets get this war starting. There were many groups wanting political power, there was one that was trained in communist states and well funded by those same communist nations as well. One of these groups was called ZANU, or Zimbabwe African National Union, had a military wing called,Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army or ZANILA. When ZANU lost against a Rhodesian Front on July 1964, ZANILA forces assassinated a Rhodesian Front official and the war begins. However, with that said, until 1972, containing the guerrillas was little more than a police action.

Just another casualty of the Cold War. rip rhodesia.

The first battle, the Battle of Sinoia, was a fighting with police forces with ZANU and ZANILA forces fought on 28 April 1966. It was actually just 7 rebels against the Rhodesian Police forces in Sinoia, or modern day Chinhoyi. The rebels eventually ran out of ammo and were killed by police, while the police took no causalities.

This is the model for WHITE GENOCIDE.

On 4 July 1964 ZANU insurgents ambushed and murdered a white foreman from Silverstreams Wattle Company, Pieter Johan Andries Oberholzer. The killing made the government step up its efforts and went to arrest ZANU leaders. With many prominent ZANU leaders in prison, militants began attacking Rhodesian officials and civilians.

On 11 November 1965, Britain enacted sanctions on Rhodesia passed the Unilateral Declaration of Independence. This hurt Rhodesia since many UN nations endorsed the sanctions. Rhodesia was unable to receive modern equipment, but was able to get through this by getting some of their equipment from South Africa, smuggling, domestic production, as well as taking equipment from killed militants.

Until the end of the 60s, Rhodesian police forces were still able to quell uprisings and militants crossing the border and terrorizing the country. Was this war about racism? A lot of Africans fought with government forces, a lot of international volunteers helped fight with the Rhodesian government against the communist militants. Why did many say this war was about racism? Because they think it was the whites hating the blacks, when it was actually both whites and blacks attempting to keep their way of life.

Rhodesian forces were quite successful in suppressing rebel activity until the latter months of 1971, the black nationalist factions united and formed a coalition which became known as the Joint Guerrilla Alliance to Overthrow the Government. On 21 December 1972 a few militants attacked Altena Farm. They caused much damaged, and only injured the owner’s daughter. Rhodesia's political and military position appeared to be a strong one. Nationalist guerrillas had been unable to make serious military inroads against Rhodesia.

>living in africa
what a stupid move. baka

Later on, when more and more militants entered the country or took arms against the government recreating guerilla warfare tactics, the government rounded up many villages and put them in protected villages, much like the US did in Vietnam to limit militant influence on the locals. However, the militants called the villages as concentration camps. 27 July 1974, Operation Overload, this operation resulted in the movement about 50,000 people into twenty-one protected villages in the Chiweshe Tribal Trust Land. The movement resulted in the deaths of a few of the people being moved.

Fuck you gypsy

However, from 1974 to 75, Portuguese rules in Mozambique collapse. It was apperant to the Rhodesian government that it was no longer possible to sustain the white minority rule forever. Even the South African government saw this in their own country. On August 5, 1976 ZANILA forces crossed into Rhodesia. These militants attacked a military base, and killed four soldiers in a mortar attacks. In retaliation, the Rhodesians started Operation Eland, send 84 commandos across the border to Nyadzonya in Mozambique on August 6, 1976. The commandos killed over 1,028, even though official Rhodesian figures claimed 330 enemy combatants.

Another operation conducted by Rhodesian forces was Operation Dingo located in Chimoio and Tembue, Mozambique. 200 Rhodesian forces went against 10,000 guerrillas/trainees. Rhodesian forces had the advantage of using their Air Force.Brilliant tactics. The Rhodesian sent an airliner to confuse air warnings and brought out militants. What happened afterwards, combat planes came afterwards and killed many militants. Only 8 Rhodesians were casualties, in contrast of at lease 8,000 militant casualties.

>waking up in monkey land every day

There were terrorist bombings and attacks that many black and white people were killed or wounded by militants. Two of the most horrendous acts were the bombing of Salisbury Woolsworths bombing, which 11 people, both black and white, were killed by ZANILA forces. The second incident was Air Rhodesia Flight 825. On September 3, 1978 a group of ZANILA militants fired a Strela 2 Shoulder fire SAM. The plane was shot down, and of the 56 on board, 38 died in the crash, 10 more were massacred when the militants arrived, only 8 survived. Actually, I’m lying there was another incident similar to the Air Rhodesia Flight 825, because on 2 February 1979, Air Rhodesia Flight 827, when it took off, it could not reach the altitude ceiling of shoulder SAMs. All 59 in the plane died as a result.

sound like ZULUS film

Okay, so I’m going to have to cut this short, but after two more operations, both Rhodesian success, and both being called Operation Uric and Miracle. Politics now, let’s be clear, even Margaret Thatcher support the Rhodesian government but she was force to push them to stop the fighting. The US and even South Africa urged Rhodesia to stop and give majority rule. Rhodesia was very successful, very progressive even by their standards. Women’s right, and colour-blind elections, however, the push for majority rule was great, and eventually after much negotiations and talks, when the black majority came into control, they renamed the country Zimbabwe, and was officially recognized by the international community. And you want to know what happened after the whites lost control? It fucked up - the economy crashed, whites were murdered or raped, the country fell into hard times, and it still remains this way. Rhodesia did not go out with a bang but a whimper.


Zje rodesian bush war was caused by UK and rhodiesian traitors.

RIP Rhodesia

UK, Soviets, ZANU, PLO - all played their part.

wait. Sovietscums and Great Cuckland fight alongside against you ?

you lost to a bunch of negros

interesting thanks

Try to refute this libshits protip you can't

More history, please user.

Soviets helped fund, arm and train rebels.

>Born too late to fight for Rhodesia

>and what Israel does right now.
People keep saying Israel is an apartheid state, but I've never seen or heard of any evidence. Someone substantiate this claim.

Fucking niggers, they destroyed an entire country

I'm not the most clued up, this is just the basics.
I can leave you with some interesting reads.

You mean against dont you?

Your country is what fucked it up

Dindus gonna dindu

I'm of Israeli background and Israel is not apartheid. This was written long ago for a different audience, so ignore that. And ignore the Jim Crows reference. This was written for liberals.

I repeat this was written for a different audience initially.

Rhodesians Never Die


I find this suspect.

I don't believe Israel is apartheid at all. I'm not some liberal.

If anyone has anything to contribute. Interesting stories or photos, please do dump. We don't have these threads anymore for some reason.


Great, this is probably more Sup Forums-approved.


You wouldn't have that typed out? If not I'll get to it.

can't speak for the accuracy but thought I'd post.

hope you guys are doing as well as you can, all things considered.

unfortunately not. on phone

No, that's perfect. The text that I have is much more politically-correct and works better in red-pilling a different audience - it works wonders.
I should have obviously edited it out those parts - excuse my slackness.

damn that guy looks young

(just posting pics from my war folder, no nazi stuff though)

>hope you guys are doing as well as you can, all things considered.
Not Rhodesian, but know quite a few guys - they seem to be ok (the ones over here that is).
Still some that are in "Zimbabwe" at the moment, for some strange reason.

He was at the time - had to ask him if I could use it (was on his fb) because it's a pretty neat photo.

This pics for some reason are giving me nostalgic feels. I never even fought in the war yet I feel some sort of attachment.

Be careful, you might get your wish if current trends continue with the West importing and placating niggers.

(pic most certainly unrelated)

Any other rhodesian ridgeback owners in here?

If you look closely you can see that he lost his left leg.

meant, "you guys", as in any and all Whites on that hellish sounding continent, though that wasn't obvious from the way I typed it.

SA seems like my ideal land if it weren't for the blacks. same as Oz

I know a few South Africans in this, (my home), town. seems to be a few of you down this way. (Wiltshire)

cute pupper

>The USA might end up like Rhodesia
If we win we will help you Suid Afrika

I must get to bed, but was hoping to kick-start something. We should have more threads like these.

I'll try get more pasta/stories - not only of Rhodesia (will get more detailed Bush War stories), but hopefully of the South African Border Wars, Angolan War of Independence and the Biafran War too.


It's not quite Zimbabwe, but it's got the potential of getting there if we don't eventually get the DA elected (not that it would make things great).
There's plans of the Western Cape seceding, but still a long way to go if that's to be taken seriously. I'm in and out of the country - not here for too long at a time.

You might enjoy this:

Stay safe comrade.


Thank you.

Why did the UN/Britain sanction Rhodesia?

fuck that guy with the gun

Much more detailed (and better) explanation in user's pic related here I'll have that one used instead in the future.

why did you guys lose?

Really? Your wife is alone with your kids at home. Rebels have been ambushing farms, killing non-combative civilians - women and children included.
You want to find out when the next attack is and which side it's coming from. What do you do?

Warum gutmensch?

Typical fucking Croat/Serb shilling for Russia.

pic related is the future of whites because we cant get our shit together,_1978.jpg

(quick excerpt of what I read in a Spanish forum)

It is usually stated that the European powers gave up their colonies after World War II due to pressures from the US, who wished to penetrate into the territories that made up the old European Colonial Empires, although there is undoubtedly a sizable amount of truth in this statement, another factor is usually ignored and forgotten, and this is that the surrender of the European colonial Empires was also the result of a voluntary cedings from the part of these European powers:
Seen from the XXI century, the decolonization process -always lubricated with false ornamental idealisms and humanitarianisms- actually turned out to be the cover of a silent struggle between two forms of private property:

1- That of the white colonials, who were on the road to becoming autonomous and constituting the United States of South Africa, the United States of Central Africa, Indochina, Hindustan, the Maghreb, the Nile, the Congo, etc.: the ripe fruit that falls from the tree engendering a new tree. Ultimately, these communities of ethnic Europeans had established powerful networks of influence and, due to their small size in relation to the territory and population they governed would have concentrated great amounts of power and wealth in few hands, forming rival elites, potentially capable of supplanting the globalist ones. In general, European colonials (for example, English farmers in Rhodesia) were taller, healthier, were better constituted, were richer, had greater living space (the fact they dominated dozens of hectares with their own means of production gave them authentic power and sovereignty, not merely bureaucratic or nominal), practiced more sports, spent more time outdoors, eat more meat, had higher birth rates, and their IQ was higher than that of the Europeans from the metropolis. Their religiosity was stronger and, amongst them, drug addiction, homosexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, urban gangs and other symptoms of decline were rare. They produced excellent soldiers. More importantly, they were beginning to develop the qualities of a dominant caste outside the decision-making circles of the metropolis; De Gaulle outlined this last thing when he said, in regard to the pied-noirs (European settlers in Algeria) that they were no longer French because they did not think like Frenchmen, having abandoned the egalitarian ideals of the Enlightenment. Globalization had to prevent the white colonials from constituting countries comparable to Rhodesia, South Africa or Israel at all cost.

He is just a leftist retard, a gutmensch sheiß

2- That of great Western multinationals, led by men, also of high IQ, who had never set foot on the colonies in their lives and who had never had to build a farm from scratch, but simply set out to parasitically seize the conquests of the white colonial settlers. Multinationals destabilized the entire Third World in order to buy its wealth and labour at a bargain price, and also to impede the emergence of rival social elites and independent States (as happened in South Africa and Rhodesia) that would have enclosed within their borders the riches of the territories they controlled, taxing their products in such a way that High Finance would have had to spend significant amounts of capital (capital that would have been used to strengthen the position of those States) to acquire them. Rhodesia, turned into Zimbabwe, applied ethnic cleansing policies to destroy the power of the white farmers, but Nicky Oppenheimer, the patriarch of multinational mining companies such as De Beers and Anglo American Corporation, owns in Zimbabwe an extension of land similar in size to the surface of Belgium, something which would not be possible if the farmers remained on the ground.

There is no need to point out who won. In order to maximize profits, the intermediaries had to be removed, so as to turn the old colonial Empires into a growing heap of brainless starving thirdworlders, with indigenous "elites" that were easily bribable with pay-checks, official cars and small doses of power, it was necessary to remove the white pioneers and entrepreneurs from the equation, instigating authentic anti-white ethnic cleansings. The United Nations, primary responsible, covered up this criminal process with false humanitarian and anti-racist arguments. In reality, no decolonization process was the result of the military success of an anticolonial insurgency (usually of Marxist sign and supported by the USSR and China, if not directly by the UN, London, Washington or already decolonized states, such as Morocco and India). Rather, all decolonizations were the result of voluntary diplomatic cedings -incomprehensible at first- by the part of the metropolis, pressured by business and financial emporiums, foreign powers and sectarian conciliabules.

He possibly took this part the wrong way like did.

Thanks - will try summarize (or find some) for these too - and I'll try get some more photos.

Sleep tight, Rhodesia.
You'll wake up one day

>one of, if not the worst African states.

Do you even Africa?

There's a dozen far worse countries in Africa, by a long way...

Zimbabwe is pretty fucking awful bud. The money is some of the most worthless in the world, they're on the rink of starvation because they kicked out the white farmers who knew what they were doing and they have zero industry.

How many blacks joined up to help white Rhodesians stop the black commies?

The majority of its complement was actually composed of black soldiers.

This is from the congo