Why was everyone in love with this crack whore?

Why was everyone in love with this crack whore?

too dumb to realize shelly was best girl

Incredible pussy game I reckon

She had a natural draw. Some people just have it. I'd also argue that since Sarah, laura, and Maddie all have vision and can see bob, the females in her family are inherently psychic or at least spiritually more aware. She had a knack for manipulating men, even more then one would expect for a hot chick. I'm partially convinced lean married sarah because of her abilities, either as a cry for help (since she can see bob) or because bob is merely attracted to women who can see him

leo had it right all along

no wonder he was always very possesive of her

They didn't know she was a crack whore in the first place.

White people are stupid. Just look at Miley Cyrus now. Every single white person is losing their mind and glad that "Miley is back".


White people, young white american women in particular have life on easy mode and can literally get away with murder, like this woman is about to.

She convinced her boyfriend to kill himself to earn sympathy. She's 20 yet she's being tried in Juvenile court.

If that was a 20 year old white guy who convinced his girlfriend to do the same he'd not be on involuntary manslaughter charges, he'd be up on straight murder charges and be tried as an adult.

Fucking white women.

>She's 20 yet she's being tried in Juvenile court.
dont really have a problem with this tbqhdesufampai

cant legally drink until age 21, you can stay on parents insurance until around age 24 i think, and our culture is becoming more and more enamored with infantilism

not just a white woman thing

they try minorities who do violent crimes as children all the time

and because to speak plainly, we dont really grow up as fast as we used to in the past its just a fact, you dont have to be a fucking man of a household at age 16 working a job anymore things change

Why was this cuck content with knowingly being Laura's side bitch and being treated like shit?

I thought James was supposed to be cool?

>cant legally drink until age 21

being this American

She could be whatever you wanted her to, the perfect prom queen or the crackwhore.

She's tried in juvenile court because she was 17 at the time.
This is the correct way the law should work.

oh, well that works too

You know, Laura being a turbo slut since she was 15 and her downwards spiral makes the whole situation really sad to me.

>first watch I didn't think she was attractive
>rewatch and I realized she was best girl

I've been LYNCHED

>since she was 15
more like 9 BOB was pure evil.

Because people are flawed user

The show really downplayed how Laura was addicted to drugs, consistently raped, and basically a sex slave for years. Like Jesus Christ, Laura's story is sad as fuck.

has a lot to do with how only laura knew any of that

yeah FWWM really hit home with this, now I know how Bobby felt when he saw Laura's picture in S3

so Bobby gets to kill a dude but now gets to become a cop?

was that dude killed and Laura's other crackwhore friend (the qt brunette) apart of the main show. I couldn't remember

"White people are stupid"

Nice racism.

>more like 9 BOB was pure evil.

Uhh, in FWWM, Laura clearly states that Bob waited until she was 12 before raping her.

Fucking 9 year olds what the fuck, does he look like Muhammad?

shes still facing up to 20 years in prison, although the judge is probably just going to throw it out

you cant be raycist against whitey