So what was the point of taking the jews out of the cities to another locations to treat them nicely?

So what was the point of taking the jews out of the cities to another locations to treat them nicely?

Other urls found in this thread:,

They have to go back

the purpose of a concentration camp was to CONCENTRATE the jews, untersmench, communists and other enemies of the state in a remote location until conflicts were over, having them contribute to the war efforts until they could be dealt with
hitler by no means meant for all those people to die, evident by the fact that most of the people who were ever sent to the camps survived
gas chambers and crematoriums are not evidence of intents of genocide, typhus was being spread by lice.
the plan was most likely to relocate the jews outside of Europe

the nazis were too kind. the jews were not welcome anywhere, especially not germany. so they were given their own ghetto in poland. shit hit the fan when the nazis had the entire league of nations turn on them

To prevent them from starting a civil war

So if Germany wanted to take the jews out of europe, it wouldn't be just cheaper to kill them all? I mean, Germany was in a crisis afer all

This was the original plan (, but he had to take the initiative in Poland before the gobbunists could. Then they were used as slave labor for the war effort and not systematically murdered. Killing your needed labor force isn't a very smart decision during war time. Most of the deaths came at the end of the war when Germany was being starved and there were Typhus epidemics in the camps from lack of supplies and the atrocious hygiene standards of religious Jews.

So this problematic fucks where taken to the concentration camp, so they can play football and swim on the fresh Auschwitz swimming pool? because that what the holocaust deniers believe, how that makes any sense?

That's what throws me off
If the Krauts wanted the Jews out and we're willing to pay, why did they later pass the Nuremberg laws that requires jews give up 90% of their wealth upon leaving Germany?

they cant sabotage things from inside a camp

Kept them from inciting attacks against Germany, similar to the Japanese internment camps in the US.

>Jews plunder Germany during Weimar
>"Why are the Germans taking the poor Jews' stuff :3"

jews jewed germans out of their money so nazis took it back

hitler was really the original sjw

They didn't. They were given most of their possessions and wealth back after it was accounted for when they moved to Palestine. It's intent was to persecute the Jews to force them out.

>to transfer some portion of their assets to their refuge in British Mandatory Palestine. It provided some relief for Jews fleeing by allowing them to recover some of the possessions and assets they were forced to surrender before departing.

>While Herzl claimed that the establishment of a "Jewish" state would cure anti-Semitism, he also promoted anti-Semitism to further his cause.

Herzl stated in his diary:

"It would be an excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti-Semites as liquidators of property. To the people they would vouch for the fact that we do not wish to bring about the impoverishment of the countries that we leave. At first they must not be given large fees for this; otherwise we shall spoil our instruments and make them despicable as 'stooges of the Jews.' Later their fees will increase, and in the end we shall have only Gentile officials in the countries from which we have emigrated. The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies." (The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl. Vol. 1, edited by Raphael Patai, translated by Harry Zohn, page 83-84)

yeah, but the concentration camps in the US were consecuense of the fear and paranoia, is not like japanese living in the US were causing inner problems or where used as a cheap hand of leavor

>So this problematic fucks where taken to the concentration camp, so they can play football and swim on the fresh Auschwitz swimming pool?
Say what?

It was all a plot of the Zionists. Herzl needed a boogeyman to force the Jews to leave Germany so they could fulfill the prophecy. They wouldn't leave on their own accounting for they had sweet lives there.


No. They were forced to work, but the camps weren't death camps. If you keep the prisoners happy they're less likely to revolt and work.

Do you even know who the fuck Theodore Herzl is, my Mexican Intellectual friend?

I get that you have to keep certain inmates "motivated" - the Sonderkommandos specifically - but there is no evidence of inmates using swimming pools, riding horses, receiving dental care etc. I hate that one propaganda picture that groups the whole of Auschwitz complexes as one.

I fucking hope this doesn't start a stormshill spam thread.

There was a world war on, beaner. The entire globe was convulsed by tremendous violence. The good of the many outweighs the good of the few, and that goes double for crisis situations like what went on in the late 1930's to early 1940's.

Some guy who practicly wanted a "jews-friendly" nations where they could be the overloards of everything, I think? But what I mean is that, most of the arguments of the holocaust deniers are as extream as the history books say about the holocaust itself, saying that there wasn't any deaths or gas chambers, thay jews had a wonderful time, etc etc

It's not really a matter of whether or not the camps were Disneyland. It's about whether they were industrial killing machines. It's been disproven that there were gas chamber and still no evidence of mass graves despite archeologists searching for them. Sure there are pictures of dead Jews when the camps were liberated but that came after intense bombing of supply lines and disease.

you get attacked by japan, so the japanese man working at the local store must be planning a furious attack from the inside, right?

Are you 100% sure of that? I'd honestly love to have a good and civil conversation with a denier/revisionist, but I always land up being one of 2 or 3 guys up against 40 spamming me with the worst photoshopped/edited images, which makes it difficult for this. When you cite these claims I'm assuming Irving, Zundel and Leuchter play a massive role in the sources - seeing as 90% of revisionists still use their works.

The Jews were being bullied by nazis so Hitler moved them out to their own cities where they could be at peace.

The truth is usually somewhere in between. Were Jews killed? Sure. They were the majority of the communists after all. The gas chambers were faked. If you watch this documentary you'll see.

Herzl is the greatest figure in Zionist history. He is the father of modern day Israel and the one who orchestrated the whole thing. While Hitler did nothing wrong, he was a pawn of this man, ultimately.

>the plan was most likely to relocate the jews outside of Europe

this whole "hitler dindu nuffin" theory falls apart once you realize the wannsee conference suspended all jewish immigration out of Europe, and instead called to have them all rounded up and sent to concentration camps

And the actions of the Einsatzgrouppen in eastern europe show that they did have pretty genocidal ambitions to the jews

Watch the doc. Kid's a little boring but he went to Majdanek himself and found the documents and evidence that the gas chamber was faked.

As for my sources? Most are well respected historians before they told the truth. This article is one of my favorites.

How was Hitler his pawn?

it is possible that the gas chambers were a rumor among the jews on the camps, that somehow ended up as an oficial fact, after all they where the "victims"

>"Herzl regarded Zionism's triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe's interests to rid the Jews and relieved of anti-Semitism: The European political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism. Herzl recognized that anti-Semitism would be harnessed to his own--Zionist-purposes." (Righteous Victims, p. 21)

"The wealthy Jews rule the world; the fate of the governments lies in their hands. They start wars between countries, and when they wish, the governments make peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along, and meanwhile the Jews get richer!” (Published by Herzl in a German newspaper)

“Nordau said that before we found a Jewish state, we have to make sure that all the Eastern European Jews clean the lice from their clothes and the dirt from their bodies.”

>believes that bodies gassed with zyklon-b are contaminated and anyone touching them will die.
He's also involved with Leuchter's reporting - which was later discovered as being wrong. The reason revisionists have stopped using this.
Hope this doesn't put you off chatting or changes the tone, I'm still happy to share some info and talk about it.

when experts analyze Hitler's paintings, they conclude he was not interested at all on people, so I wonder how he ended up as the original SJW

these same experts who concluded hitler was a micropenis drug addict maniac incestual pedophile?

>but he had to take the initiative in Poland before the gobbunists could

complete bullshit. He and Stalin agreed on this action with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the German-Soviet Frontier treaty which carved up eastern europe into "spheres of influence" for both countries. And he invaded Poland because they wouldnt surrender territory to him and he thought the French and Brits were just bluffing when they said they would go to war over Poland.

>Then they were used as slave labor for the war effort and not systematically murdered.

the jews and others were used as slave labour as the Wannsee conference established, but there was systematic murder of jews and other before and during this. The Einsatzgrouppen had killed around 1 million in Eastern Europe is mass shooting like in Babi Yar, and around 70,000 mentally retarded people were killed in Action T4. the Nazis had a very deliberate system of killing off "undesirables."

>Killing your needed labor force isn't a very smart decision during war time

True, but they also didnt want to waste resources on people. Like in the Warsaw ghettos where they implemented their "hunger plan" of allowing jews only a very limited number of calories which caused mass starvation, they did the same thing in the camps. They would also kill off anyone who was too weak to work right away, and then later had Action 14f13, controlled by the same in charge as Action T4, which would go around the camps and inspect the inmates. Those deemed too sick were simply killed off.

Trying to say the concentration camps werent that bad, or that there wasnt a deliberate intent to murder jews, or that jews werent brutalized is completely laughable

So what do you believe?

The Jews writing such grandiose lies like electrified conveyor belts, masturbation machines, and rail cars dumped to cremations ovens is what makes me doubt it.

Even if every death is true it's still not as many as Yagoda killed.

Not really, no. There are also German documents that attest to the fact that the gas chamber was heated. The most important is a letter the chief architect of Auschwitz, Karl Bischoff, sent to Topf on March 6, 1943. In it, Bischoff discussed the heating of morgue 1 of crematorium

>""In accordance with your proposal, the department agrees that morgue 1 will be preheated with the air coming from the rooms with the 3 installations to generate the forced-draught. The supply and installation of the necessary ductwork and ventilators most follow as soon as possible. As you indicate in your letter, the work should begin this week."

Nope, experts to tried to figure out Hitler's way of thinking based on the motives of his paintings

the point was always war with russia. all the anschlusses and communist revolutions were just setting the battlefield

>The Jews writing such grandiose lies like electrified conveyor belts, masturbation machines, and rail cars dumped to cremations ovens is what makes me doubt it.
I ignore those irrelevant stories that aren't used by truthers - just as one would ignore the mostly debunked stories we would hear from deniers. It's just that Irving, Zundel, Leuchter and Faurisson got away with manipulating their work for so long. Irving especially - he used great methods of over complicating his sources, misrepresenting information etc - he even used subjective writings. Leuchter was a fraud too - wasn't even qualified ontop of it and later got caught with his dubious handling of sampling. It takes a lot of work to catch people out. I'm going to continue speaking with you - and ignore possible shills that spam me as usual - they normally come after me every time I try post.

Doesn't prove there were gas chambers, nor can anyone know that document is real.

>but there is no evidence of inmates using swimming pools
You mean photos or videos?

There aren't any photos or videos of inmates being gassed either.

Not sure how you can't know that's real? Verify it - it's an accepted truth, deniers don't even really argue that.
Are you dead-set on your views, if I may ask?
Or do you try and do as much research on it and not have a bias view when it comes to people doing the research?

It's really just a matter if you believe it was justified. I don't believe the gas chambers were real but I'm sure a lot of Jews died.

Doesn't change the fact the Jews have way too much control of the West.

I can address this issue with you if stay on it alone and not go off-topic. So far it's just you and one other poster - hopefully it stays like that for now, it's difficult jumping between more people on different topics.

what are you trying to say?

>It's really just a matter if you believe it was justified.
Not sure what you mean by this?

>Jaeger Report

Whether you believe it happened or not. I don't think it's quite what they try to make you believe, but either way I don't care because I would have rather the world went down Hitler's path with no Jewish banks.

Are you referring to his economic policies by this?

Does that mean Hitler was a pawn or they just made use of the situation at hand that Hitler had caused?

Yes. Issuing money without debt. That's the crux of the Jews power.

>there is no evidence of inmates using swimming pools

/r/equesting the Auschwitz Drowning Pool image.

Who's to say? They both had something to gain, but at the end of the day Herzl got what he wanted and Hitler got everything taken away.

>but either way I don't care because I would have rather the world went down Hitler's path with no Jewish banks.

then why do you go out of your way to pretend the holocaust never happened?

the latter if any. Zionism had been a thing since the late 1800s, and so had an increase in anti-jewish sentiment and anti-jewish pogroms in europe, especially eastern europe before WW2.

then who has a real cause to fight for?

I never say it never happened, but it's really fucking over hyped compared to all the people the Jews have killed. If that doesn't tell you who's in control I don't know what will.

t. anti-semite

This is the holocaust deniers' biggest truth bomb.

Hint: only works on school kids who go "wait a minute my teacher never taught me this!"

>Hjalmar Schacht
He's your man then. He was put in charge to fix up the economy. He realized that without "conquests" or war that serious economic reforms had to be put in place. He was booted out by Hitler and Goring, because they didn't agree with his economic policies which actually revived the German economy.
>Schacht was a member of the Nazi Party but he also publicly expressed his disgust at the treatment of the jews as soon as 1938, and
tried to co-conspire against Hitler after 1938.
So he was by no means a "nazi". He was the one that was getting Germany out the depression. Hitler, in turn, was running down the economy .

Even if you concede that Hitler fixed the economy (he didn't), you still can't separate that from the fact that the German economy was
essentially converted into a war machine dependent upon its upcoming conquest and looting, which in turn set the stage for a genocidal campaign through Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe...all of this ending with the complete collapse of the German state, its defeat in an unwinnable war, and its partition subsequently. If you're judging by immediate legacy, worst leader ever (even restricting that
to just the German people he deemed racially worthwhile).
So we have Schacht to thank for that.
Another interesting fact is Rommel - one the best field marshalls of his time, well respected (in terms of military tactics). He too, like Schacht tried to plot against Hitler in the end.

>I never say it never happened

you and most deniers try and whittle is down because you think it will magically reset everyone opinons on nazis and anti-jewish ideals. Like people will say 'oh, only 4 million jews died? well thats perfectly fine!'. Just because you dont like jews doesnt mean they werent slaughtered

>to all the people the Jews have killed

this is just baseless nazi propaganda though.

I don't know what you mean. They both had cause. They worked together until it was no longer advantageous.

Herzl had the diaspora Jews of the world and the might they all could bring to bear and Hitler just had Germany.

There's so much more information that I have, but I'm skeptical of using it as it's not mine.
I'm just pasting everything from someone who's extremely knowledgeable on this. He puts it so simply it's difficult to rearrange it.

Yagoda killed 10 million, but they don't teach that in school.

I'm just hoping if we have a civil conversation we could change more people's attitudes (of being dead-set on being deniers because of personal bias) and approaches.

where the fuck are you getting your information from? do you actually care about what truly happened or are you just shilling

Look, my grandpa was in the army aircore and liberated Dachau. He was a hard nosed man and really didn't ever talk about it. My grandma told me after he died that one of the only times he cried was when he drunkenly told her the story . He didn't eat for two weeks and gave his K rations to those poor bastards who were walking skeletons.
I'm not a fag, I dont know about six gorillion but the Holocaust happend.

There were about 5 threads since this morning.
I participated in one a few hours ago - same crowd using same memes. Literally links your posts and pasta. I can't stop reading your site and the other two links you provided. I think I got 2 hours sleep at most. Managed to find some more images as well.

Yes, I understand there economy was based around the upcoming war at the time. Doesn't mean it wouldn't have been converted to something else later when the conquest was over. They took it upon themselves to try to rid the world of usury and communism and if they had succeeded we'd be living in a much improved world.

I'm aware of Rommel's assassination attempt. No one's saying Hitler is perfect, but at least he tried to free the world.

I learned about it. My teacher even literally said "Stalin was worse than Hitler"

Thats what you guys ignore, Stalin wasnt jewish, he even went to school to become a priest originally, and Yagoda was just doing Stalins will before he was eventually killed.

So this one "jewish" guy is your example?

I'm saying a parody of what guys like this --- says

removing them from where they held any power
like exiling Napoleon to elba

Maybe Stalin wasn't a Jew, but what about Trotsky and Lenin and all of the other Jews who started the Bolshevik party? No Nazi is ever pardoned for just following orders.

Also let's not forget all of these modern wars since the Rothschilds took over are started by Jewish bankers. Do they not have the blood of countless millions on their hands?

How sustainable would it be once the war was done though?

Also, how many communists were in Germany at the time? Enough to sway it in that direction?
Read up about the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith during that time period. It paints a different picture.

Lenin is hardly a jew. Even by the nazis standards, he would get a pass and he was raised christian. This idea that the soviet union was this jew controlled thing massacring people in the name of judaiism is complete nazi propaganda bullshit and you know it.

So if all jews are responsible for Yagoda, then all christians are responsible for Stalin? This is even more autistic reasoning than niggers and "all whites are responsible for slavery!" Also, Lenins butcher and original leader of the Checka was a polish catholic guy who originally wanted to become a jesuit. Felix Dzerzhinsky

Hitler dindu nuffin.

He wuz a gud boi. He was just out spreading da word of Jesus. They be lying about him.

Hitler loved Jews. He would never hurt a hair on their head.

Ignore the mass graves at concentration camps. They be lyinz

Who's to say how it would adapt? Keep building shit and work yourself into a futuristic utopia where the needs of the people are met before the oligarchs?

What about the German Revolution of 1918? All Jewish led. They may not have had the population, but they sure knew how to lead the useful idiots just like they do today.

>Even if you concede that Hitler fixed the economy (he didn't), you still can't separate that from the fact that the German economy was essentially converted into a war machine dependent upon its upcoming conquest and looting
I believe he fixed the economy, as was evidenced by how quickly he rebuilt the Reich and paid off their debts, something that would've taken well over a decade if left in the hands of the capitalist social democrats. What makes you say this?

>Also let's not forget all of these modern wars since the Rothschilds took over are started by Jewish bankers.

Hitler built up his army despite the Versailles

Hitler entered the Rhineland despite it being against thhe Versailles

Hitler orchestrached a coup in Austria and then Annexed it despite the protest of everyone

Hitler took the Sudetenland after promising everyone that was it

Hitler lied and then invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia

Hitler invaded Poland after signing a non-aggression pact with the USSR

Hitler invaded neutral Denmark and Norway

Hitler went back on his word and invaded the Soviet Union

Hitler declared war on the US

>Who's to say how it would adapt?
The policies are the proof. The outcomes too.

see Trust me, read up on Schacht's policies - didn't take me long at all. And then compare them to once he got kicked out.

Yes, yes, I know they weren't all Jews, but the leaders were mainly Jews. Churchill wrote a big op-ed piece about it.

There will always be those who will align with whichever regime is in power to better their lives.

There's a reason so many plotted against him, like Rommel, too. You can't blame that on the Jews or Bankers.

So basically you want Nazi Germany without Hitler? Is that what I'm getting from you?

This is not about me. I'm just discussing his flaws that are ignored simply because of people's emotional connections.

>Yes, yes, I know they weren't all Jews

Exactly, so you dont have a point. "the jews need to be massacred because they are all biologically deposed to become communist butchers" is edge lord tripe.

all of what is listed in my pic is true, at least credit to the holocaust deniers that they aren't lying out of their ass in this aspect like they otherwise usually do.

However, to understand, you need to do some research on what complex prisoner hierarchy the Auschwitz camp system (over 100,000 prisoners) had.

At the bottom of the pyramid you had jewish prisoners who were being worked to death or gassed upon arrival if they were too young, too old or crippled / diseased.

Slightly on top you have the Sonderkommando, jews who were tasked in clearing the bodies of their fellow jews from the gas chambers, searching their cavities for valuables and then cremating them in the crematory above. The SK were awarded small trinkets like a pack of cigarettes or extra rations if they performed well, but most were shot after 3 months when they were cycled out of rotation due to being witnesses to genocide.

Then you had polish prisoners, who were treated better.

Then you had german prisoners (traitors to the regime like communists, homosexuals, people trying to defect to the allies and so on)

And finally you had a few allies prisoners, like BRITISH who were the ones who ended up playing football.

And one colossal thing you need to realize is that most of the amenities of Auschwitz (swimming pool, whorehouse, post office, theatre, etc) were located in the Auschwirtz I Stammlager, which is like where 3% of the 100,000 prisoners were interred.

Ergo: 97% of Auschwitz prisoners never got to see these facilities, and even fewer got to partake in them.

These are of course, the details holocaust deniers do NOT give you. ;-)

theres no way the nazi model could exist without conquest since Hitlers who idea and final goal was to make Germany a self sufficient country AND the number one power in a new global order.

and he cant make Germany self sufficient if it NEEDS trade with out countries, so you just take the other countries resources.

I think the plotters who tried to kill him in operation Valkyrie knew he had over extended and his ideas were insane, and just wanted to make Germany a more powerful nation. Their plan was to kill Hitler, assume control of the country, make peace with Britain and the US, but continue their war against the USSR.

Literally all this shit was for the SS and the Kapos

I never said they should be massacred. I said it was justified to put them in camps and to kill communist subversives. I'm just making a case for Hitler's side. Literally all it was about is what everything's about: money.

correct. see

Exactly. The Austrian is in the house now - everything I've posted in this and the previous thread is pretty much his work. I can barely reword most of his writings. He might drop his site if lucky. If you do have to go to bed soon don't read it - kept me up.

This is not dialogue, telling me to "read up". I could repeat my same point and tell you to "read up". And by your cursory off-the-top barely though out reasoning of "so many plotted against him, you can't blame that on Jews or bankers", I'm starting to find everything you say less and less credible. Jewish propaganda was a well oiled machine at the time, with no means of fact checking or discrediting anything they said, so yes you could in a sense blame them. You could even blame them for the Allies rushing to the war effort against Germany.

Please explain to me your understanding of the situation, because your narrative so far seems to be just be the same one pushed by big media.

So the point of having pools, soccer teams, greenhouse, dentist, theater on concentration camps during a crisis and war period was...?

I agree. I overlook things about his mistakes. If it were me I would have continued to build up the military and set myself up for the eventual Russian attack. It all rest's on if you believe the Germans were getting pogromed in ex-German territory controlled by the Polish. They could have just let them move back to Germany, but they wouldn't allow Hitler to take them.

Militarily alone?

>>Even if you concede that Hitler fixed the economy (he didn't), you still can't separate that from the fact that the German economy was essentially converted into a war machine dependent upon its upcoming conquest and looting
No, this point I referenced to earlier.

To take care of the prisoners.