I just realized in school band, we never had stringed instruments. We only had brass, woodwind, and percussion. Also...

I just realized in school band, we never had stringed instruments. We only had brass, woodwind, and percussion. Also, if you didn't want to do band, you could do physical education instead. Was it the same in your country? Was it the same across the USA?

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The fuck is a school band.

We had a school orchestra, no band. We had string instruments but they required a lot more training in order to sound average and a number large enough for the strings to have an impact in the song. That's probably why there's no string instruments in band.

I only played guiro and triangle

In elementary school we only had strings. Gym and music were both mandatory.

In highschool gym is mandatory for at least one year. Music is elective and had percussion, strings, brass and classical guitar.

We didn't have a band. We had a choir. Some people accompanied it with instruments but they learned to play outside of school.

It wasn't a class though. It was just something extra that we did.

This was my school~


All separate and all mandatory

We don't have those "extracurricular activities" like they have in the US. We don't have chess clubs, dancing clubs, singing clubs, poetry clubs and school bands.
They would be entirely possible to organise but noone actually gives a shit in Polish schools and I doubt any student would prefer sitting in school after classes over not sitting in school after classes.

my high school few times a year organised all-nighters for students and they were cool as fuck.
We had a movie projection setup, a room for tabletop gaymes and other bullshit entertainment. Cigarettes were tolerated and if you were smart some liquor didn't hurt anyone either.

and also this

when school ended school ended. There were sports teams and bands but the only connection with the school was that they rented the PE hall or auditorium and lured students.

wtf i wanna move to poland now

No. If you want to study music, you go to the music school. My mother was taking balalaika lessons there, no kidding.

The drummer in our """jazz""" group at school was a really good friend of mine, we sat at the back hating everyone else in the group, wonder what happened to him.

Are there countries where PE is not a mandatory subject?

Only for one year. Mostly basic shit. For me mostly useless (I did appreciate the classes about Technical drawing though) but I learned that among polish 15 year olds there are a lot of people so dumb they dont know how to drill a hole or hammer a nail properly.

This was combined with painting/drawing classes into an "arts" subject. I'm a massive assburger and my drawing ability ceased development at the age of 6 so I didn't like them very much.

>Are there countries where PE is not a mandatory subject?
Probably USA given that half their population (wonder who) can't swim.

>tfw orchestra club doesn't exist
>had to enter the boring ass gamelan club

PE was mandatory, orchestra and choir were extracurricular, although we had music class, where we learnt about the fundamentals of music and history where we also sang a lot. Our orchestra had a violinist at some point, idk.
Unlike the other countries we did have a few weird after school clubs, for examle I did theater and there were also some language clubs and stuff.

Band never has string instruments, orchestra had strings. In my school you had to choose between band, jazz band, choir, or orchestra.

in my elementary school and junior high school, we had school bands without string instruments
they played indoor or sometimes outside to cheer up school sport teams or festivals
in my senior high school, we had both band and orchestra, and I played the violin
in the 2nd violin group, there were 8 members, 7 girls and one guy (me)

>Are there countries where PE is not a mandatory subject?

In Malta we have PE but it is nothing more than recreational time to get a bit of exercise. We don't have to learn anything and there are no tests/exams you have to take. There is also a PE class as an elective with exams and such, but very few people take that and most schools don't even prepare you for it. And in most cases participation is not mandatory. You can just laze around in the sun while the others play a game of football or whatever.

>drawing ability ceased development at the age of 6

Here it's a completely different story. There are certain "abilities" you have to posses and there are normal exams from it and you get graded like any other subject.

So for example you have to be able to throw a palant ball (similar in size to tennis ball) to a certain distance, measured jump from a standing position, measured long jump, timed obstacle course, timed hurdling run.
There's also a timed run for 1000m and timed sprint for 60 or 100m depending on the school.
General athletic stuff really.

>school band
Wtf is this?

PE is mandatory in France in all schools
Middle school also have mandatory music and arts (drawing) classes

>Band never has string instruments
Typing the op out, I just had that realization. I guess it depends on the economic class of the area, because I've never heard of a school in my area having orchestra.
>We don't have chess clubs, dancing clubs, singing clubs, poetry clubs and school bands.
My school didn't either.
>Probably USA given that half their population (wonder who) can't swim.
PE was mandatory at my schools, but for example in high school, you only had to take the class once if you wanted, and fulfilled your requirements with other electives. Also, in my area, none of the schools had a pool so swimming was never done at school. Having a pool at your school was seen as a rich thing, where I was from.

>in the 2nd violin group, there were 8 members, 7 girls and one guy (me)
> 7 girls and one guy (me)
give me some stories, pussy-slayer.

In Germany (at least in my state) there were always swimming lessons, you just had to go to the nearest public swimming pool

>My school didn't either.
whoops, I meant everything but school band. School band was a class, but after school things like clubs was never a thing.

>In Germany (at least in my state) there were always swimming lessons, you just had to go to the nearest public swimming pool
That's a good solution, but some parts of the US are just too spread out. We had rivers and lakes, so I guess people never wanted to use tax money to build a pool(?) or cared enough to swim in the winter.

this. dumb anglos

Did you live the anime dream or did they all got snatched before you could?

They aren't part of the Jazz ensembles (except the double bass) or marching bands and are generally harder to play in tune at a lower skill level.

Also, pieces with string instruments are often more elaborate, with other instruments having songs you can play at various skill levels.