ITT characters who did nothing wrong

ITT characters who did nothing wrong


Him simply existing is doing something wrong.


>"lets start chaos, because it will help Somehow"
>kills the queen
>barbarian scum starts raping and pillaging the land until order is restored
"He totally did nothing wrong guys"

Muties had it coming.

>Learns to fly by letting go of all earthly attachments
>Is still in love with P'Li

>Fucks her brother
>Has gay Jewish son made from a demon's soul
>Is crazy stupid
>Nothing wrong

love transcends time and space, didnt you hear?


He lost.

They re-imprisoned him and all, but I feel like he's just partying in the spirit realm every day and generally doing whatever he feels like, Not much of a punishment at all.


His motivation was just like 90% of comic book villains these days. Chaos causes conflict, conflict causes innovation, innovation leads to greatness. Humanity needs something to struggle against, the world being so safe is making it stagnant. So in order to help humanity, to give them problems to overcome so they will create great things again, heroes, guardians of the status quo, need to be removed.

P'Li's death is what cut his last attachment and let him fly.


>His motivation was just like 90% of comic book villains these days
except most of these villains actually have a plan. They don't assume chaos will cause innovation/lead to greatness, they lead that "chaos" there. Something along the lines of "i will then take power after throwing everything in chaos and rule over these people". Zaheer just killed the earth queen and thought things would be okay "somehow".

Also, Zaheer's "reasoning" had nothing to do with humanity being stagnant, or overcoming limits. He just thought humanity would be better how they were naturally (in chaos) without actually explaining why.


I have this just in case anyone on Sup Forums ever wanks Doom again.

He did everything wrong.
Complete Anarchy is insanity.

That's a malfunctioning doombot.

Which is why Doom is such a shit. Every failure is a robot. A creation of his that despite countless attempts he still can not create one that is successful. The man, and his creations, is just an endless existence of failure.

Fuck Doom and fuck Doomfags.

>Using a shitty writing book to mock our great Lord Doom.

>I haven't read comics with Doom in it.
>S-Stop liking what I don't like!

>I don't have an argument so have some greentext!


Read plenty of Doom. I understand the appeal. I don't understand the idiots who want to prop him on a throne and call him the greatest.

And I've never seen a convincing argument for it. Just shitters spouting off memes.

The only thing he did wrong was fail.


>several bots out of thousands fail, making the man overall a complete failure
This is terrible bait

He's a man trying to better humanity. He has made Latveria have the highest standards of living, yet the rest of the world is still a cesspool of degeneracy. So, when he tries improve the world, he's vilified and casted out.

And apparently the only people that want change for the greater good are memers.

>did nothing wrong
he failed so pretty much everyone he killed really did die for nothing

Battleworld was unarguably Doom's greatest achievement, an in the end he admitted Reed would have done better. Reed would have succeeded, not scraped together bits of failure and parked a throne on it like Doom did. Doom is shit, he knows it, why don't you?

Read the scan, son. Doom is a petulant whiner who's every achievement and effort is to try and surpass Reed, and Secret Wars showed that Doom never believed he did. Did you ever stop to think that maybe Doom never jobs? That all his defeats really are defeats that you can't ignore with a buzzword phrase? You never considered the idea that maybe the reason Reed keeps defeating Doom, is that Reed is simply superior? Just because way too many people like smug assholes who's speech is influenced by prose way too much, doesn't make them actually good characters.

tl;dr Doom is shit. Suck it.

He very nearly killed Korra so that's a plus. It really curbed those irksome aspects of her character inward a bit.
