1. Russia isn't really that much bigger

1. Russia isn't really that much bigger.
2. The US is like a dozen times richer. Why doesnt Russia just copy the US and at least be AS rich as the US? If Russia is such a big deal now, how much more would it be if it was 12x richer?

>embargoes, sanctions, interference

Fine, maybe not 12x richer but what about 3x?

Other urls found in this thread:


Communism and getting rekt in the cold war
Along with thinking Crimea was worth years of sanctions

Our government goes for the shortest profit solutions possible because they know they won't be able to stay in power forever.

> Russia should become an immigration destination for the most risk-prone and talented rich contries individuals for centuries, be half a world away from any instability and wars, and maintain an economy built from seeds of good climate and slavery and end up in a relationship of patronage over a dozen former genocidal and plundering colonial empires

Hey, sounds like a great idea. But instead we border China, Iran, NK, NATO and gave the longest border in the world with Sunni Islam countries we have to maintain fragile peace with. So on second thought, maybe we can't just pretend we border just a faggot leaf country and harmless beaners.


>2 times bigger than the already huge USA
>"it's not that big"
Why are you so jelly

>Why doesnt Russia just copy the US
Copy what exactly?

most of it is worthless frigid wasteland

Dude Russia is 80% the woods and 10% frost desert. That last 10% is ground up dinosaurs and that’s why Russia has anything at all.

>Why doesnt Russia just copy the US
When the USSR dissolved, Milton Friedman's loyal ghouls set their sights on Moscow and attempted to convince the newly formed russian government to go full neoliberal, offering false promises of growth and prosperity. The russians complied and it nearly destroyed their country.

Most of it is uninhabitable.

Are you twelve? Geopolitics is nowhere as simple as "let's get rich"

>send economic "advisors" to former enemy
>enemy nearly collapses
Sounds like a success.

>harmless beaners

What a faggot.

>1. Russia isn't really that much bigger.
Russia is 17075 thousand square kilometers
USA is 9 598 thousand square kilometers

>Why doesnt Russia just copy the US and at least be AS rich as the US?
Corruption and old farts in government

You could make the EXACT argument about canada and the answer is the same, because we didn't have mass immigration in the 1800 and 1900s.

>Corruption and old farts in government
US system is just the same. We can't copy it because we have no giant corporations left from USSR

Why not?

Organized crime? Yeah, same as bordering cons except one is a superpower and the other one can be dealt with by one FSB platoon .

You're the faggot, faggot.

3: Russias oligarchy are very rich.
4: They control and rule the masses

> cons
China, ofc



do americans really believe this kind of news?

Global warming will make them (and Canada) more habitable and powerful.

> reportedly
When in reality media tycoons, legalized corporate lobbying, "corporations are people" etc are not things that have anything to do with Russia. Olygarkhy? Russia's autocracy. Ukraine is an example of what Russia was like when it was an olygarkhy, i. e. run by mixed bunch of businesmen with political influence. And "corporations are people" the country is what every olygarkhy wishes it could be.

The sad truth is that many of those people really did believe in what they were preaching.

Typical controlled and ruled peasant, you can't see your masters.

Most have their assets and realty abroad (like Switzerland, France etc.) Plus the wealth distribution ratio is toally fucked, like 3% of "financial elite" own 97% of the wealth.

Being large means nothing if most of it is absolutely useless.
The US has the world's largest system of naturally navigable rivers, right on the same spot as the largest contiguous amount of highly fertile land for agriculture, meaning they are leaders in the production of cheap and competitive grains, livestock and food in general. Plus it has two coasts that make it easy and cheap to trade with both Europe and Asia. Waterways are free, safe, reliable, cost almost nothing to maintain, and naturally, almost all metropolises in the US are next to a navigable river, the ocean, or both, allowing the country to become highly industrialized. Everything about American geography conspires to make it the richest and wealthiest of the largest nations in the globe.

Russia has more than half of its territory made up of Siberian wasteland. Most of the arable land is poor for agriculture, the country's breadbasket is far away from its major cities and is very small in comparison to their population, making Russia an importer, not an exporter, of food. There isn't a navigable river system to connect the country, meaning they have to waste money on road and rail for everything, making their products more expensive, meaning manufacturing is also uncompetitive. Also, there famously aren't a lot of warm water ports in Russia, significantly hurting trade, as it mostly has to export things trough land. So the Russian industry is kept afloat by protectionism, technological stagnation, and oil money.

Fun fact


Reason people hate Russia is because people don't want to be ruled by a dictator oligarchy that rules and hoards all the wealth.

US is less unequal than Russia with higher wages and human rights.

Minimum wage in russia is 6200 rubles or 100 usd, this is 14x less than in the US.

By your argument the south should be absurdly rich when in reality it is the least powerful/poorest part of the country.

quality post.

That's not what the studies say

yet we have a lower poverty level than you?

I know that, I was just wondering where did that "reportedly richer" meme come from. That's quite a stretch of a fact to be honest.

I think he meant Putin'supposed riches, source for that.

Poverty level is arbitrary. Besides, if course Russia is poorer, that's the whole premise of this here ITT. BETTER to speak of something specific, like homeless veterans problem that Russia is solving, and US isn't .

A person on US welfare makes more than the majority of russians, russia is poorer than mexico, for the average person and bottom percentiles of wealth.


The south is not an independent country.

See 2014 was four years ago

Her Majesty the Queen and His Holiness the Pope are the richest people alive.

Inequality in russia is 15.4x worse than in other countries.

"Beavers are 75,3% more aquatic than other rodents" games literally what does that even mean?

Can we at least agree that misery exists in both the US and Russia and takes many different forms depending on the circumstances?

It mrans foe every 11 billion wealth spread in the population in the hands of hoseholds, theres 1 billionaire, other countries have 1 billionaire for every 170 billion wealth in hands of population.

interesting map except for calling kazikstan “mexistan.” if anything “mexistan” and central adia shoukd be switched.

rothchild own 1& trillion.Pope doesn't, “own” the RCC in the same way the president doesn’t own the USA.

>he fell for the sanctions meme

What other countries? Billionaire in what currency? Do you not think choice of currency would affect the number? Isn't the currency choice arbitrary then? Are you aware that several recent studies, including the GINI index show US has worse inequality than Russia? If not, why? I've posted the relevant link ITT, and not a phone screenshot with random incoherent stuff

Not according to GINI

>The russians complied

They really didn't.

because russia is a byldo state. i lived there for 3 years in vladimir and moscow and just the way shit is run is garbage. such a waste. you want to get anything dne you better wait.
its a shame because their public transport is awesome. take a train to fucking anywhere for cheap, and they are good quality.

Only reason people haven't fled russia is because they have no way to and are brainwashed by patriotism and oligarchy, otherwise Russia will be empty due to its oppression and exploitation, all Russians and Ukrainians should be elligible for asylum and refugee status in EU and US, we should have qn embassy in Poland to transfer Russians to the US.

>he actually believes that
good, good. keep it that way.

Russians and Ukrainians will recieve free housing, food and a monthly stipend to get you stabilize and started.

>Twice bigger isn't that

The Pope is an absolute monarch, technically he can do whatever the fuck he wants with any Vatican assets. The Rothschilds, Waltons, and Kochs, are all quite wealthy (though figures for the Rothschilds are as "low" as $350 billion) but these assets are split between multiple family members, not just one person as in the case of Her Majesty or Bezos, Putin, Gates, etc. The Queen's money is also tied up in weird ways, but at least on paper she is by far and away the wealthiest person to have ever lived. Not only is She the world's largest landowner by a wide margin, and one of the biggest fine art collectors, just Her jewellery is estimated to be worth as much as $6.8 billion

but I bet you want to stop refugees from actual war torn countries out

>actual war torn countries
Like what?

They complied, in the sense that Jeltsin shat on the parliament and made himself into a dictator.

Syrias population is 18 million.

Maybe Russia should join NATO.

Epic prank bro

>Why don't poor people just get more money?!

Maybe NATO should join Russia.

Well said.

>canadian education

>tfw my city is split into 3

the us has positioned itself as the center of the world economy. They can't catch up

>economy built from... Slavery
Except the US, became the economic superpower once slavery had already been outlawed.

>relationship of patronage over a dozen former genocidal and plundering colonial empires
As if Russia didn't do the same. Russia forced its way into the east in an equally aggressive manner.

>Russia an importer, not an exporter, of food


Your statement is not entirely true. Yes, there are certain types of products we still import but agriculture in Russia is certainly growing and not shrinking.

Seems to me like they are working just fine.

Russia is AS RICH as the US, they just like to play poor to have the advantage

the top 1% of Russia is in fact richer than the top 1% of US.

Miami is its own core not new york dipshit, nrw york is irrelevant, thered new york immigrants here.

Not a single part of this post is true.

California is smaller than France yet has a larger economy