What happened Sup Forums?

What happened Sup Forums?

Sinfest thread I guess.

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Must we have a Sinfest thread?

I know we CAN, but...

Must we?

You know how some people party when young, and suddenly become some of the most religious people ever because their former life didn't actually satisfy them and they are looking for a restrictive dogma to explain their failures/look for redemption?

That was Tatsuya. He is self-flagellating for a few naughty jokes of his past and championing his new religion.

inb4 deletion

What happened is that you're still following a comic that's long since gone to shit, drop it and move on.

does anyone know the transitional point in which this artist when full retard?

Probably the closest answer.

I think a lot of us read it occasionally just to see if he has drawn the wrong thing, supported the wrong idea, and had all his tolerant progressive fans turn on him like piranhas.

it's been a while since the last sinfest
He probably got a girl friend who was incredibly feminists and forced it on his comics.

What exactly stops women from designing bots in this universe?

literally nothing and has already shown to have female hackers and mechanics.

in all likelihood this artist will probably make strips about those females hacking the giant man robots instead of building their own.

When he introduced the girl with the bigwheel and started the Patrix plot.

Unlike other webcomic artists, I never hear anything about his fans or even about him or his opinions outside of what can be inferred from the comic itself.

Literally Satan.

DevilTech sounds like an awesome cyberpunk corporation.

He seems to be extremely reclusive. His only opinions come out in his comics, unlike other artists who make asses of themselves on social media. For that, I admire him.

He should still die of cancer though.

I wish that there was just a bad webcomic thread to encompass stuff like this, qc and whatever that other one that looks like qc is that get daily threads.

People have tried to start bad webcomic general discussions in the past, but they never catch on the same way threads about certain individual webcomics do. Maybe it dilutes discussion too much.

I like to imagine "Tatsuya Ishida" is really a dray of squirrels lumped into a man-shaped bag. They see that feminism became a thing on the internet, but they don't understand why.

That's why their plots never go anywhere and are essentially an ouroboros of the same back and forth of perpetual indignation, sabotage, and demonic angst. It remains just empowering enough to give the audience a reason to read, but without the satisfying climax of a proper story.

I wonder if Bill Amend is some sort of collection of tiny mammals at this point now. Or perhaps iguanas?

If that's so, then I'm impressed a bag of squirrels can turn out art as good as they do.

Was it rape?

Yeah, it took a lot of training.

You know for someone who hates sexism, Tats draw some pretty sexy demon chicks

It's great art wasted on a pointless message time and time again. How many strips does it have to take to say "men are evil, women are prisoners of the patriarchy"?

I don't get it. Is there some reason she can't get another job if she doesn't like stripping? Seems like she makes a ton of money.

>Woman is a sluts profession
>man appreciates her efforts
>go and take his money
>pretend to be happy with his donation

I honestly don't think any remotely attractive stripper thinks that. Most of them are pretty intelligent since they are normally ex-students who go stripping to pay off their university debts and it pays well enough most stick to it and you only have to keep up appearances and perform new 'sets'.

Most of them actually realise their university pay will probably never top their stripping tips and ALOT of the time, they end up as a milf after anyway.

The story of the 'down and out' stripper is nearly a media invention every time. Especially the modern ones.

>never check the news section because there's never anything there for years on end
>on a whim, do it one day while catching up to see if Fyoosh and Crim is going anywhere
>open the link to this article about the first publications of Sinfest by Darkhorse
Okay, this explains a few things. He was always a barely held together bag of bizarre ego problems, nerves, and drama-queening, it just never bled over into a moralizing twist to his comic until later.

I've heard rumors a bad break up spawned the beginning of the current mess, but I've never actually seen anything to substantiate it. Not that I looked too hard, I suppose.

>I don't waaaannnt to, someone else should do it


I stopped reading Sinfest years ago since the feminist bullshit took over.
I check in occasionally to see if it's still fucked. It is.

I miss it when it was funny.

It's because the QC General is actually just a legitimate general, and they totally like the comic.

They just pretend to hate it because they know it's shit, but that fat bastard has managed to entrance their tiny brains with his poorly drawn waifus.

Manbots- designed to be thrown via railguns into mortal danger.
Fembots- given grace and beauty, and the most dangerous things they'll have to do is make me a sandwich.
Women- complain about everything because they are raised to think that everybody should be paying attention to them.
Men- shrug about it and go back to doing something useful. Like designing fembots, because they can have a "mute" button.

Little too on the nose.

We have an actual food product in the real world called "Soylent" and a drone controlling program called "Skynet." People love on the nose.

I hate how all the girls being discriminated against are all those devil girls, but all the dudes are just regular human guys
What kind of message is that sending?
That the kind of girl that gets hassled by patriarchal systems doesn't exist?
That they are made to be fondled, groped, and touched?

It works if you're being ironic.
>The company markets themselves being ironic so nobody would buy they're just openly evil

>The story of the 'down and out' stripper is nearly a media invention every time.
No it isn't. Don't be daft.

I dunno. I kinda laughed at the tank tops thing..Although "wifebeaters" are plain white under shirts using a tank top design and earned that name because they're a common part of the stereotypical image of an Italian husband.

The Devil is the embodiment of the patriarchy but he still has so much style. Really, the only characters that have been ruined are Slick and Monique, unfortunately they were the main characters.

So, does he have a girl constantly bitching about hard it is for women in first world countries or does he just assume it's the 20s and women are chained to the kitchen stove?

It's also hypocritical, since she's drawn sexy as hell.

To be fair it has a point, I mean she's a stripper.
If she were drawn unsexy and shit we'd probably be talking about how he didn't have the balls to make her appropriately attractive for the situation.

I was wondering if there's some satire I'm not seeing in his strips, it turns out it really went to shit.

So, any ideas about when he's gonna introduce some transgender-qeer-genderfluid-bimorphic-polysexual-whateverworks characters to advance the plot?

>If she were drawn unsexy and shit we'd probably be talking about how he didn't have the balls to make her appropriately attractive for the situation

Oh, my sweet, sweet user. There is no such thing as too unattractive for a stripper.

>advance the plot


The author was a lonely virgin and then found a radfem gf.

nothing, what some women do is complain there isn't enough women a certain field but don't realize it's because they didn't apply to such field.
Like there was this bullshit on futurism. They complained why weren't there no women in these field. Turns out they never asked themselves do women want to go in that field, or have any actually applied to that specific field of study.

Turns out the reason there are so little women in many other infrastructures, such things as directing movies and such, isn't because they are being kept out by the male counter parts, it's because women have chosen not to or believe that they will be kept out do to a defeatist attitude. buy of course I'm mansplaining now.

He probably does it for the clicks since making fun of religion isn't as edgy as it used to be.

Hard to believe this shit has been going on for almost 5 years.

that could almost be a chick tract page

I'm a forum member.

This shit is ridiculous. I wouldn't stop if I were Tats either, the amount of worship he gets is off the charts.

You kinda point out, that maybe, MAYBE, having literal objects mad with screws and bolts and sold out in stores isn't a healthy analogy for objectified women since they're literally objects at first and the customers in sinfestverse can't be really held responsible and you get flamed to hell and back.

It's a freaking cult in there.





Last panel only gives me the impression she's a hooker. If it's only meant to convey that she's sad it could've been done waaaaaaay better.

...except Voltron\Golion is composed of five FEMALE lions.

I don't see any mane on them, do you?

As far as Mecha goes, does he define their gender by who pilots it or by the looks? Because if it's the latter, the fault lies on him for identifying their gender based on their looks. If the former, then a mecha like Vilkiss, Gunbuster, the Rising Gundam, and countless more don't exactly fall under submissive (though they are all downright sexy).

They don't have boobs. Therefore they are males.

The guy makes comics about purging forums. He MADE the cult.

why would you stay on that echo chamber
at least here you're free to call me a faggot, and stuff

There are maneless males. The Tsavo man eaters had no manes.

I gotta ask, what's the opinion on the Fuchsia and Criminy sub-plot in there like? It still feels like an odd left over of happier times.

wasn't there a point where we were supposed to be rooting for the little bookworm kid to get the succubus?
the fuck happened?

I honestly don't see any other reason to design robots as specifically feminine other than for sex appeal.

Bitches should have gotten a degree is "Bot Design" instead of Women's Studies, then

Sometimes , when stupidity reaches critical mass, it just can't be helped. All that's required for stupidity to triumph is for three-digited-iq-men to do nothing.

It's generally well liked. Not intensely, they don't really care for it, it ranges from "ok" to "good". Absynthe x Monique is the fave there. That and fembot stuff.

It's not even subtle. His literally just saying that men create strong men and sexy woman. There is no substance to this comic. Does he not even see the irony that he has yet to draw a female that could be perceived as unattractive?

He, sort of, got her. But nothing much happened or is happening with them. He's just amazing probably boyfriend who does stuff for Fuchsia. Criminy is interesting in modern Sinfest because of how completely at odds he is with the rest of the story. Which explains why doesn't show up much any more, or be shown hanging around Slick and the Pig any more.

Fuchsia has mostly her own subplot about her self esteem and overcoming her past and what not now. Which is basically what her subplot with Criminy was, but now he doesn't really show up too much. Still does though.

As for "the fuck happened..." Tatsuya became a crazy man. Or, he was always crazy and it just became a brand of crazy that noticeably changed his work.

He got her. She wants to fuck him. He's kinda sexophobic (well duh, male boners are evil), so nothing too intimate besides kissu. But their arc is cute.

That was actually a rare funny strip with Xanthe. Probably partly because she was the butt of the joke.

sinfest was my 1st web comic back in 2000 Kept reading it till 2002. It was mostly funny back then


Girl bots are kept safe in homes.
While boy bots are sent out to be slaughtered in meaningless conflicts for people who see them only as numbers on a sheet of paper.

>The design of this girl
Yo this chick's just a female Slick but with feminism instead of fucking bitches and also less jokes.


Goddamn, I completely forgot about this stuff. I wonder if I should go back and reread the early works, or better to leave it as is. Rather than be reminded of what has been lost.

Hasn't his visitor numbers plummeted?
Sure, the echochamber continues to be retarded, but that should hardly be anyone's measuring stick

I was surprised when lil Buddha finally showed up after a long hiatus and wasn't bashed by the sisterhood
The people who wanted to evict God from a space they randomly claimed as their own

they are quite the exception, though

Of course it has. Dramatically. And even the echo chamber is meh. The only thing sinfest has going on for it is that it's daily and long running.

here more from the good old days. I never understood the animosity against him.

just wished he made the strips bigger. bit hard to read.

I don't even really find this all that amusing. I mean, I get it, I don't dislike it. I'm just not laughing. My favorites tended to be the slightly less overly edgy ones from that period before he completely lost his fucking mind. But it's been awhile since I read the old ones.

What I'm really amazed about is the sheer change in subject matter and tone. It's just so completely different it's hard to imagine it being the same guy at all, despite the art giving it away.

Quality over quantity, I'm sure he'd say.

And then one would ask what should we think of someone who equates "quality audience" with 'worshiping me and agreeing with every word I say audience".

is the author a hapa male? seems par for the course if so really

People who disagree with him are misogynists, therefore he doesn't want their clicks.

There was one strip where he called out sex-positive third-wave feminism as disguised misogyny, which Websnark (who were actively feminist before it was cool) pointed out was a bit mansplainy.

>Most of them are pretty intelligent since they are normally ex-students who go stripping to pay off their university debts
I hope this is bait, and you're not actually THAT fucking gullible.

Its an interesting look at market forces.

But, legal sex work pays better than most other careers.


no, we stop reading it, but tehre is always taht ONE ASSHOLE, who post a tatsuya thread to defend his marvelous feminazi worshipping.
Jesus, we all agreed in the past, do those threads on Sup Forums where people like shit like it

Can't we just reminisce about how things once were, everyone so often user? Can't we at least have that?

if you want to reminesce about something, you go to yours grandma house and fuck her.
tatsuya is Sup Forums
post it on Sup Forums
remind good times with tatsuya and a cup of virgin's boys blood on Sup Forums
go to Sup Forums
I bet Sup Forums love that sucker

Sinfest is a comic, and Sup Forums is a board for comics and cartoons. Therefore it is on topic.

ohh, that poor thing. Must be awful making 100-200k a year.

>What happened

Common theory is that Tat got the ol' yoko ono special. Woman entered his life and decided she needed to direct his art in a direction that she agreed with and Tat went along with it.

Everyone sort of figured it was just a longer running arc or something, but that was back in 2011 or 2012 and here we are now.

well same could be said about RWBY generals, and mods almost banished them.

its a Sup Forums comic.
no one who likes comics like them.
only Sup Forums cunts would like that excrement.
why cant you take it to where it can be loved?

I personally find it funny that you can replace her with most people and their jobs.

time to hide this thread.
OP you are a raging cunt faggot troll asshole, next time keep that on Sup Forums