What is Keira Knightley's best performance?

What is Keira Knightley's best performance?

The rimjobs she gives directors to get cast

The one were she revealed her teenage breasts

I wish Keira would show her vagine already!

making me be her pusy slave!

fucking fraud fuck off

based pusyposter


brobablee Atonement

Probably the one in Imitation Game

Distinct lack of pics of Keira's performances ITT.

>That low budget arts film where she insisted that the director put a scene in where her student sucks her toes

Here you go

her performances are tiny and do not merit discussion

I find the small and subtle performances have a greater impact.

user she basically has negative performances. i have seen more emotionally charged and convincing performances by small asian boys. she has the range of a flat board.

>i have seen more emotionally charged and convincing performances by small asian boys
Fucking pedo sex tourist identifed

my personal favorite is pic related


user, please.

She can't act.

Nice damage control creepazoid

I fucking hate the imitation game.


>people prefer Hershlag over this goddess


The one where she said fuck drumpf and fuck whitey

>people prefer an Anglo boy over a chosen Semitic goddess

Bend it Like Beckham. In everything else, she tried too hard.

>ywn cum this hard

based pusyposter

Pride and Prejudice


This, she was perfect in that movie