Is this cartoon true or false?

Why or why not?
If not, what would a more accurate cartoon say?

It's not accurate because as soon as slaves were unshackled they were effectively on the same level. The only difference is now the white guy is 10 steps farther and the black guy is still asking for a hand

This cartoon is ridiculous.

What is the black line supposed to represent?
Civil rights?
Economic Prosperity?

What did the white person achieve that the black person can still not achieve?

Two words: Affirmative action

>jim crow laws
>denied education
>denied honest employment
>police explicitly there to hunt them down at any request of a white whether true or not

kek "effectively on the same level"

>effectively on the same level.
>the white guy is 10 steps farther

A more accurate cartoon would have a body of water behind them and an arrow that said "Africa." Then it would show two Africans eating each other and the slave looking and saying: "Whew. Glad that wasn't me! I bet I taste terrible!"

>then and now
Hurr durr
True. So when are we going to repeal the Jim Crow La- oh wait. What else is there to repeal?

Don't make fun of the mentally handicapped.

you know they only picked cotton it's not like they made the whole US economy

Modern blacks need to Malcom X the fuck up and stop being niggers. Only way to feel like your equal is to take it yourself, and that starts by refusing to be a victim.

I personally think it is bullshit.

1) Only about 1-2% of "white" people owned, shipped, or traded slaves in America, most of whom (the slave owners) were actually Jewish as well, not white.

2) The Bar is LOWERED for black people because they can not pull them self up. This can be seen in state welfare programs, black only scholarships, lower standards for black to get into universities, and affirmative action.

3) It's simply to make people feel guilty for things they did not do. The concept of "original sin" for instance. If you want to be consistent with this sort of logic then all black people should be responsible for all black crimes.

They were most definitely not on the same level in the 1950s.

Do you seriously buy all that propaganda?

They started behind, we all know they aren't exactly the most intelligent of specimen, you can't fault them for still being behind.

That being said, no nigger's getting my money.

this is reddit tier oversimplification of an extremely complex and convoluted topic. This is just as retarded as shouting "build the wall" without having actually weighed up the evidence and done any sort of research or critical thinking.


There is all this talk of the invisible barriers holding blacks back in our society, but the only barriers I can see are ones that would involve looking in the mirror (fatherless families, black on black crime).

Not to mention that affirmative action is alive and well in universities, jobs etc.


Because that would advance that the only reason the US is powerful is because of the slaves plantations, or that the White standard of living (which is not something common for all whites, as seen with white poor people ,that always existed in European countries that never colonized anything anyway) is dependant on the exploitation of black people.
Which is preposterous and reduce to problems of blacks in the US to a single factor : slavery

Black unironically believe their slave ancestors built our entire infrastructure and industries. The truth is, most American blacks are woefully uneducated in history. They don't know when slavery ended (many think the 1960s), they don't know how many people owned slaves or where, they don't know about the civil war. It's really depressing.

They have been on the same level since the civil rights movement ended.

All these BLM babbies never lived under Jim Crow or any of that shit and now have to blame phantoms like "White privilege" for all of their failings because there's nothing to actually fight against now.

Even worse is I've seen some black people in this country start the "BLACK LIVES MATTER WHITE MALE PIG!!" shit, despite the fact that slavery was never allowed in Britain itself.

black people are an absolute mockery. What have they done with their freedom? What have they done with their civil rights? When are they going to take some personal responsibility and stop acting like a bunch of screaming apes? What a joke.

I know. We have the same problem in France ,where somehow the descendant from peasant of Auvergne (far from any Atlantic port) or from workers in the coal mines of the midlands are somehow responsible and benefiting from the slave trade.
Europeans and white americans build their country with their own back breaking labour. They weren't whipping niggers all day long. You don't build a civilization like that.

Slaves weren't significant stepping stones, they were one small piece of a much greater picture.

If we were to accept this comic, we would have to depict an earlier panel, in which the white men dragged the nigger up and out of Africa and into the US.

And also edit the panel to depict the white man unlocking the chains of the nigger.

Also, show the white man throwing a rope down to the nigger and the nigger failing to climb.

And also, show the nigger shoot another nigger.

There's nothing wrong with separate but equal approach.

I think of my ancestors who settled in New York in the early 1700s, then later moved westward as the country pushed the frontier. I think of the sacrifices, the danger, the fear, the back breaking labor they and all the other early Americans suffered to build our nation. Now our history is chastised and re-written to prop up some tiny minority of 80IQ bush folk who frankly got a much better deal by coming here.

That's historical revisionism and pure victim olympics.
Whites never had it easier before. I don't think living in some rural bum fuck with fuckall to eat because there is a drought is much better than in some violent hood and suffer "racism".

If blacks are treated so poorly, why have immigrants succeeded while blacks have not?

the problem with this cartoon is that it serves merely to illustrate and reinforce an already unjustified and simplistic world view, and takes part in the regrettable trend of images and slogans taking the place of arguments.
it is the ENTIRE QUESTION of the current black "rights" "debate" whether the position american blacks are in today is caused (more) by their oppressed legacy or by their own actions -- have blacks that were born after the end of slavery still been at an unfair handicap in life or not, and if yes to what degree? whatever the answer is, legitimate points could be made for both sides. but instead of making any kind of argument, "progressives", as usual, merely assume the outcome according to their emotional state and proceed to preach their wisdom in a tone that oscillates between righteous indignation and smug pretension.


Everyone involved in that has died of old age long ago.


Nope. Before slavery the White man was well on his way to success while Africans were busy scratching their asses. I have no I reason to believe they would be any better off if not for slavery. Blacks in Europe were never slaves and they're as shitty as US Blacks.

Implying segregation wasn't equal
Implying niggers didn't just fuck their own dive up like they always do

If white people never went to Africa niggers wound still be savages that best rocks for fun

It's strange how you had to point out something so obvious, but it didn't really occur to me how stupid it was. Even if you argue white privileged exists, (it doesn't), or that blacks significantly contributes to the current status of whites, (they didn't), the idea that blacks should be recompensed or that whites should have to give up what would otherwise be due to them is nonsense because the slaves who supposedly "built" this country have died long ago, as well as the whites that supposedly benefited from it are long dead.