Why do you hate the pope? He's the closest thing to a "real" Christian...

Why do you hate the pope? He's the closest thing to a "real" Christian. Is it because he doesn't use his religion as an excuse for extreme right wingism?

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Oh look this (((thread))) again.

Something CLEARLY went down. For the first time in hundreds of years a pope is replaced when the old one is still alive. No reason given. And for the first time for hundreds of years the new pope is a cuck, and seems to be anti-christian.

(((coincidence)))? I think not.

>bending over backwards for nonbelievers
>allowing christendom to be uprooted by islam
>providing zero incentive for migrants to convert


This, the Fins know their shit.

>Is it because he doesn't use his religion as an excuse for extreme right wingism?

>Hates the gays.
>Hates the transexuals.
>Calls their actions abominations and works the evil ones

He's a 6/10 Pope. My only complaint is that he has bought into the Not all Muslims propaganda. Can't wait till we get an African Pope. Europe will be so booty blasted it'll be amazing.

Yes, there are all huge issues. We needed a good pope now more than ever, and this is the one time we don't have one. (setting off my coincidence meter even further)

he is not

he told people to "let muslims be"

the entire point of christianity is to spread its message as far as possible to save people's souls not let them dabble in satanic shit

He's becoming like all politicians I hate and he's the representative of one of all religions I can't stand.


>head cuck of the whore of Babylon

>roman catholic

Pick one my ignorant friend

He is the last pope.

I preferred him with his fat mate Oliver Hardy

I hate this hypocrite because everything he does is calculated to get people to think highly of him rather than to get people to think highly of Jesus. Literally Satan-incarnate.

Yep. Benedict XVI was forced to resign by some (((mysterious))) party that had some kind of dirt on him (likely something related to the child abuse scandal), and he was subsequently replaced by that same (((mysterious))) party with someone who seems to be a literal anti-Christian Marxist Jesuit who is ruining the entire church.

There needs to be a serious purge in the Vatican, there is obviously some unholy shit going on behind the scenes and I think we all know who is truly responsible.

This must not take into account the amount of Catholic liturgy and popular prayers come from the Scripture

Because I'm an atheist.

>Religion founded by Paul during the time of Jesus is not Christianity
>Religion founded centuries later by some nobody is
Might as well be a Jehovah's witness or a Mormon

Vatican could never die.

>Damage control
Its self reported

jesuits shouldn't be given any power desu.


Catholic here.

Francis is a very honest and sincere Christian, but he's not exactly a very smart one. I take no issue with his Franciscan attitude towards the poor and sick and downtrodden. I would even go so far as to say that he is pretty accurate in most of his statements from a purely theological perspective. The main problem with Francis is that he doesn't realize he can be a great Christian role-model without having to pander to Muslim hatred. He's right by saying that we should be receptive to people in need (refugees, the poor, the sick, etc.) but he's dead wrong to infer that Islam is a religion of peace. He should take note by the many Popes which came before him. He seems to think that by taking a hard stand against a inherently violent and twisted religion like Islam, he is somehow not being Christ-like, which is absurd. Islam has been Christendom's oldest, most ardent, and persistent enemy and it won't stop until Christianity is defeated.

Hopefully the next Pope recognizes the crisis the West is in and takes a hard stance against it like our Orthodox brothers.

because he diddles little boys

Everyone who has actually followed the Catholic church knows this. Terrible what has happened.

There has only be one "real" Christian to exist, that was Jesus Christ. Everyone else falls short in this aspect and there is nothing that can be done to change it.

they should be burned, all of them

the roman catholic church will be the throne of the antichrist and the one god vomits in the bible prophecy

He's so Christian that his last major address plagiarized John Lennon's atheist anthem "Imagine."

As someone mentioned, he is as a real Christian as it can get.

Unfortunately the world, and most certainly the Vatican doesn`t need kind Christian souls, it needs a strong and a clever leader less the whole religion succumbs to a more active and violent one.

>founded by Paul
>not by Jesus Christ

I'm afraid user was correct, you are an ignorant shit head.

He is a fake pope
Pope benedict is the real pope.
Pope francis is a fraud

>Giving the Bible to peasants for their own inpretetation.
I bet you like black dick too heretic. Go to your cucksheds you call a church and behave like its an rave party.

Cause his "country" and Organization is corrupt af?
>He's the closest thing to a "real" Christian
>a "real" Christian
>Implying such things exists
top meme amigo

any post vatican II pope is heretical-tier by definition

Gee I never thought about it that way... I need to stop giving people God's word.... thanks

you catholics are all fake.



Considering Francis has done absolutely no favours for the Church or Christendom in general so far, the next Pope ought to be conservative. Francis' attempt to "modernize" the image of the Church has floundered horrendously, there has been no increase in attendance at all, he has only served to alienate conservative Catholics, the ones who actually take their faith seriously.

Rationally the Vatican would react to this by giving the world a conservative Pope after Francis, but considering how irrational the Vatican is that might not even happen. The Vatican needs to be rid of the satanic rats that currently infest its walls, it has always been a fact that corruption has flourished there, but never has there been such a blind eye turned to it, the Vatican itself no longer seems to have the strength to address its internal flaws any longer.

>He's right by saying that we should be receptive to people in need (refugees, the poor, the sick, etc.)

You take them then, on your dime and responsibility.

You can see that these are from the usa

He supports European genocide.

Are you orthodox?
Also, nice dubs.

Yes :^)
I'm not aware of a similar large-scale survey in europe

He and the institution he represents are evil.

You forgot the most important first.

First black pope to violate the Jesuit oath not to seek higher office.

Heretic !

>bending over backwards for nonbelievers

Oh yeah like that doesn't have a precedent. Like when the Copts in Egypt allied with the Muslims over the Byzantines. Or when the French allied with the Ottoman Empire. Or when the faggots in Andalusia lived under Muslim rule for nearly eight hundred years and did nothing.

>allowing christendom to be uprooted by islam
See above.

>providing zero incentive for migrants to convert
You can't officially incentivise conversion in secular states. The Cucktholics do what they can but they can't get past Emirati/Qatari/Saudi oil money and bribes penetrating everything and being used for the purpose of operating mosques and madrassahs to brainwash people who are already Muslim.

This is my point though and why Trump is right. Refusing refugees from places of Islamic conflict is an entirely reasonable stance. Nations shouldn't have to compromise their national security for some feel good points. There are plenty of other areas of the world where refugees are pouring out from that aren't muslim shitholes. Why we should take in those from places and governments that directly want to murder us is retarded and, in a sense, anti-Christian as you are inviting evil into your house.

of course not, I am an atheist.

I strongly believe that if the Vatican or his life is ever put in danger. He will drop the libcuck kumbaya garbage and go full Hitler on the muzzies. I don't buy it, he a marxist idiot and a coward that's why an attempt on his life would make him go on the offensive. He wasn't raised in Europe where the self hatred is at such high levels that people are expected to roll over and get decapitated for Islam.

>real christian
>sides with invading hordes
yea nah, he is hedonistic slut

>Hopefully the next Pope recognizes the crisis the West is in and takes a hard stance against it like our Orthodox brothers
Against what?
Orthodoxy is literally the most cucked thing in Russia.

Polish visiting germanistan. Feels nice. Still the catholic parts do the best. Portugal Poland Bayern Austria Ireland.

It's already been published that there are cardinals openly worshiping lucifer in the Vatican. They call the devil "the real presence".

And that's the abomination behind their filthy "eucharist".

We need a devout african warlord as the next pope, tbqh. Double edged sword when dealing with muslims and lefties.

even fucking buddhists see that Islam is a threat to society. The pope lives too fucking comfortably in his vaticuck country to see real world problems.

Nah rather it be another Pole. They seem to be the best suited for the job.

You'd take the Christian shitskins, wouldn't you?

Benedict XVI was no great Pope either, he was definitely not a conservative as every believes he was, he was responsible also for the child abuse scandal not being taken seriously enough. Benedict was the necessary precursor to Francis, a "problem" that had to be "fixed" by who else but the Jesuits and their new, modern liberal rhetoric. Benedict was the failure the liberal progressives needed to justify such a radical change in leadership, he was exactly what they were waiting for, a weak Pope, a scandal, and accelerating decline. Only in these conditions could they push someone like Francis into power.

Get used to being wrong.

>Why we should take in those from places and governments that directly want to murder us is retarded and, in a sense, anti-Christian as you are inviting evil into your house.

"... but I say unto you, resist not him that is evil: but whosoever smiteth thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." - Matthew 5:39

It's too complicated question for Sup Forums, I think.
Because you can't answers on it by "cuck", "ay lmao", "we wuz kangz and shiet".

I'm always thankful for Catholic influence in the anti-abortion realm, even though this isn't well reflected by the average professing Catholic

These blue countries were able to pass laws against abortion

why are you being a massive faggot about some pedo in a dress OP

>muh r-rael christshun

hurry up and die already
go meet your fucking jesus
hurry up



+Hebrews 10 – one sacrifice, rejection of perpetual sacrifice (refutes mass)
+Exodus 20:4 (10 commandments) – no statues, nor bow to them
+Isaiah 8:19 – no prayers to the dead;
-When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?
+Romans 3:21-31, Romans 4 – Justification by grace through faith
+Galatians (all) – justification through faith apart from works
+1st Timothy 3 – married pastors/priests, refutes forced celibacy
+1st Timothy 4:1-5 – refutes dietary laws (no meat, lent) as well as celibacy
+Acts 10:25-26 – Peters tells Cornelius not to bow to him
-When Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter raised him up, saying, “Stand up; I too am just a man.”
+Luke 11:27-28 – Jesus rebukes woman for revering Mary
-While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.” But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”
+Luke 8:19-21 – “My mother and brothers are these who hear God's word and put it into practice.”
-Jesus had brothers
-Zero reverence for mother
+Matthew 12:46-50 – same as above
+John 2:1-4 – Mary asks for wine. “Woman, what have I to do with thee?”

How come Erdogan hasn't chopped Βαρθολομαίος's head off yet?

I hear he's friends with Gulen.

Think youre misinterpreting "the rock" passage that catholics have done so since start....also....peter started the roman pantheon? Here is me thinking it was ceaser :o.... Mormons? JW? If its not in the bible it aint christian....the pope isnt gods spokesman...he is the head of the pantheon, you can baptise a baby and you dont pray to mary...i cant argue with mormans....those fuckers are mental.

Jesus had brothers and sisters.

Jesus also said that all who believe are His brothers and mothers.

Jesus never calls Mary "Mother".

"Queen of Heaven" is a pagan term in Jeremiah.

"Mother of God" never appears in the bible.

Bart is friend with anyone. It means nothing.

I dont know how it looks in the usa but the Lutherans are the progressive cucks here. And most off the orthodox church is corupt as fuck even though they look based. My Romanian friend told me that he had to pay 2 times to the priest and he always acted like he didnt pay. He told it to higher people but nobody did something. He is now catholic.

Christianity needs a strong leader not some cultural revolution feel good hipster.

Forgot to say that he wanted to baptise his child

>My Romanian friend told me that he had to pay 2 times to the priest and he always acted like he didnt pay.

Maybe it was a priest of the (((Brother Nathanael))) variety :^)

>using roman catholic pedos and antichrists to interpret the word of god for you amd kill you if you try to translate it from latin that no one spoke?!?
I aint christian, and a church is any group of people who are studying the word of god...as it was in the cannon...notbigbuildings as it is now.

shit, I just read that abortion is in fact the top birth-control option in Russia. That's fucked up.

The ELCA is very liberal, Missouri synod and some very small Lutheran groups are conservative

vids or it didn't happen

>And most off the orthodox church is corupt as fuck even though they look based
Lol kek.
Same thing.
They're full with faggots and literally communists.

that's still very christian what he does.


It is a foolish farmer who allows the weeds to grow among his crops, for if the weeds grow too much before they are purged, they will uproot some crops with them

Errrr Like jesus?

"Windswept House" and "Keys of This Blood" by former Jesuit Martin Malachi.

Daily Reminder that Jesus is the King of Kings, not some hippie socialist advocate.

If anything, the bible proves socialism does not work.

But in the bible he is clearly a liberal.

In the bible, He is clearly the Lamb of God, slain for the sins of the world.

Sooo, like Trayvon ?

I am considering to get involved in Catholicism as a way to rally support against Islamism in Iran. Iran has a history of a lot of Persian Catholic saints, and I'm wondering if it's feasible that I could get close to the Catholic higher-ups and have them declare a war on Islam. I think Christianizing Iran is one way to save it, regardless of how bloody another revolution is.

Interested in people's opinions on my plan.

How do you want to achieve it

Why do catholics need a pope? They are either corrupt and/or insiders trying to ruin the faith

Why do protestants come up with autistic theories? Even if they don't like the Catholic Church, that's no reason to make up shit that can be disproven by looking at Wikipedia

I want to get involved in some Christian power that can declare war on Islam, and that way Assyrians, Lebanese Christians, and Christian Persians can be empowered and star culling the Muslims. I think this is one way to end Islam.

I think I'm totally fine with a bloodbath of all Muslims. This is the only way to save the ME: literally giving the option to Muslims to denounce their heinous religion, and if they don't, kill 'em. I'm hoping a Christian power will wake up and declare Crusades and go through with Breivik's solution -- I've read his Manifesto and he gives the same solution I did in the first sentence here.

I want to see the higher-ups' faces when you do that. be sure to record it.

I wish Benedict still was our Pope desu. He would definitely call Mohammedans out on their bullshit

i have been pleased with the pope, he has kept a clear head. tho i listern to the arch bishop of canterbury myself :3 was saying in the paper about how everyone is one of gods people and everyone should have the right to flourish, and we should help people flourish. or something like that.
made me happy, guess he was refering to the syrain refugees that are inbound.

>Is it because he doesn't use his religion as an excuse for extreme right wingism?
I use right wingism as an excuse for Christianity, try again.

Friendly reminder that Jesus never asked anyone to join child molestation clubs.

Religion is not Evangelion

All religions are trash.

we are the lamb of sacrifice, its not are place to wage war.

it's because he is sitting in the office of the antichrist