Any other sons of immigrants here who don't know their parent's original language?

Any other sons of immigrants here who don't know their parent's original language?
I am ethnically Chinese but I don't know Chinese...

Any other ethnicity and I would feel bad for you. But you are a chink. You are a heartless bastard that enjoys torturing animals and watching children be run over in the street. You deserve this. Chinks are not human, they deserve nothing but suffering.

My parents are Mexican but they never really taught me Spanish. I know a bit

umm wtf dude thats so racist

This, I should be tied up and choked and whipped and fed only semen... I should be forced to take cocks every day of my life like the cum toilet that I am...

Where in China they are from?

If they are from Guangdong or so, learning Mandarin won't be truly regaining your heritage

Jiangsu I think. They definitely speak mandarin as their first language.
Thinking about picking up that Chinese duolingo class

My parents are Venetian but they never taught me Venetian or Italian

Why don't you join us on /sino/ learning mandarin op?


>They definitely speak mandarin as their first language.
I can only suppose your parents don't speak Wu Chinese (吳語)

I thought /sino/ was just white guys discussing their favorite sexpat vloggers

t. nigger

Sometimes we learn some mandarin

hello r/asianmasculinity

? I didn't really mean it that offensively. In fact I'll start checking /sino/ out
Didn't know Venetian was a language

My dad speaks Paki but I'm not learning the language of barbarian rapists.

how was your new years eve poley mate?

i will teach you some

begin with duolingo ask them to talk to you only in spanish from now on, you are missing the opportunity of being at least bilingual

my parents are icelandic but i know none of the language.

wow must suck not being white nor chinese, sitting between all chairs

>I'm not learning the language of barbarian rapists

You're English is fine

How does this happen? Wouldn't you know a little chinese even before you entered school? My parents knew very little basque and with that I consumed basque media for a few years and I naturally learned it myself