Honorary whites

I'll start with an easy one. Neil deGrasse Tyson.
>got an education, excelling in science
>is a down to earth guy
>isn't violent

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=author:degrasse author:tyson

>Pushes the globe Earth theory
>promotes pseudo-science

Thanks, but no thanks.


he defended trump supporters and sort of bashed in a controlled way anti trump people .im going to paraphrase but he said that anti trump people want to shut down democracy

in that moment he seemed more like a outside observer who was making a rational assessment. race stuff seems more politically motivated

>Got an education
>Still doesn't do anything with it but talk about science stuff on t.v

He's a typical negroid. The real scientists doing all the work don't make 100 t.v appearances and write shitty quips all fucking day long. Most people are unaware of who they even are because they're busy working

>I'll start with an easy one. Neil deGrasse Tyson.


Although I don't particularly find Neil deGrasse Tyson insightful or intelligent, he did defend Trump supporters on a twitter post which triggered the lefties and sjws who follow him.
That accounts for something I guess.

i bet the most scinece this nigger has done is look threw a telescope

Neil deGrasse Tyson is part of the Puerto Rican master race.

not politics

Right, he got a Ph.D in physics and the universe, and then went into the education sector. He's spent a tremendous amount of time and energy trying to educate others and at numerous organizations to inspire children and adults to understand more about the universe.

Truly, a real negroid.

What are you doing with your life, friendo?

We don't want him.

Astrophysics Black Guy is a meme scientist


this guy is part of the disinformation team.

>T. Man with Flying Car and infinite Energy.

You guys ever watch Alien TV?

>excelling in science

stopped reading there

no actually, stopped here
>Neil deGrasse Tyson.


He was a great "Croatian" man

>Literally a Reddit meme
>Not even close to being the world's leading astrophysicist
>Bill Nye the Science Guy tier

1/10 OP, I felt a slight tingling sensation in my rectum, next time try a little harder

this dumb nigger thought helicopters fall like bricks when the engine stops.... Neil is a token.


Are you serious? Do you have a source for that?


If you look up the term "token nigger" this guy's picture will show up


Mystical negro science man.
He's pretty cool guy desu
He's really a funny creature, he has got all the things that are wrong with white sissy men yet he still looks criminal


fucking niggers I swear to god

Neil deGrasse Tyson is not a real scientist.

He was flunked out of his PhD at Texas but was still given a chance at Columbia becuase of affirmative action.

Tyson has made literally zero scholarly contributions to his field. Zero. He has never been the lead author or researcher on any significant scholarly article.

He then gets the job as science promoter on PBS because he was one of only a handful of degreed black scientists in all of the United States, and they wanted a black man for that position.

tl/dr: Tyson is the poster child of affirmative action.

> Honorary "white" for being smart
> Both asians and hassidic jews have higher IQs than white people on average
> Somehow Tyson isn't an honorary asian jew


and you are not a real person, you are just a freak

jews are the superior race though, so it would be insulting to compare a nigger to them, even as a joke

aaaannnd back to mexico with you paco

Flat earther here. Fuck Tyson

I never took this jackass seriously to begin with but now he belongs in a fucking garbage can

jews only have high IQs because they get their dicks cut off

>Neil deGrasse Tyson
came here to say this also user

also, checked

It does... Unless you know how to fly said helicopter.

wow, the weaselly apologist is strong with this one. The helicopter wouldn't be in the air if you didn't know how to fly it. Tyson is a stupid nigger. You are as well.


watch the video of the dude jumping from like 7000 meters with no parachute. look at earth.



>Tyson is a stupid nigger.

scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=author:degrasse author:tyson

read a book, dumbass, link related
the question was not if he was dumb or a real scientist, it was if he was an honarary white
>cant fly helicopter with engine failure, hur dur, you is stupid

weak sause desu

this guy

Why don't you give me the book at the next Mensa meetup in September. I'm sure I'll see you there.

If Neil gets an honorary race like he got his honorary degree, he'd be a jew.

fuck off back to feddit

Tyson is more proof that nigs are only good for entertainment, his whole career can be summed up by "duuude, the universe is like... soooo big, and soooo old. Like imagine the biggest and oldest thing you can, and it's like.... even more than that!!" and "muh giordano bruno, praise siense!". I'm pretty sure he also believes in the flat earth myth.

There's a reason why he's lumped together with other non-scientist Bill Nye.

>token nigger
kek not true, Don Lemon shows up