

There's a movement in France and Belgium to start negociations with ISIS.égocie-la-paix-avec-l-etat-islamique?recruiter=581020790&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_facebook_responsive&utm_term=des-lg-no_src-no_msg&recuruit_context=fb_share_mention_variant&fb_ref=Default

Basically, the argument is that war against ISIS is useless and that we should try to negociate a non agression pact with Daesh.
The guy in the video keeps repeating : "all war had an end at some point" (toutes les guerres se sont arrêtées un jour).

They say there's no difference between Saudi princes and the leaders of ISIS. He believes that ISIS leaders are "diplomatic, intelligent, reasonable and cynical". He says he believes in cynicism in people. He thinks the only reason why we get attacked is because we're openly at war with ISIS.

I keep telling people who agree that they are stupid and why.


Uber cuck


I agree. And to think that some people think like that pisses me off so fucking much. Pic related, that's the spirit of Munich.

Une guerre contre les musulmans aurait une fin... Quand un groupe ou l'autre soit complètement annéantit.

C'est ce que je dis. Daech ne cessera d'attaquer la France et la Belgique que quand les dirigeants de ces pays hurleront "Allahu akbar" en canon.

ISIS attacks us because we attack them.

Canado do nothing against ISIS, = 0 attacks

All Europeans deserve what is happening to them when they do this

a ISIS soldier tried to storm the canadian parliament last year and managed to kill one soldier before being gunned down.

Canada gets no attack because the Muslim population is small, well-integrated and under strong control by the government. Also see Nice try Ahmed. Allah la akbar, God is not greatest.

No. Canada is where the terrorists put their families to be safe

Once a Surrender monkey, always a Surrender monkey.


Qu'ils l'acceptent ou non ne change pas le fait que les musulmans vont continuer de nous tuers simplement puisque nous suivons pas la même religion. Et puis après, ils vont simplement tuer ceux qui suivent d'autres versions de leur religion.

Don't forget the Toronto 18, a group of militant islamists who were, thankfully, caught while they were still training for their attack.


It's time for Flanders to secede. Together we will control everything that comes into Europe. Let us see how ready Merkel is to invite everyone when we strangle their trade.

I thought that was also true of Brussels. I guess mudshits don't even care if they shit in their own bed.

Ils s'entretuent déjà...Ceux qui ne comprennent pas la nature de l'Islam et de l'islamisme n'ont pas droit à la parole dans un débat aussi complexe...

I'm a Walloon and I don't agree with that shit. I support Flanders going away, we need to work on our own and we have to set our budget straight.

I remember that day, it was a low to mid-tier Happening

The guy was literally going after our Prime Minister.

The MP's were just around the fucking corner and their plan was to fucking impale him with a flag pole if he reached them.

If he'd do that today, I'd hope and pray he made it.

That didn't work to well for Petain.


Not sure it'd help the cause.


stop this cuck codeword

>Let's negotiate with people who want us to flat out convert or die and want to take over our country and turn it into a state of the Caliphate.

It's the Arabic acronym. I prefer it to ISIS.

The kid who died lives fairly close to me. They closed off the corner and intersection by his house. They lived on a corner lot.

>There's a movement in France and Belgium to start negociations with ISIS.
That went really well for Turkey

hahahahaha Hadn't thought of that.