I want to make a cartoon series starring the lovable Muslim prophet Muhammad and his camel fucking, child raping...

I want to make a cartoon series starring the lovable Muslim prophet Muhammad and his camel fucking, child raping, civilization destroying daily antics. It will be both satire of Islam and current events involving the Religion of Peace.

What is the best/fastest way for me to learn as much as I need to know about the following:

>The Koran
>Muslim Law
>Modern Islam

so my satire is factually accurate and redpills viewers?

Also, I want to make Mudshits fucking MAD. Like, anally annihilated fucking ANGRY. I've seen how mad they get at simple little songs with Islamic/Koran references. I want to see how much Muslim butthurt I can generate while simultaneously entertaining infidels.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.pl/search?num=20&site=&source=hp&q=sites alternative to you tube&oq=sites alternative to you tube&gs_l=hp.3..0i19.56841.65244.0.65321.

you can't because nobody will see your work.
Charlie Hebdo and the Dane's stuff worked because it was mainstream enough.
If you can generate enough publicity for it, great, otherwise it likely won't get a response.

I'll just wait for the next major cultural enrichment and capitalize on it.

but nobody from the Religion of Peaceā„¢ notices takbir attacks, they actively ignore them in fact.
wait for the inevitable backlash to them, some kebab shop being looted or the worse things that will happen eventually. Then they might see it

Make the opening song one of their prayers set to an electric guitar. Fucking mudslimes hate when their prayers are set to music.

Make the ending credits something sad with a little girl signing.

>opening song
KEK, I'll use electric guitar, EDM, and have a hardcore nigger rap verse in it.

For the closing credits, I'll use the voice of sad Aisha crying. In the show, I'll depict him trying to treat her as he would an adult wife, but she's just a little girl who wants to color and listen to boy bands.

>infidels notice the show
>if it's good, it'll serve as an outlet for rage/loss and provide redpills
>its minor growth in popularity will grab the attention of slimes
>the controversy that ensures generates viewership

Make Muhammad cum deli meats like Bologna and pork chops. This is actually from a comic idea I torture myself with about a family of gay butchers that cum deli meats up each other's ass and all over the place.

I'm definitely going to do something with haram meats.

Will it be available online?


YouTube. I'll have a couple ready and once The Religion of Peace culturally enriches another European city, I'll release them.

Thank you. I'll read once I finish Wikipedia page on Islam.

Upload it somewhere else as well because jewtube is probably going to delete it.

What is your nickname and name of that movie where are we supposed to look for it?

What wikipedia page link?

Like where?

Also, It'll be called "Muhammad and the Religion of Peace." The title logo will be stylized like Harry Potter.

Just the Islam article.

Wait, movie?


There should be other video services similar to youtube.

YouTube keeps lots of anti-Islam content up, though. Why would it pick on mine?


google.pl/search?num=20&site=&source=hp&q=sites alternative to you tube&oq=sites alternative to you tube&gs_l=hp.3..0i19.56841.65244.0.65321.


you better fucking not. For thousands of years christians and other religions have shit on Islam.

Creation of Israel

but as soon as Muslims retaliate you guys continue to go out of your way trying to fucking piss us off. fuck you

Because your religion is literally from the Stone Age. Most other religions managed to get to at least the Medieval times, yet you ahmeds refuse to get that while you have the freedom to practice your religion, you can't change our sovereign nation into Shariah central. if you want to stay here, follow our laws. Else, go back to your Middle Eastern shithole.

I totally get that this is b8, but I want to read actual messages like this. I enjoy imagining Muslims being filled with so much impotent rage that they just squirm and scream and make empty online threats, which are just laughed at by everyone.

Then, I want to see them "retaliate" in such numbers that people see them for what they are and kick them the fuck out. Or, at the very least, quit taking in new ones.

Read the book "Why I am Not a Muslim", written under the name Ibn Al-Warraq. Basically, an apostate took an entire book pointing out the flaws and failures of Islam. Its well cited and researched throughout.

Kick ass.


Bumping for mudslime butthurt.