How far would Batman go to interrogate?

How far would Batman go to interrogate?

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Flay them alive. Beat them to the point of certain death, then give them medical treatment. Rinse and repeat.

Well if you ask the Commissioner

not that far. he won't kill you and if you weren't by any tall buildings he couldn't threaten to drop you.

If batman wold actually be willing to grow up and rape criminals then he might actually start making a dent in their population.

Batman is such a fiend. That criminal lost the 74 cents he had in his pockets.

Damn, could you imagine?

I liked Miller's idea than he'll actually break bones, and has such a knowledge of the human body that he knows how to make everything twice as painful.

I mean't just how willing is he to get his information. Like, just how many bones he's willing to break.

He would suck your dick but keep you from cumming and blueball you until you tell him what he wants.

He pulls down your pants, expands hid cock, and gets to work...


That's so hot though


as long as the technics dont kill the person he will be open to using them


>that guy lost his bus fare to get home
>Batman condemned that poor man to certain death having to walk home at night in fucking Gotham City of all places

Just imagine if his gadget glitches for a second and makes the batmobile go ahead

I think Batman's favorite technique is to force criminals to swallow his pubes that he's shaving off and saving for months in a huge glass jar. There's a lot so he just grabs a fist full and shoves it into their mouth.

i read a fanfiction where he did that to joker

it was pretty hot

Well he did torture a guy with the Batmobile in Arkham Knight, so I'd say pretty far

He would not rape the Joker. We know that.



Somebody post the page where he dunks Scarecrow's head in a toilet and electrocutes him.


joker is such a supportive boyfriend.


just the tip

Not as far as he will when he gets older.

I feel like Batman's got two different modes of interrogation.

There's the "usual" Batman method where he hangs people off buildings or just sorta scares them into talking. More psychological.

Then there's the "pissed as fuck" Batman method where he electrocutes you're head in the toilet or revs the batmobile tire on the side of your face. More physical.

the fiend

Depends on the stakes, as far as he need to go

Eh, I think that was part of the theme of how he had became ineffectual as Batman and needed to become more extreme and scary

>Joker probably jizzed his pants to this
Bats/Joker OTP

he came the instant bruce shoved him on his bed, clearly. or after crane got shocked with the exposed wire.

that sounds lewd
I think I get Scott Snyder now

He's willing to do anything so long as it doesn't involve a gun or result in your death.

>he came the instant bruce shoved him on his bed,