Superman: Up, Up and Away Summer Storytime

Today was my last day of instruction and I'm celebrating by getting drunk as fuck and storytiming one of my favorite Superman stories.

Strap in, kiddos. Class is in session.

This is probably my favorite Superman story

For those of you following Johnny Walker's 52 storytime, this also follows up on what happened following the end of Infinite Crisis, but happens after the events of 52 itself.

I first read this in my local library, I had realized that I hadn't read hardly anything of solo Superman comics and decided to fix that one summer while my parents' house was under construction and it was too damn noisy to stay cooped up there.

Pick up this comic, Birthright, Secret Identity and Loeb's Superman/Batman. All great reads.



Hot pretzels and mustard are god-tier, btw.

I'd argue Johns writes Lex Luthor more consistently and competently than Supes himself. He's such a gloriously petty shitbag.



This is also one of the reasons why Act of God infuriates so many people. Take the superpowers away from Clark and he doesn't mope around, he just goes out and becomes the best goddamn journalist in Metropolis instead.


it's fucking amazing but I prefer Back in Action.



whatchu teach dude

Middle school science. Covers a bit of everything from earth/space science to life sciences to physics and chemistry. That's why I like it even if the kids can be little snots







nice. i was considering doing something with teaching but i dont think i could cover that wide range of topics effectively. likely have to go up to high school and teach just bio, nothing else.

only problem with that is most high school kids are pretty much crap



I actually started out my Masters' program intending to teach high school Biology, but I wound up liking the broad topics that middle school handles more. And yeah, high school students are really hard to deal with sometimes.

Issue #2



I love this page. Especially compared to Lex beating the shit out of depowered Clark Kent immediately before.




And yep, whenever left to his own devices, Luthor ALWAYS tries to take over the world, with or without Superman in his way.

He just can't help it.









I think Hal still takes the cake for balls-to-the-wall daredevil craziness.

Admit it Lex.

You're jealous~



Hal's hand looks really... off here.


Issue #3!

As always, bumps and discussion are welcome.






OP, you're the man

Always happy to put good stories on the board for other people to enjoy.


I have a soft spot for villains like this guy. They don't want to take over the world or destroy existence or anything like that. They're just bored.












Fucking Toyman.



I'm going to take a quick break to make some tea and then I'll be back to continue.

Literally good DC: the arc

So who is mostly responsible for this, Johns or Busiek?

I think you can see elements of both of their styles in here. Both are very talented character writers and have an ear for understated simple every-day scenes. It's tough to differentiate the two, and I don't know if there's any commentary or interviews about this story to say for sure.








Poor guy.















I love the concept behind this issue, where Supes is still massively depowered, but now has to deal with all the Z-list villains that he could normally take out with the trash.
