Have you taken the ultimate red pill yet, Sup Forums?

Have you taken the ultimate red pill yet, Sup Forums?

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Yep. Had an allergic reaction though.

Too many different editions. Which one is most pure/best?

Serious questions.
Where do I start reading?
How do I get dedicated to reading it?
What do I do if I get lost?

Modern Christianity is fully infiltrated and controlled by the Jew.
That is why they support Israel so fervently. That is why they beg for shekels constantly.
Christianity is only a tool for Jews to herd the goyim now.

I took the orange one, I don't need iron.

We know.
Dude's not telling you to join a church.
He's telling you to read the bible.

The older the bible you can find, the better. You have to go back to at least the 1800s.


or learn greek and read the NT untranslated

King James Version. New King James Version if you prefer updated English.

>Where do I start reading?
I would recommend starting with the gospels, Mattew, Mark, Luke, and John. Then read from beginning to end, skipping the gospels if you don't wish to read them again.
>How do I get dedicated to reading it?
I dunno, everyone is motivated differently. You'll have to figure that out for yourself.
>What do I do if I get lost?
Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will find it, so don't worry about that.

>Where do I start reading?
p144 - only faggots read the first three chapters

>How do I get dedicated to reading it?
There's a special fruit juice you can buy at churches that makes you more dedicated to reading the bible

>What do I do if I get lost?
There's a holy bible app now that integrates with Google Maps, so if you forget which page you're on it'll give you driving directions to Luxembourg

>Christians unironically believe Christianity is a red pill.

King James edition, consider this your vanilla Bible.

That ?

All religion is blue pill

Thank you.


The Bible is the ultimate red pill. It contains all the secrets you need to know about humans and society.

Over the coming generations, Christians will become the minority as well as the new Illuminatis and puppet masters. Christian families will be powerful, keeping the Word and building empires. Atheists will sneer and spit, but the shit works and atheistic societies will continue to be unproductive failed experiments. Christians will operate more like the Freemasons amidst atheistic mediocrity.


Ultimate red pill is Satan is the good guy because anyone who is an adversary of the Jews is a Satan.

Any ideas where to get one and how much it would cost to own a 200-year-old book?
Out of the two, the Geneva sounds the most appealing.
Are you sure? I've heard vague comments that dissuaded me. Is it just because it's in English?

I would start at one of the Gospels. Mark is a good one to start with I think.

In the original Greek text of course.

Old King James is the proper translation

>Atheists unironically believe atheism is a red pill.

It's a black pill.



The only black pill is the object entering your wife. Grow out of your middle school phase.

>he worships a jew and believes the jewish people are the chosen ones

There's nothing wrong with KJV, and NKJV.

So much unnecessary hostility.


No he doesn't and no he doesn't.


Thank you for your input Canada. You may go now.

>Satan is the good guy
>anyone who is an adversary of the Jews is a Satan.

No, because I don't like kike overlords. Especially when they claim to be the son of God.


Religion is the ultimate blue pill of history.

Youtube Marching to Zion

hey bruce, nice shitpost.

now, can we get more info on bibles and christian history? Maybe some stuff on Jesuits?

Jesus fixed that though

Right... Atheism is redpilled.
I guess Poland is the most blue pilled country while Sweden is the most redpilled then

I fuck your god in the ass

A typically based Catholic answer to that question -> catholic.com/tracts/bible-translations-guide

King James. All other English versions are immensely suspect. They are missing huge swaths of text.

Yes we are now experiencing the book of revelations. Prove me wrong, protip you can't.

It's Rothschild Zionist. Not Jew. The bible even says it in revelation "they call them self jews but they are not jews, they are of the synagogue of satan"

Hillary and Trump are both Israel supporting Rothschild Zionists.

>Nobody ever uses new, unshrunk material to patch a dress that’s been washed. For in shrinking, it will pull the old material and make a tear. Nor do people put new tubes in old, bald tires. If they do, the tires will blow out, and the tubes will be ruined and the tires will be torn up. But they put new tubes in new tires and both give good mileage" (CPV).

Clearly the Cotton-Patch is only true Bible translation

Or for the SJWs among us

>One translation that is hard to place on the spectrum is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). The basic text of the NRSV is rendered literally, following the RSV, but it uses "gender inclusive language," which tries to translate the original text into a modern "gender neutral" cultural equivalent. When you read the NRSV you will often encounter "friends," "beloved," and "brothers and sisters," and then see a footnote stating "Gk brothers." The NRSV also shows a preference for using "God" and "Christ" when the original text says "he."

I wish there were more people on pol who study Christianity and had complex threads on it.

Why not start right here right now? see

Please elaborate.

Thank you.


New Testament
It's one of the greatest and wisest books of all time minus the koran. Stop being a pleb
Use a bookmark

If you read it in greek most of the trinitarian dogma crumbles so whatever you do don't read the original

The Holy Apostles Convent Orthodox New Testament and the Septuagint for the OT


There it is.

You the faggot in the screencap?

No, I was quoting Chris Christie.


Swallowing it would be sacrilegious.

To defeat the Jew, you must become the Jew.

I know none of you christfags actually sat down and read the Bible front to back.

If you did, you'd be atheist.

Its aliens bruh. The snake in genesis is allegory for reptilian aliens giving primitive man higher intelligence through genetic engineering.

im just going to say go fuck yourself

Kek, the truth must hurt.

the truth that you are stupid, that hurt


This site is 18 and up, kiddo

Everyone on here is so redpilled on pretty much everything else, but when the subject of religion comes up you all turn into drooling bluepilled morons.

Why is the simple truth that "God doesn't exist and Christianity was created by kikes to keep you down" so hard of a redpill to swallow?

Please help me understand.

>even the infallible word of god must succumb to feminazi ways
really makes you think