In about 42 minutes, the Earth will be at aphelion, the year's closest position to the sun...

In about 42 minutes, the Earth will be at aphelion, the year's closest position to the sun. The exact moment varies each year but trust me, I checked it.

It also means that with the solar system as reference, in 42 minutes we'll reach our yearly top speed.

> the Perihelion and Aphelion dates have drifted by a day every 58 years.

Other urls found in this thread:


In a few minutes we'll be at *PERIHELION, closest to the sun.

Quite counter-intuitive for those in the northern hemisphere, because it's winter.
It shows that distance to the sun doesn't make seasons, like a kid could believe.
The difference between perihelion and aphelion is 3.3%
So we're just 3.3% closer than in July.

>Quite counter-intuitive for those in the northern hemisphere

I actually wonder if your summers are 3% hotter because of this. They say that in x hundreds of years, perihelion will be in July.

>summers are 3% hotter

fuckin' feels like it

Intuition would make it seem so but I wouldn't claim to have the knowledge to say something decisive.

Well, it *is* actually hotter on Venus and Mars, so... Apparently distance to the sun does matter...

In 10 000 years, perihelion will be in july...

This site told me it's 05:35 GMT so 06:35 French time.

Thanks, nice.
Sauce was fr.wikipedia that just said "january 3d, 6pm"
Then I looked for articles through google news. Ahem.

you feelin' it? I think I do... Less than 23 minutes!


Actually feel a bit weird thinking we'll be speeding up and have no idea of it. Like everything flying off the dashboard.

>dat image.
what faggy way to represent aphelion and perihelion.

lel, couldn't find the exact variation in speed

It's very misleading, yes, but at least they give the right distances.

>but at least they give the right distances.
aah. well. yes.

Actually you usually represent a circle by an ellipse when you want to give a 3D perspective, I think that 's what they tried to do.

Also, screencap.

>It shows that distance to the sun doesn't make seasons, like a kid could believe.

What the fuck, a kid going to Hamburger Univeristy maybe.

They mention this in the first, Indian article.

10 minutes !

Yeah, I mean what's the difference between 5 million kilometers closer and 261 million kilometers closer.

There is also a BLOOD MOON/total lunar eclipse at the end of January:

The closest position relative to the sun is Perihelion you fucking illiterate

For who?

read the second post, dumbass.

Really? Explain?

3 minutes !!!!

Happy perihelion, Earth !

In Western Europe, I guess the best views are in far northern Scandinavia/Russia.

I see, nice for Denmark too.

It's a riot on Twitter !!


I think that illustration settles it.

fuck, I see why there were no results for 2018, it's periheliON in english

the difference is negligible compared to geographical influences (i.e. being in the middle of a hemisphere that has a lot more ocean than the other one) even if you ignore the earth's inclination

ok but thinking about the sun and stars is like remaking the world under a night sky full of stars

#poets of Sup Forums

Some call it "supersun" day (pic)

only a few months ago the first ever confirmed interstellar object we have ever seen in our solar system passed very close to the sun before being shot back out towards interstellar space

this guy (pic)
He calculated that the Earth's top speed will be even faster in NY as it will face away from the sun at perihelion

>before being shot back out towards interstellar space
We have to prepare the meteorite cannons.

gravity tractors would work better than cannons, but we would never have noticed oumuamua soon enough to do anything about it if it were headed for an impact with earth

I counted about 40 tweets for this year's perihelion, in english, worldwide.
Not bad.

I heard they say a collision if inevitable in the long run, unless we do something.
But hell, there was already a hollywood flick about this...

a collision is inevitable in the long run even if we do do something, we would just be making it less likely

a real gravity tractor would be a lot less exciting than any movie though, it's just a satellite that orbits an asteroid or comet while gently burning its engine perpendicular to the plane of the orbit

>gravity tractor
I had never heard of this. It's reassuring to know some people take this seriously. We need some people to look above their heads.

it's a very graceful solution for changing the direction of travel of any kind of interplanetary object, the problem is it depends on us seeing the danger months in advance

detection is the real problem

>detection is the real problem
Fingers crossed. (unless wishing for the end)

Fake. An American told me that the world is flat and the sun is a giant lamp created by the NSA to spy on us.