So, Rome fell because the degenerate settled Romans got conquered by the stronger more virile barbarians, right...

So, Rome fell because the degenerate settled Romans got conquered by the stronger more virile barbarians, right? And this also happened in China (Twice), in England, it will happen in Europe/USA sooner or later, etc etc etc. Weak people get beaten up by strong people.

Most adherents of this belief tout it as an unchangeable fact of life, that all great nations are bound to be overtaken by smelly dumb barbarian scum because the great nations end up getting filled with spineless wimps.

But that's not what happened in 9th century England. Alfred the Great and friends, despite being "degenerate" settled farmers, drove off the "superior" Danish invaders.

Are there any other cases of this happening? When Civilization successfully fends off the Barbarians? I'm not counting the Qing getting overthrown as they'd long since conquered the Han and become fully Chinese when they got tossed out.

Pic related, it's Alfred.

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i mean, most early civilizations fought off shitloads of invading forces in their time. just because rome lost eventually doesnt mean they didnt kick ass for 500 years

ancient egypt fought off barbarian sea people invaders

Is it still a common belief in the US that there were barbaric invasions ? Because here, we name them barbaric migrations. It's closer to reality. Rome didn't get conquered. The western part fell from the political struggles between Goths and Romans and from the barbaric migration pushed by the hunnic tribes.

That's a shallow way of thinking indeed that the "degenerate" fell for the "superior". From a western point of view the vikings are superior but that's because the monks were afraid of them. So they describe them as bloodthirsty barbarians. But they were for the most part, just traders. Also, when you defeat a ennemy, you want to make them the most superior possible, like Ceasar did.

>be German
>kill Rome
>invade England
>take over Britain and Ireland
>invade North America and Australia
>kill everyone you meet
Why do Germanics do this?

For fucks sake they didn't kill Rome. Rome held them back for ages, until it collapsed in on itself with power struggles, literally waging private wars between members of the patrician class / military.

Those stupid useless savages merely sacked the remains of a once great empire. And they accomplished nothing else, fuck germanics.

>be Jewish
>get kicked out of every country/empire in history

What do you think Mexicans part of La Raza are doing?

So what exactly do people mean when they say that "the roman empire crumbled"? Does it refer to it's balkanization into smaller territories?

It is more complex than that. The invaders generally had attributes the natives lacked.

Often superior weapons/tactics. The mongol invaders of Europe and China were basically the panzer armies of their day.

The current mudslim/nigger invaders have literally nothing other than numbers and very few of them are actually fighters.

>Rome hires Goths to protect them
>Rome promises to pay them
>Rome goes broke and can't
>Goths say "fuck you pay me" and sack them in response

It's destiny dawg, white man's gotta rule the world.

Yeah, fuck Germanics!

Funniest part is the Germans were delusional enough to call their state holy ROMAN empire

You're living in the Roman empire now

It never fell.

Those "stupid useless savages" that had migrated into the empire, injected new life into a dying empire, and by gradually transforming the western empire into what we recognize as Europe they laid the foundation for the greatest explosion of culture, and technology the world has ever seen. The same will happen after the Mudshit(germanic) immigrants gradually take control from the the weak decadent (Roman)white man in Europe. Their will be a dark age, and then the new hybrid culture will take the west to even greater heights after hundreds of years of dominance by china, and India etc. All of this has happened before all of it will happen again.

Even more delusional than the Germans
At least Germans had European territory
You Americans have mud dna and no culture

Nah, it will be a dark age forever. Islam is a virus and unwashed, uneducated muslim masses will not lead to a second Renaissance.

They know how to play the media.
In a full blown out war, we would win, but they're going for a subversive war that we are losing.

>These unwashed Germanic hordes worshiping false gods, and raping our roman women will lead to the end of rome and an eternal dark age.
>Germanics (your ancestors) take over the world and create the greatest civilizations known to man.
>These unwashed Muslim hordes worshiping false gods, and raping our roman women will lead to the end of europe and an eternal dark age.
> accept the process.

"This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was in no way holy, nor Roman, nor an empire."-Voltaire


yeah if being autistic engineers and eating large phallic shaped meats is a culture..

>These unwashed Germanic hordes worshiping false gods, and raping our roman women will lead to the end of rome and an eternal dark age.
>Germanics (your ancestors) take over the world and create the greatest civilizations known to man.
>These unwashed Muslim hordes worshiping false gods, and raping our white women will lead to the end of europe and an eternal dark age.
> accept the process.

>the same

yeah its not gonna happen

>conquered by barbarians
More like economic migrants displaced by climate change

It was both. The goths fucked up Rome at Adrianople and which was one of the catalysts of the Migration Period

This tbqh, there were invasions, but it's commonly said "Barbarians at the gate of Rome" when the barbarians were already inside.

The difference is that the german tribes didn't completely replace the romans in their own lands, of course except the langobards in the north and the italian city states were able to emerge later again. Meanwhile the new holy roman empire emerged somewhere completely else, up in the north, the home of the german tribes. Also we are talking about white people taking the place of other white people here.

Today on the other hands we have a demographic replacement of white people by analphabetic, criminal mudshits in the germanic lands. This is a completely different scenario.

Islam isn't exactly a new threat

>implying Mediterraneans aren't Caucasian
>implying Celts aren't Caucasian

>the same

please do tell what the difference is

Why would Germans call their own people Barbarians?
Exterminate that Anglo/Latin propaganda.

Say Danke and move along

That's Turks, not Islam.

All that will happen is China will take over everything and stagnate like Asians always do when left alone.

Coincidentally, the top of the HDI and GDP per capita lists are stacked with Germanic countries

>Germanics and Meds are not the same, white appearing meds are due to Germanic BLEACHING over the course of the middle ages
>Muslims and whites will homogenize in much the same way that the Germans and Romans did until they are a single people once more

What's your point Sven
Same as today

The Germans were analphabetic, as ks evidenced in Charlemagne's efforts to educate them. The fork was introduced in the Western empire sometime in the 9th century by a Byzantine princess.

It's in our Blood, thank South Sweden and South Norway for that.

and now you're all sorry and try to make it up by hoarding all the kebab. Please stop acting against your nature, and remove the kebab you have hauled here.

Though there is no excuse for analphabetism today. Analphabetism isn't even the main point here, I was just throwing some adjectives around. My main point is that's a completely different demographic shift.

Nice fanfiction.

The main difference is that Germans were humble and smart enough to want to learn. Muslims think they know everything. That's my opinion.

Are you retarded
That's exactly what he's saying
Same thing happened to the Romans

Nobody said the US is the entire Roman Empire. It's much bigger, and includes EU.

Why do Euros get so trigger every time American hegemony is mentioned? Is it not true?

Germanics were not smart or humble in the 400s. Thats why there was a dark age that lasted hundreds of years.
The Muslims will take the same path. There shit colored skin notwithstanding.

True, it took some 600 years to reach respectable civilization levels. But at least, there was a positive curve. Muslims seem to go backwards.
This was right in the conquest of Rome, the Germans were literate.