Are you guys ready for the revival of Bojack threads when season 3 hits?

Are you guys ready for the revival of Bojack threads when season 3 hits?

when does it hit?

It's been so long, I don't think I'm gonna last

july 22nd


seeing (obvious teenagers) hail it as some spectacular groundbreaking series just because it incorporates mature themes has turned me off the show entirely. Even worse are those obnoxious losers in every thread who blog about how they're 'just like bojack' and how 'crushing' and 'depressing' it is because 'im so unsatisfied with my OWN material existence! so I know just what its like"

Everything about the show and its fans leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You can almost bet nobody who lauds Bojack reads books for pleasure.

.. i do... but i don't post shit about this show, i just enjoy watching it.

No, the cancer is gonna infect Sup Forums

I haven't even watched season 2. I'm still an emotional wreck after season 1.

I just want this pain to stop.

It's a character driven drama with black comedy, and it plays these straight without dumbing down the complexities of the characters to you, the idiot viewer. Instead of outright giving us the answers, it leaves the characters grasping for them and ourselves watching the suffering of these characters. We get multiple perspectives, and relatable situations. Take the fact that you get in season one, Charolette calling LA a tar pit, showing that, if BoJack had never moved there, maybe he would have found his happiness. Later is S2, Charlotte calls not LA the tar pit, but the individual the tar pit, and thus is making the point that BoJack in LA is that same as BoJack in New Mexico. This is where he ultimately crashes in New Mexico, having been reminded that, he cannot escape himself. As for the relatable, BoJack dreams of Charlotte as the one who got away, the perfect woman, the key to his happiness. And then we see that, in S2, BoJack had hardly ever known her, she thinks near nothing of him, and that he never had a chance to begin with, that is, to find happiness with her. If you've ever had a crush at a young age and seen that what once was perfectionis now just you own feelings upping someone in your own mind, you know how relatable this is.

>and it plays these straight without dumbing down the complexities of the characters to you

Except it doesn't. The writers play fast and loose with the characters for the sake of silly comedy.

I like Diane tbqh

You have to be blind, or plain old not gettin the show, to write that

You basically missed the point of the show and just saw the less than meaningless little comedy on the middle

Tl;dr : simply put, 2deep4you

I can't wait for Bojack to do a 360ยบ and improve his life this season and then watch people complain because it wasn't depressing enough.

I've gone through similar situations that Bojack depicts, and seeing him fail in similar ways and never get it right cuts deep because it genuinely does sometimes seem like looking at my past self.

I recently finished Star Maker by Stapledon and I'm about to start Hebdomeros by de Chirico this weekend. Your move, faggot.


>three people responded seriously to that one guy who keeps claiming to hate Bojack but never fails to visit every Bojack thread

Don't respond to trolls or idiots, it encourages both.

OP, why make a thread when we still have over a month to wait? There's nothing to really discuss.

Not an argument.

I hope Diane isn't the one to say fuck this season.

I want this.

>I don't like a show because of the fans

How does it feel not liking anything?

He's wearing the outfit from the intro, that means he's going to fall off the balcony and into the pool this season.

Thats a reach, its only a promo

But that puts Bojack in the same direction.

>not a circle.

>A month to go
Goddamn, I thought it was this month

im my boy

No matter how hard Bojack tries, he'll always end up in the exact same place he started out because he just cannot fix himself or let go or forgive himself. So a 360 is appropriate here, but the rest of user's post isn't.

goddamn that's accurate, haha

Me too. We even have the same last name.

Bojack 3.0: You Are (Not) Good.

Yeah, you and like every Vietnamese person.


Season 2 was a mess compared to season 1. I'm gonna wait until someone can confirm if season 3 is any good.

Is it bad I don't feel the slightest bit bad for Herb?

He was just too much of a bitter jackass to feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for. I don't care why he ended up that way.

And the "Hey, why don't you torpedo your own career because I was so horny I tried to pick up random men in the park" thing never sat well with me.

I'm predicting the Mr. Peanut Butter and Diane divorce in season 3.

Why is this show popular in the first place? It didn't seem that funny to me.

While I know that it's all matter of taste, it just seems very bland, if I'm being honest here.

The humor is only a small part of it, its the relatable soul crushing despair that Bojack inflicts mainly upon himself but also upon those around him that makes it an interesting watch. Watching these characters grow whilest also trying to be good people as they're bombarded by all these situations that force them to make choices they aren't comfortable with feels like some kind of Opera that you can't take your eyes off. Like a trainwreck. Thats just my take though I'm sure people probably like it for other reasons too.

I dunno the star vs fanbase seems alright

I thought all last Season Diane and Bojack would end up having a sweaty tumble, I shall continue that thread this season

I just hope for more waifus next season. S2 may not have been as good as S1, but it had some cute girls

You're not supposed to, he already said he had a great life and did many other things and he didn't ultimately care about the show.

He just hated Bojack for not once coming to talk to him in twenty years.

What I found most bizarre was the way Herb's death was handled... very strange episode.


yeah... I dunno

Also Herbs "gold" where it turns out he wasn't a smart, articulate witty person he was a fucking retard and his story read like a toddler penned it,

>the fanbase turned me off the show completely!

you are a massive faggot

moar deer


thank ya kindly

De nada


I want grouplove to release a longer version of the end theme


It's an episode that highlights the randomness of the universe. Not only do people get lucky (he wasn't talented, he pulled a Wakowski and made one good thing) but they ultimately get unlucky. As rational observers, we try to string things together and make sense of it all after the fact, but we will never know for sure what is ever intended or meant. It hurts most when you lose someone because you're left even more lost, now unable to at least ask someone.


>And the "Hey, why don't you torpedo your own career because I was so horny I tried to pick up random men in the park" thing never sat well with me.

But it made for the best pun in the episode.