Germany NO! German attacks on asylum homes

reach 665 in the first 6 months of 2016, that is more than 3 per day on average, compared to 202 in the first 6 months of 2015.

Of those 665 attacks, 55 involved burning down asylum homes, 118 violent attacks, 262 vandalizations and 148 violations of anti-free speech laws.

But inofficial numbers say there were even a lot more such attacks, including 93 burning down the house attacks.

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Is this the beginning of the great uncuckening?

The Reich will rise again

First of all, how many of them were even commited by "neo-nazis"? We have proven cases of Refugees setting fire in their own shelter so they can get nicer living conditions

>148 violations of anti-free speech laws.
What the fuck does that even mean

The fire rises brother.

At least half of the razing and vandalism was committed by the refugees of peace. Willing to bet half of the anti-free speech violations were them too.

Because Germoney is in the E.U., and the E.U. has banned all anti-semetic speech. I'm willing to bet a bunch of feral economic migrants are yelling that stuff at the top of their lungs.

Germans won't rebel. Fuck. They rollerblade to this day.

violations of anti-free speech laws.
>What the fuck does that even mean
Es handle sich überwiegend um Gewaltdelikte (118), Sachbeschädigungen (262) und Propagandadelikte (148).

>a fucking leaf

Fire is an underused weapon

Can you imagine being a leader of a country and not seeing this as an obvious result of your extremely foolish and suicidal plan to import millions of syrian refugees with zero real vetting?

Will they ever take create for creating this hell, or will they simply blame it on the bigots who refuse to be slaughtered without real government representation?

And all the Orwellian laws. With our body of western culture and philosophy, you really think there won't be a coup attempt, or several, soon? Ok lol

That was a house you idiot. Now we invest in commieblocks so there's enough room for the refugees. The economy isn't going to get better if we don't do it like this.

When a refugee is attacked or a refugee house is burned down, Germany should take in 10 times as many refugees who were assaulted or lost their current home.
Maybe then those Nazis feel discouraged to attack people.

>148 violations of anti-free speech laws

You mean, those ugly racists shouting "islam is bad" while being raped?

The nerve on them!

I'm guessing it's just like in Sweden. Someone announces they are going to open a refugee home for 2000 people in their idyllic village. Some villager burns down the building before any refugees move there.

The other case when refugees already live there it's always the case of some refugee burning it up because they are dissatisfied with something. They get relocated to a 5 star hotel because of muh trauma so it actually works. This is also the most common reason why refugee homes burn.

t.Filthy sandnigger

the whole german media outlet is a fucking propagandadelikt.
seriously fucking bullshit. it's just a matter of time the population is turning against the government when they don't stop this insanity.

poland please annex germany and hammer some commonsense in their heads.

The origin of Kill It with Fire!

its a known fact that the refugees burn down their own centres.

its like this:

empty/planned shelter - natives did it
full shelter - refugees did it

How many of these are just refugees vandalizing and burning their own shit for attention?

How many was in the Baader Mienhof?

>it only take a few to cause total choas

>violations of anti-free speech laws

Kek, hey maybe we can put out this gas fire by pouring gas on it! Brilliant.

The fourth Reich will under the banner of KEK

Denying the hall of costs


It's kinda hard to take 10 times as many when you already accept them all, even the lowest of the lowest scums.
What are you going to do? Capture them in Africa / middle east?

Germany YES

>Is this the beginning of the great uncuckening?

The reason that people in the West are reluctant to strike out is because of all of the luxuries and comforts they are afraid to lose. Everyone is fat and happy, having been thoroughly convinced by the culture around them that these things are just a matter of course since they have always been there. What is necessary to break this self-indulgent narcissism is a very real and present danger that is on their front door-step every minute of every day.

This danger cannot just be something that presents itself in the news media or some movie depicting the life of those who suffer in that "bad place" in some distant area most people will never visit. Also, the dangers cannot exist solely in tightly packed ghettos that can simply be avoided. It has to be REAL. It has to be PRESENT. It has to be ALL AROUND THEM in EVERY PART OF THEIR LIVES. It has to be there ALL THE TIME.

People have to be made to KNOW that they aren't safe and that the risk of losing all they have or ever hope to have is REAL and happening RIGHT NOW. Then, and ONLY then, can you cause them to launch into action.

What you are seeing at the moment are those most disaffected by the changes to their societies. These are usually the poorer Westerners who have been most hard hit by massive immigration. As the levers of poverty, desperation, destitution, and disillusionment slowly creep up into the higher and higher socio-economic classes, more and more people begin to get on board the anti-migrant train..... this is why these things are increasing in frequency.

And now? Well, those in the middle and upper-middle classes are beginning to feel the pinch as their cities, homes, and cultures are COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED within, and I kid you not, a matter of WEEKS. That is how fast this is happening. You have a safe town one day, and the next, you have 2000 migrants being trucked in who change everything.

This is only going to accelerate now.

In the future, wait until after they've moved in.

>Import millions of Muslims
>The displaced natives get mad and burn down houses
>If we import more they'll stop
This logic can only come from a sandnigger.

Aren't these being burned by the rapefugees themselves because they want to be give apartments?

>tfw the God Emperor will not allow them in America

>Germans uncucked
Please, you know pretty well that most of those homes were owned by roaches or had roaches involved as security or food providers and burned it down for insurance money



>nigger can't figure out a gas stove
>burns down free gibs home
>looks like another racist hate attack goys

I figured it were in there cooking food over an open fire pit that made in their living rooms.

Dead chickens hanging in the shower and what not.

whatever happened to that open gates video

the people who are orchestrating this have already been paid and have a nice place waiting if it gets too hot

when there is literally zero risk you do pic related

>nothing to see here
>just environmental kitchen hazards
>move along


>anti-free speech laws
lol that overt propaganda talk

>148 violations of anti-free speech laws

haha. no.
most shelters burn because the """"""refugees"""""" don't get enough free stuff.
goebbels would be proud of our media.

And yet another Germany bashing thread. Dunno where the hate is coming from.
Germany is a great country.
It's making good progress on LGBT rights, it has good immigration and is becoming more cosmopolitan and diverse and has good abortion rights for women. It's backwards in a lot of ways but it is certainly coming along.

Unemployment / rising crime doesn't matter as long as you have a strong welfare state, which Germany has.

It also has an important part of the Eurozone, making the path for a diverse Europe without borders.

>It also has an important part of the Eurozone
germany is the eurozone.
we go down, everybody else does.
the euro is bad for 99% of the people outside of germany.

That's why hans, that's why no body likes you. Cant you just be like the french or the italians? No, you just have to go and destroy europe, AGAIN.

Thanks hans.

The thing is that the capable ones aren't at risk and the ones at risk are too far removed from the populace to see what's happening.

Pic related describes the people drinking the kool aid.

>Propagandadelikte (148).
Reminder that if you try to smuggle Nazi memorabilia to Germany each one counts as one "Propaganda delict"

>the euro is bad for 99% of the people outside of germany.
We love the Euro! It's the reason why so many Germans come to Austria to rape our cows pretending to be "tourists".

That Pasta again...

>Cow sex tourism
Are the germans also explicity asking for swizz brown at your facility?

Is it our fault that they look just like your women?

The fire rises


>buy house in Germany
>the government takes it away from you and gives it to refugees
>angry mod burns down your house

fucking nice

Of course this could just be a case of hey achmed whatcha doin


so close

Awwww shit, happening

Many of those are done by refugees themselves

At first, the house never was yours, you just got it from a commie government because you werent able to buy or rent one by your own

Fugees burn shit down when they didn't like the food that day. But of course the evil nazi germans are responsible. As always.

>implying the God Emperor will not be assassinated by Black goons paid for, trained and equipped by Hillary and Soros.

Nope. If I don't live in that house I must give it to the refugees. Ask other Germans. You have to be retarded to buy flats in Germany right now.

good job
how many are left?



I will correct it for you

(((Someone))) anounce they are going to use this old worthless shack in an idyllic village to house refugees, some ebil nazis burn it down, but thanks g-d it was insured ! Eheh

>You have to be retarded to buy flats in Germany
No, just ready to take a risk. Friend of mine currently makes good Shekel buying, building and selling flats. If you are fast enough, you buy a flat in january and renovate it till march for around 200K alltogether and then sell it for 350K in september.

Just needs good connection

this will be a catalyst for more strict laws against right-wingers, expect police state soon.

This is the way a new Hitler will rise. Good idea!



Good. Now make sure there are actually people inside first.

Not really because it's impossible to insure refugee homes from fire. Where a refugee home is supposed to open is mostly kept secret. Not even the municipality knows about it because they also do everything they can to stop it if will be located in an area full of middle and upper class Swedes.

Dont know how it is in sweden or germany, but here, the insurance for gulags is managed by sate sponsored civil groups who hire private companies to manage the gulags.