Have you ever bypassed a compressor?

Have you ever bypassed a compressor?

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Never needed to, myself. You see I have an actual personality.

ma-rey sueeeeeeee

Sorry lads. I just hate her face

Same tqbh
The overdramatized smugness that she puts on when she's "happy" just translates to "I lucked the fuck out, I got this gig because of diversity quotas and now I'm going to make millions for the worst performance in a Star Wars film, and there's nothing you nerds can do about it."

Fuck I hate Daisy Ridley.

I love the character despite how much of a Mary Sue she is.

How she so cute?

>I bypassed the character development

In my universe:

REY: I bypassed the compressor!
HAN: Put it back in. We need it to live.
REY: ...
*R2 wakes up and zap Rey in the ass with it's taser arm thingy*

>I bypassed the casting by couch



I bypassed this entire movie and the entire series after it.

I regret nothing.

She's serviceable and kind of cute at times but still feels like a weak casting.

There are dozens of talented girls with British accents.

movies do that kind of shit all the time with complex machinery just werks for no apparent reason.

>worst performance in a Star Wars film
You've never seen the prequels? That title is Hayden Christensen's alone.

>ywns Ruta Gedmintas as Rey

Youre not wrong that clone wars Christensen is a joke, but Rey is unironically worse.

Yes actually.
When I was trying to fix the AC in my house.

Have you ever killed a sloth monster when you were supposed to tame it ?

This, my jedi powers of missing terrible films featuring ugly women with cockney accents and sweaty large mandible having negros are unmatched. I am the force.

It might just be me, but the British accent sounds so fucking irritating. Especially when it doesn't fit with anyone around her.


Why would you bypass the compressor when you could flubinoose the coldairigator

If it is an air conditioner, can you bypass the compressor?

What kind of machine can have a compressor and allow you to bypass it?

You do know that a compressor is a real thing and not technobabble right?

Lmao, no performance can ever be worse than kid Anakin from TPM. Keep deluding yourself though.

A lot, but it doesn't mean it's a good idea.

It can reduce the life of you appliance by a great deal and can even be dangerous for short-circuits, fires, etc. in some cases depending on your electrical wiring in you house and shit.

Why would you flubinoose the coldairigator when you could install a new motivator?

You need to de-polarize your almonds man, don't be so hostile.

For British slag I guess she is passable.

Bypass? Sort of. You need something else to take up the compressor's functions. You can't just disconnect the compressor and expect your unit to work.

So Daisy Ridley actually contributed to mothballing the Falcon by making it more unstable than it already is (bucket of bolts)?

She looks like an alien.

I bypass compressors all the time in my job, but its a music production term, not magic spaceship parts

No. It's not the same kind of compressor. In a clim unit, in's an air compressor to active shit using stored compressed air like flipping switches, turning gears, etc.

Who knows what a starship compressor is.

>he hasn't seen Shattered Glass
Hayden's a good actor, he was just ruined by George Lucas's god-awful writing and directing....just like everyone else in the prequels with the exception of based Ewan.

This. He was even good in Vanishing on Seventh Street.

pretty much, they could've just cast her and it would've been exactly the same.

You cant "bypass" a compressor in any mechanic system, let alone do so electronically. You cant have a system where gas/fluid is pressurized and then suddenly just remove the mechanism that gives it pressure in the first place and expect shit to work. If the system uses compression, than the compressor is a critical component. For example, if you "bypassed" the compressor on an AC unit, you would get nothing but warm air from your vents. If you "bypassed" the compression your cars engine makes, your car wouldnt fucking run.

This is just fucking retard. Its lazy writing. They could have made up some sort of mechanical name for a part/system that she "bypassed" or even just use one that makes sense (ie "i bypassed the speed govenor!") but instead they are dumb and lazy and unoriginal. They pick a part that cannot be bypassed in any system ever because a compressor is always critical to the operation of the system it functions in. And how does she bypass it to begin with? Fucking around with computer scraps? Its a mechanical system. I dont see her welding or rerouting pipes and shit.

Fucking idiots who write this shit dont even know what they are writing. They probably dont even know wtf a compressor is or how it could be applied or why you cant just suddenly remove it.

Flat out lazy garbage flick i say.

>Fucking idiots who write this shit dont even know what they are writing. They probably dont even know wtf a compressor is or how it could be applied or why you cant just suddenly remove it.
I actually believe this.

Why do people glorify writers so much. They are just one facet of a creative process and often so far up their own ass they can't see the forest for the trees.

When she bypassed the compressor the flozzilnators could amplify the verisimilitude of the Falcon

it's really quite simple.

I dont fucking get it though. A compressor is such a simple mechanical unit. Its basically a pump that generally deals with air/gasses while a pump would deal with fluid. They both move material and compress it to achieve an intended pressure suitable for use.

You cant just take the fuel pump (its a form of a compressor technically) out of a car. If your fuel lines need, say, 40 PSI of pressure to operate the injectors properly, you cant just take that shit out and expect it to operate at 14 PSI (roughly earths atmospheric air pressure). It wouldnt work, period.

Have these fucks never filled a bike tore before? Have they never used an air compressor at a gas station to top off their prius tires? How did no one catch this? It doesnt make sense, its yet another hole in the story. Did nobody actually read the script? They probably didnt give a fuck, they knew it was going to be a blowout regardless and no matter how weak and shitty the script, people will see it, and the next, and the next. They dont even put an ounce of effort to make their universe make sense.

Its all fucking garbage.

>Give me your cum

Physics faggot here.

There's actually a free hotline for Hollywood to use that puts them in contact with very knowledgeable volunteer STEM fags to shoot questions too.

It's basically why interstellar was, as far as I could tell, 100% factual. It astonished me that when they dipicted a black hole they were actually correct when there was very bring halo surrounding it. Only a knowledgeable grad student or nerd focusing on astrophysics would know that. (particles go super duper fast along the Schwartzchild radius and hit each other and chemically combine and stuff and luminosity goes up)

>interstellar was, as far as I could tell, 100% factual.


They had actual physics dude Kip Thorne as an advisor for that

In general films, particularly sci-fi films have a stories history of seeking professional advice on technical matters and then jettisoning it in favor of story. interstellar cuts this both ways by getting a lot of the details correct but fudging on a scientist who thinks love is a universal force and not the result of brain chemistry.

The Expanse was super exciting because it's source material was hyper-vigilant about accurate details in it's fictional universe, like getting orbit epochs right, what spin gravity might look like, etc. The showrunner is a fucking physics PhD.

The first season is basically amazing for this refusal to ignore reality; the only caveats are an engine of unprecedented efficiency and ayylmaos.

Yeah but I bypassed one compressor to use another compressor, does that count?

Yeah I forgot the weird love tangent niggetry. But nonetheless they did their fucking homework.

Same with The Martian but I was a little wary when he needed to jump - in space - moving stupidly fast onto another vehicle and.. just.. I mean the sheer probability. Especially if you're malnourished and mentally taxed but I mean let's face it it's Hollywood I don't wanna be a turbo autist. It's not like I'm gonna be a faggot and pick apart Harry Potter and how in the world do the get the energy for those """spells"""

She has the eyes of a cute pudgy baby

>install a compressor which is a giant mechanical contraption to the hyperdrive
>it's somehow disabled and bypassed by removing a circuit in the cockpit

I know it's fantasy, but can they at least try to have shit make sense?

>the only caveats are an engine of unprecedented efficiency and ayylmaos.

yeah, well, they need something to make it science FICTION.

My compressor has true bypass

That would be different. It would mean one compressor is doing the work of two, which is possible but will eventually destroy it by overloading it past its intended function. However i doubt thats what she said; i imagine she said "THE compressor" rather than "a compressor". I never watched this garbage so i wouldnt know.

Even so, HOW did she bypass it? It would need to be done mechanically. Meaning fucking around with circuit board props wont do it, unless a mechanical bypass system was already in place for such an event. If the designers accounted for that possibility, then surely they would have a valve or other means of activating that bypass that wouldnt require some mystical jedi know-all wizardry of ripping electronics out. It would be common knowledge.

The writers decided since its star wars, they dont have to be believable. They could have wrote they bypassed the dogfart sniffing machine and people would lap it up. They know the market and put minimal effort into their product. Its a common theme today across all business sectors.

the time dilation around black holes is greatly exaggerated in the movie.

Can you prove that mathematically?

I think what it was implying was that the compressor wasn't needed and was making the engine unstable. For example, if the line needed 40psi to work the compressor was increasing the psi to 75 and making it not work because the pressure was too high.

Although, they don't even attempt to explain how removing the switch next to the pilot bypasses that.

Not him but if I gave a fuck I could if I knew their precise velocity the equation is simple.

>have a car that can take off of a planet with gravitational forces that cause minutes to become decades
>need to discover gravity to lift a bigger spaceship into space

not fiction, just stupidity

The Martian end scene only makes sense if you've read the books. As far as adaptations go it's extremely faithful right down to whole pages of dialogue and plot being copied verbatim. The actual events on Mars are edited for brevity.

Anyway, in the books the Iron Man thing is a joke about how he might get from the lander to the ship IIRC. It's clearly just a joke because there's no way to really control your thrust vector in that configuration.

They did it in the movie because it looks cool, would be my guess.

The planet doesn't have high gravity, the black hole near the planet does. Reference frames, niqqa.


Nigger they literally stoop over out of breath and complain how taxing on the body it is to do anything because of how high the gravity is there compared to earth. What the fuck are you even talking about? Its not something that is implied - they literally say it.

If the ship is orbited the planet which is orbiting the black hole, how come they weren't all time dilated into the future? They should have been mission failed the moment they got into the gravitational well of that thing.

Unless we are supposed to believe it's the planet, not the black hole that has immense gravity.

it's kind of a mess, Nolan seems to have been hoping the audience could only follow the general plot and forget the details. Given how he directed the action in TDKR he has little regard or respect for his audience's intelligence and attention span.

Why do you think the waves were there? At the time when they gravity was heavy they were in shallow water. The water was shallow because, as if it were an almost infinitely heavy moon, the black hole was pulling the water towards itself, onto a side of the planet that they weren't on. They would have experienced that as a force p[ulling them down relative to the surface of the planet. When the planet rotated around so that the part of the surface they were on was facing the black hole that same would pull the water up to form the massive tsunamis, and that same force would be acting on them, against the planet's own gravitational pull, making them lighter relatively speaking.

The ship is orbiting the black hole in the same orbit as the planet

No. That's not how it works. I know this even though I can't refute you specifically. It's why we can perceive the tides, for one thing.

Also the way they did the tidal shit, it made no sense. The planet rotating. It should have been tidally locked with that sort of pull. Even the moon is enough to slow the rotation of the Earth by tiny bits every year.

yes, and it makes your device burn out or blow up

>I know this even though I can't refute you specifically

So what you're saying is I'm wrong and you're right but we'll just have to take your word for it?

How convenient for you

>I bypassed acting talent by sucking enough cocks


I know you're wrong about how gravity works, yes. And the way the film showed the black hole's gravitational effect on the planet was incorrect as well.

People seem to take the fact Kip Thorne advised on certain aspects of the film as proof that everything is scientifically accurate.

>I know you're wrong about how gravity works, yes

But you can't explain why, for equally unexplainable reasons

>that manly voice
Disney hired her because she's very masculine and looks slightly mongoloid, pleasing both SJWs and the Chinese.

Because the gravitational force of the black hole is translated into orbital velocity. A thing is orbit is basically just falling into a gravity well at a low (high?) inclination. They would not perceive the "pull" of the black hole the way you're describing. You ASSUME they would because of the visual evidence of the massive tides, but the tides themselves are incorrect, because they wouldn't be so comically massive, like walls of water, and they wouldn't move because gravity of that magnitude would have tidally locked the planet preventing it's spin.

I lack the technical knowledge and maths to explain this precisely which is why I am reluctant to try in the first place. What I do have is a strong intuitive understanding of this shit.

Chriss Pratt is the only "new" actor I don't hate.

Are there simply no more Tom Cruises, Christian Bales or Pamela Andersons?

It still sounded cringe as fuck

I thing the water on the planet should have been shallow on one end and extremely deep on the other with practically no movement. in fact it probably would have been perfectly still on the surface. still not exactly right but a lot better than the mountains, though also a whole lot less exciting.

Tidal locking takes time, and taking the time dilation factor into consideration and the life cycle of a lback hole it's more than possible that the planet was still in the process of becoming locked. I grant you the waves wouldn't be nearly as big but fundamentally I don't think the problem you;re seeing is there.

Additionally you're wrong about not feeling the pull of a massive object just because you're in orbit. That's why we have tides, it's why we have higher tides during a solar eclipse. Sure, we don't perceive the difference in gravity subjectively here on Earth but the Sun isn't a black hole. I think you're getting caught up on the centripetal parity and I don't think you have the intuitive grasp on orbital and gravitational mechanics you think you do.

she's not

>I don't think you have the intuitive grasp on orbital and gravitational mechanics you think you do.

She is

Dude, look past the leather dress and listen to the dialogue:
Nobody could have done a fine job with that dialogue, give the poor boy a break.

I bypass my hair when stupid fucks get to be called geniuses.


SAS dude from Kong grated my ears the whole time

God she's so fucking sexy in that outfit

I can't watch this without badly wanting to ravish Herschlag's semite pusy

>time to wear my lewdest outfit
>anakin, we can never be together
She can't keep getting away with it.

IT's an old meme sir, but it checks out

Have you written a compiler?

*claps slowly*

I try not to fuck with electrical shit when it's turned on. It's generally a bad idea.

reminds me of jim carrey as the riddler

Jyn bypassed my sleeve straight to my heart.

Maybe that literally is the board controlling the compressor, and if it is damaged it will bypass the compressor?

The joke is that by "bypassed" she means she just ripped it out



the most reddit post I've ever seen in my life.


I actually did once on my car. The AC compressor had seized up and wasn't even letting the car crank, so I had to get a smaller serpentine belt to literally bypass the compressor to get it running again. So yeah, it can happen IRL.

>TFW never use the ac, and don't even know if it even works

windows down and sun roof open all summer over here

there are no systems which usually rely on a compressor that are efficient without one. bypassing a compressor would either result in a massive increase of necessary energy input or malfunction due to temperature and pressure differences.

prove me wrong

omg you're a hardcore nerd!