What will happen in this debate ?

what will happen in this debate ?

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Hello Kings

>hillary, you're on record as siding with black lives matter. they've released their list of 'demands', which include dismantling the nypd, and free shit for life for anyone with black skin. will you give them what they want?
that question needs to be asked

killary stands out and shots trump
win the election

They should grab swords and fight each other, debates are meaningless.

which is exactly why no one will ask it

Hillary will get mad and have a stroke.

pretty much what this white gentleman said...

They will not ask any questions that could possibly be hurtful towards Clinton. Trump will try and steer things that way and the media afterwords will make a huge deal over it and dick ride Hillary like usual

Oh thanks for compliments.

Hillary will kick his ever-loving ass all over the stage. His loss will be undeniable. Even kikebart will crow about how she demolished him and tripped him up time and again. He will be embarrassed on a national stage like no one since nixon in 1960, and will suffer a 1972 mcgovern tier loss in the general.

>cap this screen

It will be glorious!!!

>Our madam Democratic Candidate has deemed your comment worthy. The grand prize of $0.52 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for using Shillbot.net

We need another battle of the billionaires.

Trump won't debate her because apparently there's an extremely important game of hand egg that nobody will want to missthat night.

It would be like if Canada scheduled a debate on hockey night.

>Trump calls out Hillary on her tremendous heap of lies, corruption and bullshit
>Hillary in a fit of rage bears her fangs and leaps toward Trump
>Trump reaches under his podium and unsheathes his gleaming sword, swinging a clean slice through the demons neck
>Trump holds out Hillary's head to show the crowd
>The head continues to shriek
>It screams________ (fill in the blank)

Checked. Let's hope she does and comes back a pantsuit wearing potato.

>$1 been deposited into your bank account by the Hillary campaign

It will be like Goku vs Freezer in real life.
Remember to give Trump your energy.

Hilldawg will have a stroke.

clinton will get destroyed

she could barely debate bernie

>hand egg
I thought it was called nigger collision?

>a complimentary #ImWithHer yarmulke has been sent to your listed address

Clinton is going to get fucked big time. Seriously. Trump turns these debates into shit shows. She's going to get fucked over big time.

She'll scream racist and he'll scream corrupt.
It honestly won't get any more interesting than that.

If the Libertarians participate, they will look like the grownups, compared to the other two screaming toddlers on the stage.

Libertarian support would go from 12% to 40+% overnight.

I would pay admission to see that.

>tips fedora

There's no real case for the "Trump is racist" angle, she'd concede defeat by doing that.

Well what will the crowd there be like? Will it be """"""""""balanced""""""" or full of people clapping Hillary and booing Trump? Haven't got a clue I've never been arsed with presidential debates before really.

Two Rothschild zionists will play a game in front of the American people making them believe they have a choice, a voice, or any kind of power over the 1%.

Well if we know anything about Trump it's that he's a fucking rockstar in debates, and if we know anything about Hillary it's that everybody hates her and knows she's a liar.

Based on this alone I think we can assume that Trump will come out ahead.

To this post, I add the power of KEK
Who shall provide me with digits to CHECK

Dumbald: The other day, and this is true, the other day I, let me finish, cause i know the medea will, the other day I said, and listen carefully, the other day i said to Millania, oh boy she's a looker huh? I said, stay with me here, the other day I , and you can quote me on this...

>Trump begins by bringing the energy
>Hillary starts with her usual cliches and bullshit promises
>Trump steals the crowd's attention with his plans
>Hillary will try to control the flow of the debate
>Trump won't take any of her shit
>Hillary goes for the racist, sexist, Hitler cards
>Trump goes for the kill by pointing out her corruption and lies
>Hillary denies it and tries to change the topic
>Trump has none of it and continues
>Hillary freaks out and sends out a barrage of accusations and passive aggressive insults
>Trump is undeterred
>Out of options, Hillary opts to take a 45 min breather
>The media looks for something Trump said to exploit for the week

Extreme populism and hollow, vague "plans".
From both sides

>Hillary: Building a wall will not work!
>Trump: It did pretty well in your convention

Depends entirely on which Trump shows up to the debates.

Hillary and the media have been prepping all Summer for dealing with loud, bombastic, inflammatory, blowhard Trump. The moderators and Clinton will have worked out just how to shut him down when he brings up controversial subjects and just how to bait him into saying damming soundbites they can play over and over for the following weeks.

But if it's the real the Trump. The thoughtful, intelligent Trump we've seen in old Oprah and Larry King interviews. The Trump who would show up to the debates and stick entirely to discussing the issues in a calm and rational manner that would throw the media and Hillary off their game...

... now that would be interesting.

Well, since she limited herself to rhetorical attacks, because if she starts slinging mud Trump will drown her in it, it won't be pretty. She'll get a few good hits in with the whole "muh fallen muslim soldier" ordeal but Trump will beat her down.

Just within the past month some real damning evidence has come out that the MSM has been trying to keep under the radar. But with the amount of anti-Hillary sentiment that entire country is feeling. Just bringing up how awful the DNC was is damaging enough.

You think she's going to scream when he's been doing that for months? No, she'll sit back and talk about national security, nato and the economy.

when do the debates start?

If Trump does it than I will wholeheartedly but into the 4-D chess meme.

It would be nice to see thoughtful Donald show up, but things wouldn't stay calm for long.

Donald is real easy to troll. Some well-calculated remark will push his buttons, and then the teleprompter gets shut down and the gloves come off.

>You think she's going to scream when he's been doing that for months?

Not really, but she'll be a few hairs away from a breakdown if Trump pushes the right buttons

Dubs will make it happen. Praise Kek.

I would really love to see this. He tends to be pretty calm in interviews, but he still goes off on tangents with lots of fluff and sometimes says controversial things. If he can channel that old Trump then Hillary will get BTFO

Either way, I'm sure he'll be calmer in the debates since he's not grandstanding, and millions of Americans who are only familiar with the soundbites will realize he'd probably be pretty good.

Unless of course he says something OUTRAGEOUS and OFFENSIVE

Why do people formerly associated with Clinton keep dying this year? Yesterday it was that author and a couple of months ago it was that UN official. Who's next on Clinton's hitlist?

The prep teams are going to have a fucking nightmare working with him. He's got no attention span and only loves reading about himself.

You can't take in complex foreign policy info from no base then spit it out under the biggest pressure imaginable. Do not miss this, you're going to see some shit.

Big Bill will be kill

>Gas the kikes, race war now

I'm glad you were able to CorrectTheRecord with this post :^)

and vice-versa, if this week is anything to go by.

Who cares america is doomed with either choice. This presidency is about electing a patsy for the shit storm to come.

There shouldnt be a studio audience for presidential debates

>"Mrs. Clinton, how awesome is it to be a grandmother?"
>"Mr. Adolph Trump, when did you stop beating Melania?"

Media declares Hillary winner

Cuz im a jew and im voting for hillary! I get it!

>Shame youre wrong on both counts, Jethro

this. I bet trump will be easy going "no way I can lose it against a wymen like hillary" but hillary's staff is probably working on a way to crack trump since he january. she will probably know everything he could say, and already have a counter for it.

Yeah shillbot doesn't know that people who listened to the 1960 debate on radio thought Nixon had won the debate. It goes back to women shouldn't be allowed to vote. They thought Kennedy won when they watched it on television bc muh uterus.

In terms of any form of debate happening, Trump would destroy her. Hillary could win, but with more people who don't like either candiate voting for Jill or the other cunt, I think Trump will prevail.

trump is gonna win win win and make great deals

Don will probably adopt strategies such as speaking out of turn like he did during the primaries. The moderators and Hillary will get mad, but he won't care. 'she should be running' attack against Jeb! comes to mind. I don't think she will ever be ready for Trumps October surprises.

>My phone autocorrects Jeb! to Jen! kek

Considering how Chris Wallace took it pretty damn easy on her and she still lied (and he didn't bother to press her on it like he should have), I think Trump will have no problem. Thing with Clinton is she's never pressed on issues because the media is gunning for her and she barely reveals herself in public. If Trump goes after her and puts pressure on her lies she'll flounder.

No it's called welfare check scramble

I remember Sup Forums claiming Biden would shit himself in the VP debate against Ryan. Ryan has a brain and knows how to use it, but he still sweated out like a stuck pig.

Trump stutters under pressure. Like in the Ukraine interview. Brain freeze incoming.

And he'll still win.

Pretty much. But if they get TRUMP chimping out, he'll either wind the crowd up or just embarrass himself.

Can't wait for the shitshow either way

It all depends on if Trump can get something thrown at her she wasn't prepared for. She'll become a stuttering mess and get caught lying if he does.

September I believe

>what will happen in this debate ?

hillary walks out with a few new assholes..

>poor terminally ill Bill I hope at least he still responds to viagra .. it would be sad if he couldn't make use of them before the end..

>It screams "a woman president!"

Since the media is in the bag for Hillary they will ask nothing but softball questions. Trump will get asked nothing but loaded questions. No matter what happens, the media will call Hillary the winner unless she breaks into a coughing fit and has a stroke on stage. Since the debate is on during football, they are hoping no one watches so it is easier to control the narrative.

>We have the best debates, don't we folks?


Sure worked well for katshit

Clinton is a piss poor debater all around. Even Correct The Record has to admit that

Trump will show his skills in 5D chess.

In the eyes of any educated citizen, he will lose the debate. But his polls will soar.

This. She's a recluse who lives in a bubble, and she notoriously surrounds herself with true believers like Mills, Huma, and Stephanopoulos. Watch any of the congressional hearings she's in, where she actually has to answer real questions with tough follow ups, and she comes across like a fucking witch.

We obviously can't expect it from the moderators, but if Trump can keep the heat on her she'll do very poorly.




How hard would johnson get stumped by trump if he managed to get into the debate?

No stumping would be necessary. Trump and Hillary would be like "Yeah whatever kid"

He'll just be standing there silent 95% of the time.

hillary calls him names
trump refutes them and proceeds to tear into her countless scandals

Trump's got this in the bag

carson treatment

Hillary will have a heart attack on stage. Kek wills it.

>Like Nixon in 1960
You do know that Nixon was objectively proven to be the better spoken candidate? He won the debate, but Kennedy was handsome.

It won't happen.
Hillary won't show up because she knows she will win. Trump would crush her without mercy in a debate , but why bother ? She's already paid of the GOP , media and rigged the polls.

Are you retarded? Trump is the name-caller.

Hillary actually bring substance to the debate table—substance Trump is mostly ignorant about. He's going to look like a retard.


Not really. Just whatever substance is currently leaking out of that cunt she's always alluding to.

It could go either way. Though I'm inclined to think that Hillary just doesn't have enough energy to go head to head with Trump's bantz. Trump might dig himself a hole.
He is probably going to bluntly demand answers about her controversies in such a way that she can't reflect the question.
She might pull the "trump is a big meanie" angle but I don't think people would like their leader to show such weakness.
Trump will win unless he stumps himself.

politics isn't about substance it's just the big picture like would you expect the CEO mcdonalds to know how to flip a burger etc
I would say trump has more substance anyway since hillary is taking the usual liberal point of "we need to bring X to attention and start a conversation" then proceed to do absolutely nothing about it

Hillary doesn't want to debate. The reason Trump made ones about the debate schedule was so it's on the public record that the debate schedule is set and Hillary can't back out.

I'm actually worried for Trump. He is too vague sometimes and all Hillary has to do is press him for details and it will cause a lot of trouble. Trump has to be well researched and ready to clarify



if kek wills it

In all seriousness, Hillary is going to get stomped during the debates. However, every other variable will be working in favor of that two-faced cunt. Questions will be blatantly designed to mess with Trump, they may even fuck with the lighting to make Hillary look better. I honestly respect the man a lot more for putting up with all of this bullshit.

At this point I'm curious about his killswitch. If Hillary rigs the election, Trump is going to fuck her day.

this honestly. i'd take sharia at that point

Last I checked Trump was the one who backs out of debates... he did so twice before the RNC

I think everybody underestimates Trump's knowledge of current affairs. Go look at videos of him talking politics before he started running. He clearly knows what he's talking about.

Hilldawg will refuse to debate Trump. Callin' it.