Study suggests white people find black men hostile — even when they’re smiling

>A new study put out by New York University researchers essentially claims to show that white people are subconsciously biased and can’t help but make snap decisions about others based on stereotypes.

Stupid fucking white man.

Other urls found in this thread:

>1/10 black men under the age of 25 are gang members
>why are you suspicious of them, you racists?

>black men nearly 10x more likely to commit a violent crime than a white man
>don't be racist bro

>Let's just ignore that the white man is paranoid, especially when there are no indications of danger.

It's not just white people. All races view blacks like that.

>pattern recognition is paranoia

Blacks think all whites are racist.

It could be a cultural thing.
Where i live negroes are enslaved and overall very cool and submissive, even when you see them walking in packs in the middle of the night. Send the kids to school, no gangsta shit, very christian and work hard

Must be an american thing, making niggers feral

i don't wanna get punched in the side of the head

must be all the crime they commit

1 in 15 black males are in prison -right fucking now-.

1 in 10 black males are in a gang -right fucking now-.

There is literally a 33% chance that a black male is, or will in future, be a convicted criminal.

There are 4 black guys in that webm. Statistically, at least one of them has been or will some day be in jail.

It's almost 50/50 whether one of them is a gang member.

Sorry, but there's a -good fucking reason- to be on guard when you see a black male.

>even when they’re smiling

I never realised criminals don't smile.

Whites are programmed to be racist by the indoctrination program that is patriarchal, cisgendered, hetero-normative white supremacist western capitalism.

You should probably start insulting people like Abraham Lincoln, Che Guevarra and Ghandi for their pattern recognitio...I mean racism.


good to see that natural instincts still work

must not happen to all people though, considering how many whites are murdered by blacks

America takes shit, we would burn their house with them inside

This desu senpai. #imwithHer


it's a pretty simple concept

It seems like a healthy sense of self preservation.

>Blacks hugely over represented for crimes like murder, assault, theft, rape
>Whites are afraid of blacks


That's probably because blacks have such an incredible propensity for violent crime that its mathematically correct to never relax around blacks.
There is a 1 in 4 chance that black men are violent criminals.
When the summit of your culture is focused on selling drugs, taking drugs, and committing violent acts people are going to take notice and become wary of you.
>implying any other race would interpret blacks in a different way

facts be rayciss n sheeit

No matter how much kike racemix multikult propaganda they shove down our throats instincts always win out in the end.

It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.

Most lower animals smile when they're trying to be threatening or intimidating, and niggers are no exception.

See chimps. If a chimp smiles at you, its not a happy chimp

also notwhite…

>A new study shows at least 65% of all studies are made up for whatever agenda they're pushing.

Same with eye contact, fix your gaze with a nig nog and he will literally instantly be in fight mode, ready to throw down. I've never met any other race that is so instantly ready for violence as blacks.

I try to have as little bias as possible, but if a black man moves too quickly around me, my guard is up. 100% of attackers, in my experience, are black, which is difficult to ignore.

It's a animal instinct thing. Eye contact means you are challenging him so you can become leader of the pack and earn the sole right to mate with the females.

Leave your comments for all the people who have suffered with police violence here anons lol:

Black people never smile. A smiling nigger is suspect as fuck. Anyone with any street smarts knows he's up to something

You're never supposed to relax.

I'm worried at how well you can mimic severe brain defects

It's called survival instinct. Same reason humans (usually) don't pet spiders, play with snakes or wrestle with crocodiles.

That's cause that nigger was laughing while robbing me at gun point

Pattern recognition is bad, goy!

Nothing to see here, racist!


Maybe black people should stop being so hostile, hmm?

fuck off cumskin

When a monkey shows you it's teeth, that is not a gesture of friendliness.

why do you do this to me Sup Forums you provide me with eye opening information that I doubt I wouldve gotten anywhere else.

Yet everytime you fall for the Inner city meme. Its the social condtioning.

Some of us just geniunely like smiling, we dont get many chances to.

Fucking shocking.

a nigger broke into my car last night. i know it was a nigger because the only thing he took was my 20 dollar dugout with not even enough weed in it to smoke, but left my expensive ray-bans as if they were just normal sunglasses. Guess the nigger couldn't read the logo.

I'm aware that I am often looked at as a threat just because I'm black even when I'm being polite.

So because of that I just keep to myself, only associate with people I know. When at work and someone needs help, I say nothing, get them what they need/want. Let them figure it out from there.

>That will probably make them more uncomfortable
If me doing nothing makes white people feel more uncomfortable I don't know what to tell you. Maybe they can just avoid me, not speak to me, and not look at me.

Snaps decisions like that keep you alive. It's like walking past a pitbull, you can take your chances of getting bit or not by walking near it. Or by pass all off that and cross the street and avoid that all together. Treat blacks like that and i guarantee that you'll never get sucker punched


Here is the picture they used for the study

>Implying niggers don't regularly smile before acts of violence

wew lad.

Maybe stop being so violent and we wouldn't assume you were violent.

Black men will smile at you and then smack you in the back of the head as you walk past. Whites don't trust black strangers because that would be stupid and get you hurt.

Would like to see a nigger do that in Eastern Europe.

I have to admit I feel this way.

That's because black men are the only ones that can be smiling and laughing one second and then assaulting and robbing you the next. They're fucking bipolar or some shit.

Also, I'm able to scare white people just by smiling at them? That's all? Cowards.

Oh well. I guess they just love giving us power. Fear us more.


....Was that a bunch of homeless crackheads or something?

Never trust a smiling nigger. Or a Nigger period.


>Study suggests white people find black men hostile — even when they’re smiling
I think its the same the other way around desu laddies


Not all white people think the same. (((They))) are trying to make a stereotype about white people

It's too much of a nigger to expect reading comprehensin. We find you hostile; agressive barking chihuahuas are hostile but that has no impact on my ability to curb stomp it like I'm playing American History X on my virtuaboy, nor does it have a bearing on a thing being found to be intimidating

Or of both.

He was smiling, clearly harmless, stop being racist!

You are calling me an "aggressive barking chihuahua" yet are quick to attack me in such a manner over the internet?

You may have things confused here, friend.

>Black men will smile at you and then smack you in the back of the head as you walk past.

That's because they're unpredictable compared to white folk.

And you're doing an excellent job of owning a stranger over the Internet. Do you feel powerful like all the people that pick on you in your life?

That 1st sentence there sure was confusing.


Around blacks never relax. Unless its terry crews.

I really wouldn't say what I'm doing is "owning" anyone. At all.
If you think that is then that's all you.

now add chimp sounds

>swinging at each other with such passion and poise
They have such an interesting culture. Is this a dance or performance native to their homeland, Afrika?

I'm so glad the black folks I live around are all retired military with really well behaved kids. small town the best. only crime we deal with is from the native reservation near us and that's just stealing.


the happening: a
it is today
the first domino has been felled
letter from an assassinated woman
>Elections have been rigged since 2000
>9/11 was an inside job
>Shadow government keeps president in line using Zapruder film
>Bernie won democratic primary by a landslide
Algorithm simultaneously deletes some bernie votes and changes some bernie votes to hillary.
>Anyone who tries to reveal it is murdered using "suicides", "fatal accidents", and "terminal illnesses"
>The guy who wrote the letter signed his name as "deceased"
>Entire thing blames Karl Rove as principal perpetrator behind entire operation.



Did you learn how to own people over the internet from your dad?

hahahahaha fucking niggers every time.
That's all you are though, you bark like angry chihuahuas. When someone barks back or attacks you, you run like the pussies that you are.

The fuck is this?


Just like myself, my father keeps to himself, so nah.

It is not the faulth of the white man because niggers look like apes.

Non-white skin is an indication of danger

What the hell is happening here?

What is this? Source?

Does the poster of this want to tell us what's going on in that screen cap?

Crus misle

You would get lots in Africa, why not go there?

wheres the study that shows the disproportionate amount of crime blacks commit?

where could a bias like that come from?

We are pussies yet white people get scared when we so much as smile at them?

Again, I think you have things confused here, friend.

came out today

>patriarchal, cisgendered, hetero-normative white supremacist

Holy hell, you mastered the terms.

I still haven't decided whether or not I'll ever take the time to find out what the term "CIS" is attempting to refer to.

You just need to learn to not take it personally. You shouldn't clam up and let others' opinion of your race fuck with you when you aren't actually doing something wrong. Tbh the silent autist treatment just makes you look like a child, regardless of race or gender.

It couldn't have anything to do with their predisposition to violent crime would it?

Sure we do, buddy-pal-chum.

Unfortunately, you have had to come to this conclusion because of what a huge amount of other black people have done. My condolences.

>yfw there are BLACK """"people"""" browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

W-what do you want?