Are boomers right about millenials being lazy?

Are boomers right about millenials being lazy?

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yes but they would be too if the roles were reversed

if I could own a home and support a family on an entry level factory job then I'd be much more motivated to work hard

millenials are right about boomers being useless niggers

t. Millenial

>tfw boomers will go extinct soon

boomers left us 133% of debt/gdp

they should be lined up against a wall and shot in the dick

daily reminder


90 IQ meme

Leaf currently in the US here

>work for minimum wage ($11.25)
>only get 24-30 hours a week, lucky if i get 40
>Only get paid every 2 weeks, ($500-700)
>Just rent alone is $550

I’m living pay check to pay check and some days i don’t even eat because i can’t afford it

Fuck boomers honestly, they fucked us over and still talk shit and call us lazy

>using IQ as a measure of intelligence

>85 IQ and dropping

>Are boomers right about millenials being lazy?
For the most part, yes.
They are right.

Not trying to be a dick but why would leave Canada to make minimum wage? Aren't you just making things harder for yourself?

Sorry i didn’t really explain, I live in canada. I’m just on vacation with some relatives in the US. I come back next week

Also i doubt the US has $11.25 minimum wage

tfw so will our own children's children's children


Don’t get you hopes high. The ones that make it to like 2030’s might be here for looooooooooong time.

My favourite type of boomer is the retarded obese housewife with a communications degree from ASU that she got into because her dad's a state senator and she never worked a day in her life and married rich at 20 and got a nanny to raise the kids but still complains about millenials being lazy on twitter but its okay shr volunteers once a week at church and organized last weeks book club that shows how hard working she is

I unironically want some ruling elite to be immortal and lord over us vs everyone being immortal. Society would collapse so fast with global immortality.

>oy vey boomers are terrible
>continues to acrue debt of his own
Well, honestly speaking we don't have that problem here, but we have our own flavor of olrd retard here. Thanks to the whole USSR collapse thing.

Why? Birthrates would drop to nothing, so no overpopulation.

>sucking the dick of capitalism

So true, Comrade! Can we build the gulags in your country?

By that time they will be brainless senile husks and won't be able to spread their malicious influence anymore.


Perhaps not. Hopefully such brain rejuvenation will give them autism due to still being at its infancy.

Strawmanning is not a form of argumentation.

1. Having children is one of life's greatest joys.
2. I know I'm not smart enough to meaningfully contribute anything even with immortality. Better for the species if I'm a serf.
3. And I also know a lot of people are even dumber than me.
4. Death is mandatory for true progress, we will stagnate hard if it's the same population of humans forever.

We don't actually need "true progress".

Socialism has been disproven both on a philosophical and tangible level so many times that the only reason you still cling onto it has to be due to low IQ, hence why there is no reason to argue

"ive already won the argument, i dont need to make any because im inherently right" is not an argument, Hans.

I’d suck each customers dick in the grocery store line if I got paid as much as those old faggots did to do simple tasks

There are people that formulated arguments against it in a more eloquent manner than you could ever achieve, but you disregard those because you are ideologically posessed, hence why there is no point in arguing.

this but unironically

Are the silent generation right about boomers being lazy?

Boomers are assrattled they can't double dip on the free rides. First they rode off the Greatest Generation and now they want to ride off of Millenials.

Im in my mid 20s and have never had a job. Why work hard? I check out Indeed and everything is 10 years experience minimum wage. Fuck that shit

>11.25 min wage

First post best post and dubs of truth.