Best adapted comics couples?

Best adapted comics couples?

Certainly not those two. Elektra was a whole lot of wasted potential.

I could see why people would think that, but Elektra was much better than her comic counterpart.

Outside of Punisher, their back and forth and sexual tension were the best.

>their back and forth and sexual tension were the best
That's why her potential was so wasted. They were great together.

What part of her potential was wasted?

Another season of Elektra-DD team-ups.

I disagree. I feel the DD x Frank sexual tension was the better of the series.

She's obviously coming back. If not in DD season 3 certainly the Defenders.

I mean, we know Kingpin is coming back as well. He just got the name.

Yeah but who knows what terms they'll be on. She might be working for the hand. And Matt might have his dick fully inside Karen by then. I'm positive they're not gonna be turning back the dial on their relationship.

>Elektra was much better than her comic counterpart
Fuck off and never come back until you read Elektra: Assassin.

Show's Elektra is garbage.

You're garbage.

Elektra: Assassin was funny. As in, it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously at all. Daredevil, the show and comic, is rather serious.

Also, in the original comics at least, Elektra felt far too obsessed with Matt and really kind of boring. The show makes her feel a lot more conflicted and complicated and also made her feel like a sociopath outside of Matt, which I thought was an awesome portrayal. Also, I think it was better that they went with the angle of Elektra dating Matt to bait him into killing and joining the Chaste, yet falling in love with him. It felt better than her comic background.

Unless they adapt Born Again :^)

Snart and Rory.

Pic unrelated, right?

You don't even read comics. Who are you trying to kid? Kill yourself.



Get a loada this guy.

But sociopaths are inherently boring.

Not to mention how, for all the talk about her being some sort of extremely dangerous human superweapon she was nothing but completely useless in any fight that isn't with nameless mooks.

Hulk and Black Widow

>But sociopaths are inherently boring.
Spoken like a true king of plebs

No, sociopaths that are laughing madmen are boring. They went with a much better version of the concept by showing that just because she doesn't feel remorse doesn't mean she doesn't love someone.

Also, I'm pretty sure they only ever really fought nameless mooks outside of Nobu, and Matt seemed to get his ass kicked by the ninjas just as much.

Although I'm not a fan of Superman, Lois and Clark from the 90's tv series are up there


All sociopaths are boring. Have you ever seen one? They're the most shallow one-note people on Earth. They may as well be walking caricatures.

Christ you're an idiot. Never try to be a writer cause you'd be very bad at it.

Best adapted comics threesome

I'd definitely be better than idiotic hacks who think that giving a character sociopathic traits would make them a better character.

I'm going to get a lot of shit for this but Peter and Gwen from TASM had good chemistry.

>sociopaths are boring
>here's a sociopath is not boring because X Y and Z
>no sociopaths are boring because I said so
You're an idiot.

I've met quite a few, and yes, they can be interesting. Elektra in the show is a very good example. That's not the only thing that makes her a good character, though.

The jealousy of Stick's begrudging respect for Matt and the contrast of her getting angry at Stick and trying to kill him vs. Matt forgiving him because he's a Christian was cool.

Elektra is not even a sociopath, you absolute fucking moron. You yourself mentioned that she's capable of love, but it seems you're too dumb to understand how that doesn't make her a sociopath.

And she was the definition of boring. Her being "conflict" was nothing but cheap drama you'd find on a shitty soap opera.

How? They're barely people. They should be just gassed for the better of humanity, because they benefit nothing to it. They're only out to do things that please themselves.

Oh, hey, I spotted a sociopath!

She's definitely got a lot of traits of a sociopath, yeah. A sociopath can love. They don't feel remorse, but they can love.

Her love is portrayed pretty well too. Her love involves controlling and manipulating Matt, but that doesn't mean deep down it's not genuine. But she is a sociopath. She cares about no one outside of Matt and doesn't understand that threatening witnesses for Matt is not the way normal people behave.

Also, I'm not saying sociopaths are good people, but they can be interesting.

Not all sociopaths are the same dumb nigga. You can display degrees of anti-social behavior.

Yes there are various degrees of anti-social behavior. And sociopathy is sociopathy.

>ever good enough to be best anything
Only idiots go through relationships. Women are scum of the Earth.

Sup Forums has gone full circle into becoming homolords now, I see.

ASPD is socipathy, ya dingus. And yeah, they're finding there's degrees of it.

Elektra's love is unhealthy, but it doesn't make it not love. She just sees how it benefits her as well, something very indicative of sociopathy.

>Sup Forums
Never even gone to that board.
Women are annoying greedy morons and any man who wants to be in relationship with them is just as dumb.
>inb4 gay
Fags are disgusting, I'd rather be single.

Was your mommy mean to you as a kid?

>ASPD is socipathy, ya dingus.
Please show me where I said it wasn't

Wait why the fuck are you even trying to argue with me?

>Yes there are various degrees of anti-social behavior. And sociopathy is sociopathy.

Sociopathy isn't JUST sociopathy, there's varying degrees. A sociopath can be a relatively good person. Elektra isn't even good, she's just charming.

You're the same dude who claimed sociopaths are all boring because they're just dicks, right? I'm saying, no they can vary like anyone, and there's lower levels of sociopathy.

>You're the same dude who claimed sociopaths are all boring because they're just dicks, right?
You responded to me here Where I'm responding to that dude. How could you even think I was that guy calling myself a "dumb nigga"

What? He responded to you, you responded to him, and then I responded to you, agreeing with him.

Maybe I'm confused, what did you mean by sociopathy is sociopathy?

I thought the "do you still want me" scene was kinda cute.

>do you still want me
Which scene was that? Haven't seen it in a bit. Was that when she was wounded in bed?

>what did you mean by sociopathy is sociopathy?
Oh I was confused. That wasn't me. This clusterfuck is all my fault.

While i don't agree as vehemently relationships take a lot of work to build up and can go up in flames in a fucking instant. It takes a judge of character and trust so you're not getting fucked over. I can't see putting in the work like that.

Mental laziness I guess but everytime I think I miss the feel of being beside a woman I jerk off and suddenly I realize I don't really want it. Not long term anyway.

Maybe a fuck buddy is for you, user.

felicity and Oliver is better

do not do this to me

It was that scene where the cam lingered on her for a second too long when she asked the question, making it akward to watch but cute to see in her eyes in that nervous "ehehehe" sort of way.

She had just murdered the young boy after telling Matt she could change or something like it.

Nigga you and me are about to have problems.

Sorry meant For you

Lol you didn't give any reasons fuck off

That scene was actually really sad. From Matt saying he's just a kid to the crazy eyes that Elektra gives to Matt kicking her out.

This is just after she kicked Stick out because she WANTED to go soft and have Matt change her. It's just depressing.

But yeah, you can see the desperation in her eyes. She really wants him to love her. The season was a bit disjointed, but both Matt and Elektra's actors and actresses were incredible.

But I did.